View Full Version : BATTER UP 7/7 Whiting & Ling - BEAT DOWN

07-09-2017, 08:06 AM
Fantastic Trip On Non Sponsor Boat

It was half day Whiting & Ling ((OVER 300 Fish) for 6 Anglers and 1/2 Day Haddock and Pollack close to 50 Fish

WAT TOO MANY Invisible Cod to catch anything else when trying for Haddock. Over 200 Cod to 25 lbs returned. National Marine Fisheries says there are none so we cant keep any

Fresh Macks For Bait


New Jerseys Jim Mohawk With A Nice Hake


Whiting & Ling Pics






4 Whiting On 3 Hooks




07-09-2017, 08:21 AM
Awesome......man do those pictures bring back memories. Can only hope that biomass eventually spreads out and repopulates the NY bight / Mud Hole area. And if they do, maybe NMFS gets their heads out of the sand and protects them from being annihilated a second time around by commercial small mesh netters. The positive impact this would have on the angling community and party boats would be significant. And I'd bet it would reestablish a fall giant blue fin fishery in the Mud Hole as an added benefit.

07-09-2017, 08:41 AM
Awesome......man do those pictures bring back memories. Can only hope that biomass eventually spreads out and repopulates the NY bight / Mud Hole area. And if they do, maybe NMFS gets their heads out of the sand and protects them from being annihilated a second time around by commercial small mesh netters. The positive impact this would have on the angling community and party boats would be significant. And I'd bet it would reestablish a fall giant blue fin fishery in the Mud Hole as an added benefit.

Doubtful the NY Bight will ever see that again

The main difference is fishing Pressure. We have 2 huge areas of Whiting and Ling. The Commercial guys fish the Inshore areas and we fish the off shore areas. There are no Commercial vessels where we fish for 20 miles. It is only a 2 hour steam to the grounds. We have sooooooooooooo many Ling sometimes we have to move off them to catch the Whiting.

More Pics From This Trip




After about an hour and a half


Lots Of Big Cod Thrown Back


07-09-2017, 01:40 PM
I doubt it as well with current fishery philosophies BUT there's no reason it couldn't happen if the commercial catches were regulated. Recreational fishing pressure back in the 60's and 70's was significantly greater in the NY bight compared to where your fishing now yet we had a sustainable fishery year after year. And when I said sustainable there were so many ling and whiting most people thought they'd never disappear. Recreational fishing can put a dent in fisheries in specific areas but in total will NEVER destroy a stock in itself. Commercial on the other hand will with year round fishing pressure as well the impact they're methods have on spawning and smaller fish which get discarded. That was never more evident than the tons of juvenile whiting and ling tossed overboard in the Mud Hole when that fishery collapsed. Fishery management has the ability to remedy the fisheries but it involves politics, lobbyists and money changing hands which will always trump what's best for the resource. There could be a healthy balance between commercial and recreational fisheries with every stock but money, power and greed prevents it.

07-10-2017, 10:45 AM
You make some very good points but the Draggers decimated the NY/NJ Whiting

The comercial Whiting boats have here what I believe a 300 lb limit with no by catch. It is not worth their time for 300 lbs

07-10-2017, 11:16 AM
The commercial draggers within the Point and Belford Co-ops were solely responsible for decimating the whiting fishery in the NY Bight.....