View Full Version : NOAA Rules in NJ's Favor Regarding Fluke

Angler Paul
07-11-2017, 08:40 PM
NOAA Rules In NJ's Favor Regarding Fluke
IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Lawrence Hajna (609) 984-1795
July 11, 2017 Bob Considine (609) 292-2994
www.nj.gov/dep Caryn Shinske (609) 984-1795
(17/P73) TRENTON – The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has affirmed New Jersey’s summer-flounder fishing size, bag limits and season, meaning all rules adopted by the state earlier this year will remain in effect through early September, Department of Environmental Protection Commissioner Bob Martin announced today.
The decision, approved by U.S. Secretary of Commerce Wilbur Ross, finds New Jersey in compliance for management of summer flounder. It follows weeks of information-sharing between the DEP and NOAA about the expected impacts on New Jersey’s summer flounder fishery imposed by a regional fisheries commission earlier this year.
“We are very pleased that NOAA worked with us to understand our position that sound science and good long-term planning must drive decisions about the management of summer flounder, one of the state’s most important recreational and commercial fish species,” Commissioner Martin said. “New Jersey is fully committed to employing science and public education to conserve a species that is critical to the fishing culture and economy of the state.”
“I would like to thank Secretary Ross and Assistant Administrator of NOAA Fisheries Chris Oliver and for working with the State of New Jersey to preserve and manage our fisheries through responsible management processes, while recognizing the economic impacts of this industry to the state,” said DEP Deputy Commissioner David Glass.
The decision means that the recreational summer flounder season, that began May 25 and runs through Sept. 5, remains unchanged. The minimum size remains 18 inches for summer flounder for most coastal waters, including the ocean, estuaries and creeks. Anglers in these areas may keep three legally sized fish per day. The size limit for Delaware Bay is 17 inches, with a three-fish per day limit. At Island Beach State Park the size limit for shore fishing is 16 inches, with a daily two-fish limit.
Toward the DEP’s goal of ensuring a sustainable summer flounder fishery, the DEP’s Division of Fish and Wildlife launched a campaign to educate the fishing public on how to reduce discard mortality by safely releasing summer flounder that do not meet minimum size requirements.
“We are asking all anglers to help protect this important species for future generations,” Commissioner Martin said.
Recreational and commercial fishing generates $2.5 billion in economic activity in the state each year. Also known as fluke, summer flounder is popular because of its delicate flavor and abundance along beaches and in bays and other coastal waters.
The “If You Can’t Keep It, Save It!” campaign focuses on the proper handling methods and gear to use to reduce unintentional mortalities that can occur when flounder that do not meet minimum length requirements are returned to the water.
The campaign builds upon the FishSmart campaign promoted by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. New Jersey’s effort features distribution of print and electronic brochures to anglers registered through the state’s Saltwater Registry, charter and party boat operations, bait-and-tackle shops and members of fishing organizations, as well as radio public-service announcements and newspaper advertisements. The Division of Fish and Wildlife is also doing outreach through its website, email lists and social media.
To make the “If You Can’t Keep It, Save It!” campaign even more successful, the Division of Fish and Wildlife, in coordination with the American Sportfishing Association and Eagle Claw
Fishing, will distribute 20,000 free larger-sized hooks that help anglers land bigger fish and reduce the potential for discards.
These hooks will be available soon at bait-and-tackle shops. The Save the Flounder Fishery Fund provided valuable support to this effort. A list of participating shops will be made available on the DEP’s website and the Division of Fish and Wildlife Facebook page.
The Division of Fish and Wildlife encourages anglers to follow these techniques:
• Plan ahead – Expect to release fish and have the necessary equipment to do so, including de-hookers and proper nets; more experienced anglers may also consider using a recompression tool, a device that allows fish to be returned to the water at a safer depth.
• Use appropriate gear – Use gear suited to the size of the fish that you are trying to catch; 5/0 to 7/0 size hooks are recommended to successfully land bigger fish and reduce discards.
• Handle fish carefully – Use knotless, rubberized landing nets and rubberized gloves to avoid removing the protective slime layer on fish and help ensure survival when it is placed back in the water.
“By following these guidelines, anglers will be giving fish a better chance of survival,” said Division of Fish and Wildlife Director Larry Herrighty. “This campaign reminds all generations of anglers that proper handling and quick return to the water will help ensure an ample supply of keepers for generations to come.”
In February, the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission (ASMFC), a regional board comprised of representatives from Maine to Florida, approved a 19-inch size limit for New Jersey. However, Division of Fish and Wildlife data show that few fish in New Jersey reach that size due to the species’ biological needs and distribution patterns. Moreover, the overwhelming majority of fish that would meet that “keeper” size limit would be reproductive females.
New Jersey appealed the ASMFC decision to NOAA, expressing concerns that the larger size limit would result in a significant increase in discard mortalities and would make the population less sustainable by forcing anglers to keep reproductive females.
For more on flounder regulations, best fishing practices, a list of shops distributing free hooks (when available) and other information, click the logo or visit: www.SaveFluke.nj.gov
or follow us on Facebook at NJFISHANDWILDLIFE
Don't forget to sign up for the JCAA Fluke Tournament and a chance to win $50,000 cash. Visit www.jcaa.org for details

Capt Joe
07-11-2017, 09:06 PM
Gee, guess while I am waiting for my larger size Eagle Claw hooks I will also be waiting for the $3500 daily stipend check from the NJDEP to make up for the 21 lost days in September? Ya think? Or is that coming from ASMFC? Or is it NMFS? No matter, I will be waiting patiently.:eek::mad::mad::mad: But I guess we will have plenty of time in September sitting on our asses at the dock to catch up on those pesky VTR'S.

07-11-2017, 09:12 PM
Lipstick on a Pig, but thanks Bob Martin for not just caring, but acting. Acting boldly !

duranautic al
07-11-2017, 09:54 PM
kinda sounds like were now THANKING the feds for our 3 fish/18 inch shortened season??... for what??...for not taking even MORE away??!!

07-12-2017, 03:59 AM
Good news. I also appreciate the " If you can't keep it-save it " campaign.
Thanks for the report Paul.

bunker dunker
07-12-2017, 07:13 AM
please sir may i have another

Grateful Dad
07-12-2017, 08:31 AM
It could have been worse. Short season sucks, but at least we don't have 19".

Charlie B
07-12-2017, 08:44 AM
A small step in the right direction. But at least it is a start. I would rather take a small victory than any loss...Charlie

07-12-2017, 09:12 AM
This is hardly a win, this is settling for the scraps that fell off the table during our corrupt legislative process.

Gerry Zagorski
07-12-2017, 09:42 AM
So one of the arguments we made as recreationals when we were fighting for status quo was we should not be forced to keep 19 inch Fluke which are all females. Now we have 18 inch regulations and a shorter season so there was some horse trading since you can't have it both ways...

In any event, the fact that the Sec of Commerce sided with the NJDEP vs what NFMS wanted is a victory in itself, albeit with regulations that still suck.

Lots of changes happening in the Fisheries Management Ranks as you saw here and is evidenced by all the new appointments that have been made recently. Further, the SSFFF size sex study is going to be reviewed and factored in for the 2018 Fluke Stock assessment so progress there too.

There are battles and there are wars. Fact is these are some major strategic wins. We can continue to argue and be divided on the short term tactical battles when regulations are set and we fight over the scraps they throw us every Spring. We do however need to keep our eye on the bigger prize by winning the war and that's by staying united to fight the bigger strategic and long term issues. That's when real change can occur but it does not happen over night.

bunker dunker
07-12-2017, 10:44 AM
i'm sure the sponsor pbs are happy{not}they have to make budget with a month less fishing time.its not a win nor a step in the right direction.

07-12-2017, 10:59 AM
This is hardly a win, this is settling for the scraps that fell off the table during our corrupt legislative process.

You beat me to it! Like we are supposed to be jumping up and down for a three...fish limit and NO...September? And please, people, please stop saying, "We limited out." Like, 3 fluke? Like one weakfish? Geeeeezzz Loueeez!!!

Gerry Zagorski
07-12-2017, 12:06 PM
No one is happy with these regulations. If anything these crappy regulations do favor the southern NJ boats better since the fish are generally smaller and their season ends when the vacationers leave in early Sept. It would be nice if we could split our state regulations north and south and let each decide what's best for them in terms of start and end dates.... I hope that option comes available since it would settle the north vs south thing. What it's not going to solve is the larger issues of fisheries management. Our season was doomed from the start given the status of the stocks, how that is measured and how they set regulations. If you think 2017 sucks, just wait until you see 2018....

Yes these short term regulations suck but the only way out of them is a long overdue and massive overhaul of Fisheries Management, the science and their philosophies. It's pretty obvious what they've been doing for the last 30 years is obviously not working for the fish or the fishermen.

Look at Sea Bass.. Totally rebuilt yet we still have these restrictive regulations in place?? Total BS and things need to change...

07-12-2017, 12:25 PM
Agree with above.
Only way fisheries regulations will improve is loosen the Magnusson constraint.
In order to that, WE need to pressure our politicians and hold them accountable.

My rep., Tom Macarthur flat out lied to me about the Fluke issue. Nearly every Jersey politician failed to act. Yes they wrote letters, but we needed more than that.
The reason we didn't get status-quo was simply a failure for our representatives to do their job. That too needs to change.

If you are unhappy with 3@18, then tell your congressman. If your business is going to suffer, make sure your politician knows.

Personally, I will not support Tom Macarthur in his reelection campaign.

Gerry Zagorski
07-12-2017, 12:55 PM
Agree with above.
Only way fisheries regulations will improve is loosen the Magnusson constraint.
In order to that, WE need to pressure our politicians and hold them accountable.

My rep., Tom Macarthur flat out lied to me about the Fluke issue. Nearly every Jersey politician failed to act. Yes they wrote letters, but we needed more than that.
The reason we didn't get status-quo was simply a failure for our representatives to do their job. That too needs to change.

If you are unhappy with 3@18, then tell your congressman. If your business is going to suffer, make sure your politician knows.

Personally, I will not support Tom Macarthur in his reelection campaign.

Yep we need to fight this bottoms up by working with local politicians and top down working with the executive branches in Washington.

07-12-2017, 04:56 PM
21 days off of Sept.....8 more days off added to that so far due to Weather and lack of participation, I should be happy, Bullshit. Give the dog a bone thinking it will makes us feel better or help the business, yea right. :mad: No Refunds for Weather days, WTF!!

07-12-2017, 04:57 PM
Yes, I agree that three fluke at 18" and a shortened season is far from optimal. But look what just happened. The NJ DEP, NJ Fish & Wildlife and the NJ Marine Fisheries Council just told the ASMFC to "Go Fluke Yourself," and they won!! Contrary to some of the above comments, this is a major political victory. The state is now on our side in a big way. But we need to take this to the next level to make genuine progress on the regulations for all species. Our congressmen and senators need to address Magnussen.

Also, thanks to the RFA and JCAA. Join at least one, if not both. They fight tirelessly for us. They need your financial support. And remember, if you're not part of the solution, then you're part of the problem.

Also thanks to our ASMFC reps, Nowalski and Fote, who always stand up for us.

Joey Dah Fish
07-12-2017, 10:42 PM
It's not a win and I wish all of you glass half full guys had the decency to be honest. They regs suck!!!! Not only were we lied too, we were also misrepresented. By actually trying to defend cutting back room deals with our fishery against us as fisherman you have successfully once again insured their power and their position. Have you no moral obligation ? Have you no sense of right and wrong? You said it was status quo or bust. The proof that you not only lie but betray shows all you can't be trusted. In addition you are now part of the problem not the solution. Either you have the balls to be honest and truthful or you are the same as the ones making the regs. Call me crazy but that's the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth. If not prove me wrong!!!!

07-13-2017, 05:19 AM
I'm not in compliance and I live in NJ.

Capt Sal
07-13-2017, 08:25 AM
Not exactly a win.They still are not using the science we paid for with Rutgers.Maybe the biologists from Rutgers should write a letter to Mr Ross?I also agree that the bull shit "Linited Out''has to go It makes it look like alot of fish are being kept when in reality we are keeping the scraps the threw us. Just say you a good day and take a picture .It would be like i limited out on Weakfish=1 fish. i limited out on Winter Flounder=2 fish.Fluke is there now also with a three fish limit!

Capt. Lou
07-13-2017, 09:45 AM
You beat me to it! Like we are supposed to be jumping up and down for a three...fish limit and NO...September? And please, people, please stop saying, "We limited out." Like, 3 fluke? Like one weakfish? Geeeeezzz Loueeez!!!

I agree 100% , limiting out doesn't mean crap , we should never use this term , & no September that really sucks ! We got screwed royally , shoulda took the 19" size @ least we could fish 20+ more days !!

Capt Sal
07-13-2017, 08:36 PM
Going to Lousiana to fish with my son Capt Jamey. They opened Red Snapper evry weekend on the Gulf side! They won but have the politicians are backing them. In a state where the economy depends more on fishing than NJ they can say the politicians have there back! Christie,Booker and Menendez or how ever you spell his name are a joke.DO NOT BE HAPPY WITH THE SCRAPS THEY THROW YOU!AMEN

07-13-2017, 09:00 PM
They gave us a worse case scenario and scared everyone, and then they gave us a bone with 3 fish at 18" and a shorter season which is still unacceptable in my opinion.