View Full Version : Porgys in NJ

07-01-2017, 02:41 PM
Just an observation. As a kid, I can recall catching porgies in NJ all summer long, from June through August, then through the fall. Now the season opens in July, and the party boats don't target them until August.
Meanwhile in NY, party boats have been catching them for weeks in the Sound. Why are the porgies showing up later in NJ?

07-01-2017, 02:46 PM
They here, the regulations open the season today. You will find some charter boats as well as a few bottom boats that will target them starting today.

Pennsy Guy
07-01-2017, 06:05 PM
Caught one last year fluking---if I catch another, first one to ask, gets it.....just sayin'...

07-01-2017, 08:56 PM
They are around. Rightaway should have a report soon. They are hard for many party boats to catch right now because they are spooky and in shallow water. Once they drop out past 30 feet, the bigger party boats can target them.

07-01-2017, 09:08 PM
Got a nice one last week on my fluke trip. Caught a little bit of everything that day... except fluke

07-02-2017, 08:53 AM
With the way fluke fishing has been I may have to switch to porgies. Caught a big one accidentally while sea bassing a few weeks ago, so they are around.