View Full Version : Seabass or flounder?

05-30-2017, 02:19 PM
Heading out Friday out of AH. I run a 21' cc. Has the seabass fishing at the reef been worthwhile or would you guys recommend flounder fishing in the bay? Thanks in advance!!

05-30-2017, 02:59 PM
Seabass depends on the conditions with a 21CC. As far as flounder, I am assuming you mean fluke, since flounders disappear once the yellow eyed toothy critters show up. Fluke in the back bays is more than likely your best bet. Areas that warm up fast or that have warm discharges from creeks that flow into deeper water would be the way to go or flats with 6-10 feet of water. Unless it`s a bluebird day then I would consider looking for Seabass in 60-80 feet of water.

05-30-2017, 04:00 PM
Fluke is what I meant to write; I'm comfortable with 2-3's just wasn't sure if the bite is worth the ride. Definitely leaning toward fluking it but still interested in others' opinions as well.

05-30-2017, 11:12 PM
Well might as well try for both since u can only keep 3 and 10. In another month u can get 3 and 2 lmfao. Porgies are next guys. It's time to wake up