View Full Version : Yellowfin slam 6/25-6/26

Bass Specialist
06-27-2017, 10:57 AM
Headed out Sunday morning on a friends 44 Henriques. Had to wait for high tide being his boat is docked behind his house in forked river and the water there is crazy low of it's not high tide. Got to a southern canyon. Was greeted by quite a few hammerhead sharks just cruising the top of the water very slowly. Within an hour on the troll we picked up a few football sized yellowfin. As the evening approached, the got bigger between 30-50lbs. Not huge by any stretch but first trip out so it wasn't bad. Ended up with 9 Kepler yellowfin and a mako we got at night.

shrimpman steve
06-27-2017, 09:19 PM
Sweet! Sushi time