View Full Version : Double digit Yellowfin for the 53 Jersey Nutz

06-27-2017, 11:56 AM
This weekend Capt. RJ ran an open boat on the 53' Jersey Nutz after the storm to the edge and after a slow night and morning, we found the fish in a big way putting double digit yellowfin 30-60lbs in the boat with a few hours of non stop action watching the fish bust on top! A lot of guys struggled to get more than a few bites but working on our own proved dividends! Great crew with a lot of great memories.................to put the icing on the cake Capt. Cody pulled in with the 50' Heavy Metals Sunday night and put 9 more yellowfin 30-70lbs in the boat in 6 short hours of trolling. What a great couple of days for us and we have 3 more trips this week! Check out our open boat schedule to get on!

06-27-2017, 01:06 PM
Def some nice yellows! Good stuff.