Prowler 5
07-01-2017, 10:40 AM
Hey gang, Capt. Scott here. I had the boat out on both Friday trips. Slow pick on keepers yesterday on both trips. I have the boat out again today. A little better on keepers today. We're up to 9 keepers at the Navy Pier so far with some nice big ones, couple 5 lbs. We are sailing our 3:30 trip this afternoon. Come on down, it's going to be a nice evening. Don't listen to the weathermen. Also it's going to be a beautiful day tomorrow, Sunday, July 2nd. See you guys at 5:30 for coffee. BTW, we are definitely sailing July 4th daytime 7:30am to 2:30pm for fluke. I'll do a follow up report later. Thx., Capt. Scott