View Full Version : Party Boat Angler Sunday report

captain george angler
06-25-2017, 06:37 PM
One of the ten best days of the year weather wise and good conditions for fluking. We looked in a lot of places and had a keeper or 2 every where with a few shorts but no herds. Jim had the first keeper and the dollar pool plus 1/2 the daily pool. Bob had a couple of keepers and tied the daily pool.

There are only 5 days left in the monthly pool worth $1400 being lead by Rick's 7# 15 oz fluke. Tomorrow we will be fishing rocks and wrecks looking for big fish.

The season pool is over $1400 with a 6# 11 oz leader.

Fishing is not good but we are catching enough to keep everyone interested and at the rail.

7:00 AM first boat out and galley open.

Thanks Captain George.