View Full Version : Big Jamaica 7-2 Report

07-02-2017, 06:22 PM
-7/2 Report-
Big Jamaica Sunday Report
We had some good action with bues up to 16lbs today. They were biting on Jigs and Crocs.
Early in the day we caught 3 to 5lbers. There was a lull when the tide changed and then it picked up later on.
The blues started feeding and we saw them on the surface at times. The fish that showed later in the day where 8 - 16lbs.
The Pool winner was:
Chris Tuscai from lansdale pa with a 16lb bluefish.

It looks good for this week. The big Jamaica will be sailing at 7:30 a.m. everyday this week including Monday and the 4th of July.

Family Fun Trips sail 4:30 in the afternoon starting Sunday and fishing and fireworks on the 4th from 5 p.m. till 10

Monday 7:30 AM Bluefish
4:30PM Family Fun Fluke & Sea Bass

Tuesday July 4th
7:30AM Bluefish
5PM Fishing and Fireworks

Our next tilefish trip sails 10 p.m. July 9th. There is space available call for reservation information

For further information call 733-528-5014
Available for Large Charters