View Full Version : Back Bay Flukin 7/26

07-27-2017, 05:52 PM
Fished the triangle area on wed from 8-12 before the east wind kicked up the area and sent us back to the dock.The one area had a patch of fluke that kept us busy all morning with shorts and two keepers.It wasn't drop n reel but very good.They were in 20-35 ft. Once you got in the channel the bite died.Very fast drift.We were next to a non sponser party boat most of the morning,and gotta say it was packed and the nets were flying most of the morning!

Salty Dog
07-27-2017, 07:51 PM
Thanks for the report . Was thinking about fishing that area tomorrow ,now I know we are .

07-27-2017, 10:02 PM
Where is the triangle area?

07-28-2017, 05:04 AM
Where is the triangle area?

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