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View Full Version : jigging sb this weekend

bunker dunker
06-05-2017, 09:43 AM
saturday we left the dock and headed north.first drop was slow for me as i was
jigging and not using bait.the peeps fishing bait were picking ling,sea bass and a few flounder.capt made a few wiggles and not much going on.we head to some shallower waters and it was game on.the sb's were jig hungry and willing.boxed my limit and played c&r for the rest of the day.we had fish on every drop and some real good ones too.sunday went back out this time starting were we had left them the day before and it was game on from the start.the were mixed in size but plenty of good ones to go around.i think there was 25 on board and the
boat was limited with time to spare.got to meet and fish with a few njf peeps as
a good time was had by all.can't wait till the weekend to do it again.

06-05-2017, 11:28 AM
What kind of jig do you use, and what technique do You employ for seabass?

bunker dunker
06-05-2017, 12:15 PM
ava-27. sometimes they want a slow reel other times the want it yo-yo style.everyday is different but once you find what they want it sure pays off.

06-05-2017, 01:01 PM
ava-27. sometimes they want a slow reel other times the want it yo-yo style.everyday is different but once you find what they want it sure pays off.

way to go handsome, I was gonna come out Saturday but my cousin entered me into a tournament up here so I had to be sure one of us won which we did :) let me know if you are going this weekend

bunker dunker
06-05-2017, 01:07 PM
congrats!!! i'll be out sat & sun