View Full Version : Icast?

07-14-2017, 08:23 AM
While I see a lot of posts by, Tackle sellers, about new products being shown at the ICAST show. I have to wonder do any of the tackle sellers question the manufacturers as to why they don't step up and help the fishermen fight the opressive regulations being forced on us? Wouldn't it be to everyones best interest if they did?

At the present rate there won't be a need for this show in a couple years!

07-14-2017, 10:39 AM
I really thought trump was going to save the fishing industry ....
Guessing was duped

07-14-2017, 12:21 PM
ICAST works with the fishing tackle manufacturers' lobbying group "Keep America Fishing."

Here are the issues on which it works - saltwater fishing is #1.

You'll see summer flounder (fluke) on the list, as well.

The more you know ...

07-14-2017, 02:06 PM
While I see a lot of posts by, Tackle sellers, about new products being shown at the ICAST show. I have to wonder do any of the tackle sellers question the manufacturers as to why they don't step up and help the fishermen fight the opressive regulations being forced on us? Wouldn't it be to everyones best interest if they did?

At the present rate there won't be a need for this show in a couple years!

Each tackle manufacture give millions of dollars a year towards fighting for fishing .
It is all directed through the American Sport Fishing Association.

Seems we need to get the ASA to send some of that money towards our interests.
