View Full Version : So I got drenched last night... but caught fish!

07-07-2017, 11:00 AM
First, no pics. Sorry. Thread title explains why.

Hit the river around midnight last nite after putting some hours of work into the new house. I was wired. Threw 3"-4" soft plastics. No action first 45 min. Then a light drizzle started to fall. Bam! It's off. D'oh!

Fix the soft plastic, lob into the same vicinity as my previous cast and bam! Again! This time it stuck. Nice lil walleye about 19". Next couple casts in the same seam bam! Sweet deal, on again. Half way thru it came unbuttoned. Dammit. Felt like a comparably sized eye. Then it downed poured... like heavy down pour. Head lamp and smartphone went into ziplocs and I kept fishing.

I was soaked to the flesh from head to knee. It was pretty awesome. Carp jumping, deer running around, herons calling, snakes everywhere, craws carpeting the rocky shorelines. It's like the rain woke everything up lol.

Quiet after that for about a half hour. Rain slows. Head lamp back on. Made a wiggle and saw some eyes glowing across the river. Made a cast upstream and rolled my soft plastic across its nose and bam! Slammed the bait! Few cranks in it dropped off. Felt small but Christ, trouble sticking them tonight. Few casts later had a 14" channel take the soft plastic.

High tailed outta there immediately after that. Carside wardrobe swap and flew home high and dry aside from a sopping wet bum. Good nite on the river.

07-07-2017, 11:58 AM
last time I fished (been killin myself on my house so I can upgrade next year) a few weeks ago I hit a local pond at dusk to try a new frog and baitcaster setup. stayed there a couple hours past dark and was amazed at the nocturnal life, the pond transformed after dark. a chorus of bullfrogs, bats defying gravity slamming bugs in the air, lightning bugs making the shoreline 'sizzle', the cheers from an extra innings little league game in the distance, fireworks two towns over, I actually thought to myself "I see what Jeremy likes about fishing at night"! :D

07-07-2017, 04:02 PM
First, no pics. Sorry. Thread title explains why.

Hit the river around midnight last nite after putting some hours of work into the new house. I was wired. Threw 3"-4" soft plastics. No action first 45 min. Then a light drizzle started to fall. Bam! It's off. D'oh!

Fix the soft plastic, lob into the same vicinity as my previous cast and bam! Again! This time it stuck. Nice lil walleye about 19". Next couple casts in the same seam bam! Sweet deal, on again. Half way thru it came unbuttoned. Dammit. Felt like a comparably sized eye. Then it downed poured... like heavy down pour. Head lamp and smartphone went into ziplocs and I kept fishing.

I was soaked to the flesh from head to knee. It was pretty awesome. Carp jumping, deer running around, herons calling, snakes everywhere, craws carpeting the rocky shorelines. It's like the rain woke everything up lol.

Quiet after that for about a half hour. Rain slows. Head lamp back on. Made a wiggle and saw some eyes glowing across the river. Made a cast upstream and rolled my soft plastic across its nose and bam! Slammed the bait! Few cranks in it dropped off. Felt small but Christ, trouble sticking them tonight. Few casts later had a 14" channel take the soft plastic.

High tailed outta there immediately after that. Carside wardrobe swap and flew home high and dry aside from a sopping wet bum. Good nite on the river.

I got caught in same downpour out on SR last night. Launched around midnight and thought the rains would hold off until at least 3 am. Around 1:30 the skies just opened up and I spent next half hour bailing rain water from boat.

07-07-2017, 06:03 PM
Jigman??? Is that really you? I thought you might have gotten stuck in you coffin! Haha! Glad you made your way out! Good shit buddy!!!:D

07-07-2017, 08:07 PM
nice job battling the elements .

07-08-2017, 06:21 PM
first off good luck with your new house hope you get your work done so you can fish more,i know what it is like working on a house always something that needs fixin. was the hook stickin out of the plastic enough ? some plastics can be a pain in the ass to rig right like fin-s fish for instance. if that hook ain't right you can miss hook sets or the thing does not run right.still a kitty and a walleye for your efforts not bad cool report. you don't need any porn for this one, you get the picture anyway:cool: