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View Full Version : 3 day cod,pollock,hake,haddock & halibut trip

bunker dunker
07-05-2017, 07:56 AM
fished a ns out of point for a 3 day trip.with out a doubt best trip i was ever on.
i will not go in to to much detail but if you pm me i answer any questions.all i will say is if you like to catch these titled fish,this is the trip for you.

07-05-2017, 12:04 PM
BD! shoot me some details please!

07-05-2017, 01:27 PM
post up the report, whats the big deal?

07-05-2017, 02:41 PM
let's hear it. Inquiring minds want to know.:confused:

07-05-2017, 03:22 PM
And I wanna this mystical halibut you speak of!

bunker dunker
07-05-2017, 03:31 PM
left the dock at 7pm friday and started fishing 7:30am saturday.it was great cod
and hake fishing with fish to 25lbs.this went on till 6pm when we finished our day.there were plenty of double headers with lots of pollock also.had all i wanted by 10am.while we ate our diner the captain steamed to the spot we would be fishing sunday morning at 5:30am.with a good night rest we were all up and ready at 5:30 and had my first fish on at 5:31.we had a good mix of haddock,cod and pollock.around 1pm one of the guys hooks a giant fish which turns out to be a 61lb halibut.what a battle to say the least.we were on drifts for up to two hours catching fish the entire way.at times you could not get the jig to the bottom as the fish would grab it 20ft off the bottom.this was the best jig fishing i have ever seen.the peeps using bait were doing just as well.this was a "catching" trip and everyone took full advantage.the galley had some great food with saturday's dinner being tuna steaks w/ fresh grren beans a baked potato and fresh salad.desert was brownies and ice cream,not to shabby for 150 miles off shore.this is truly a trip of a life time.if you like this kind of fishing do yourself a favor and check out the website and sign up,you will be very glad you did.

07-05-2017, 04:02 PM
Thanks for posting, and idea what the halibut was caught on?

bunker dunker
07-06-2017, 07:36 AM
12 oz vike jig.they were crushing any jig between 8 and 13oz and any teaser that look like a sand eel.i was using a 10oz crippled herring with a 5-3/4 fin-s teaser in the alwive color most of the trip.i also caught them on 87's,vikes and
bridgeports.we hit a spot with very little current and was lucky enough to catch them on an ava-47 on a light outfit,it was a blast.every spot was different,some
you had to yo-yo and other squid the jig.the only time we were not catching was when the capt moved the boat.

07-06-2017, 10:13 AM
61 lbs is a sweet halibut! Had one on my dads boat last year when cod fishing out east. It was just shy of 40 lbs. That fish took a baited hook with half a clam.

bunker dunker
07-06-2017, 10:33 AM
all fish were full of sand eels.the bait guys were doing good but the jig was the ticket.we hooked other big fish that broke off or just thru the hook also.i lost one that was in total control of the battle from when i set the hook till the hook pulled.it is a great feeling when you flip a jig out and you know its going to get hit you just don't know from what.