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View Full Version : Pier/Surf Fishing South Jersey

Ned Stark
07-21-2017, 02:58 PM
Any good spots for snappers lately or fluke from the piers/shores? Haven't had too much luck with Fluke at Sandy Hook and I was gonna try for snappers if they've been biting lately and give up on fluke for a bit. I did hear the fluke were starting to bite but forgot where the person said.

I'm from Bergen County btw and usually make a trip every so often with my friend from school. Any info will be greatly appreciated. Haven't had a good fishing season and looking to turn it around.

07-21-2017, 03:17 PM
Give Island Beach State Park a try. You can keep 2 16" fluke there. Beware of the beached great white whale near the Governor's house. I tagged 60 fish in Manasquan Inlet this year. It may be good fishing there now also.