View Full Version : Big Jamaica Tilefish Report

06-28-2017, 01:03 PM
Big Jamaica 6-26 Tilefish Report
Monday Tilefish Report
Our 31 our tilefish triple is another good one. We caught golden tilefish up to 30 pounds. Several passengers had their limit and the pool winner was:
Jeff Simpson from Livingston New Jersey with a 30 lb tile fish.

Our next tilefish trip sails 10 p.m. July 9th. There is space available call for reservation information

Big Jamaica we'll be sailing every day 7:30 a.m. for Blues.

Family Fun Afternoon trips begin July 2 and Fishing and Fireworks begins July 4th.

Available for Large Charters
For further information call 733-528-5014

Big Jamaica Schedule:
Thursday 7:30 AM Bluefish

Friday 7:30AM Bluefish
7:30PM Bluefish

Saturday 7:30AM Bluefish
7:30PM Bluefish

Sunday 7:30 AM Bluefish
4:30PM Family Fun Fluke & Sea Bass

Monday 7:30 AM Bluefish
4:30PM Family Fun Fluke & Sea Bass

Tuesday July 4th
7:30AM Bluefish
5PM Fishing.and Fireworks


07-02-2017, 06:33 PM
NICE tilefish !!