View Full Version : BarbGail IV Slam Fishing

06-06-2017, 05:32 PM
Had a celebrity crew yesterday. Capt. Al Ristori, Tom Fote from JCAA, Don Marantz from JCAA, Elenore Bohanick from the marine fisheries, Mark Taylor and yours truly, Bruce Vitale ( a celebrity in my own mind). It was lock and load sea bass, ling, and giant flounders. Capt. Chris and mate Alex put on a show. Great time with some serious fishermen. The 44' Henriques has a lot of stern room for fishing. The cabin area has good seating. This is also a sponsor boat. Bring plenty of Gulp swimmers in green and pink. Out fished bait five to one.

Capt Sal
06-06-2017, 06:30 PM
Did Al out fish you Cuz? lol

06-07-2017, 01:06 PM
Yes he did. But I was fishing between throw ups. I didn't feel well when I got up. Then I did the stupid thing, drinking coffee before I boarded. It wasn't rough but everything I ate or drank became chum. Second time I ever had this happen. And I was in the Navy aboard a small destroyer. Even in 30' seas in the north Atlantic I didn't get sick. Go figure. How's Florida treating you?