05-30-2017, 10:59 AM
Party Fishing Vessel and Charter fishing vessels that carried more than 6 passengers --Businesses that have Gone Under in New Jersey (not replaced) since the Bad Reauthorizations of Magunson-Stevens in 1996 and 2006
Perth Amboy----------------Sea Pigeon
Leonardo---------------------Freddy C
" "----------------------Eagle
" "-----------------------Jersey Girl
" "-----------------------Ranger
Belmar-----------------------Catherine II
" "-----------------------Mohawk Explorer
" "-----------------------Mohawk IV
" "-----------------------Eileen
" "-----------------------Ginny Lynn
" "-----------------------American Eagle
" "----------------------Capt Kel
Point Pleasant-------------Norma KII
" "----------------------Miss Norma K
" "----------------------Deep Adventures III
" "----------------------Deep Adventures IV
" "----------------------Sea Devil
" "----------------------Cock Robin
Barnegat--------------------White Star
" "----------------------Miss LBI
" "----------------------Doris Mae
" "----------------------Searcher
" "----------------------Jersey Devil
Atlantic City----------------Capt Applegate
Sea Isle City----------------Capt Robbins
" "----------------------Miss Ocean City
Cape May------------------Mid 90's: 29 party boats----Currently: 9 party boats
During Same Years, new to the industry:
Perth Amboy---------------Sea Hawk (for sale?)
High Lands-----------------Dorthy B (transferred from NY)
Pt Pleasnt------------------Voyager
This is a count of 50, once viable businesses, that are gone for good (In NJ alone). This is NOT anecdotal information. These were US Coast Guard, federally documented vessels. NMFS wants us off the ocean --they have done a good job. Fisheries management has been hi-jacked by special interest groups that are making money by putting us out of business. They are penalizing fishermen on fish stocks that are rebuilt as high as 300%! Summer flounder biomass stock rose from 35.9 mil lbs in 1995, to 88.9 million lbs by 2014 (more than double) --this was achieved through our sacrifices --not fisheries management (who I've heard get paid $400 plus per-day, put up in a fancy hotel, all expenses paid, for their time at the meetings.)
The Original intent of Magnunson Stevens was good: Increase fish stocks and maintain a viable fishing community through sound fisheries management. This is no longer the case. Fishing communities no longer matter.
Above is only a list of larger recreational for-hire fishing charter and party boat businesses that have disappeared since the Magnunson-Stevens reauthorizations of 1996 and 2006. It does not include family run tackle shops and fishing marinas and boat rental marinas --and all the residual loss of business that has suffered under the inequity of these unfair fish rulings.
And would be improbable to estimate the numbers of a whole generation of lower-income people who have given up -- or not even learned-- saltwater fishing due to the fact that the cost doesn't warrant --no chance of bring home dinner.
Fisheries management has successfully divided and conquered fishermen; from Recreational vs Commercial, private boat vs for-hire boat, State against State, beach fishermen vs boat fishermen.
All the while, the enviro-industry (and make no doubt, it is a money making industry) are laughing all the way to the bank. Behind doors, these same people are earnestly working to create Marine Sanctuaries to further restrict our..."Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness", (which was our unalienable right, spoken of in the Declaration of Independence).
If you look at the lobbyist, Marine Fish Conservation Network, for example, you will see a wolf in sheep's skin; Pretending to be concerned about fishing communities. MFCN is on Capitol Hill, lobbying to put a stop to any bill that would introduce common sense flexibility into our fisheries management. 200 organizations are represented and many individuals contribute to the MFCN lobby business, thinking they are helping us, not realizing they are in truth, working against us. Other lobby groups with deep pockets: Environmental Defense Fund, PEW Trust Fund, PETA and many more.
During this same 20 year period, marine estuaries (according to NOAA, 2/3 of all marine life begins in the estuary) continue to be built upon --and polluted into --and beach replenishment continues to ruin marine habitat by stealing sand from underwater hills and ridges and pumping into onto the beaches, only to get washed away during the next storm. (It's a shame that govt continues to use the tax money of hard working people to dump marine habitat onto the beaches, yet access for surf fishermen continues to be diminished.) It seems the enviro-industry has kept most quiet about this because I guess they are okay with replacing fishing communities with condos and sail boats.
The Axe needs to be laid to the root. Magunson Stevens needs to be fixed --returned to its original intent. If our Fisheries Management Council is not going to stand up for our fishing communities, we must do our part by reaching our representatives. Send an email --make a call --use social media: facebook, twitter, ect. Information on how your rep can be reached has never been easier. You do not need to be eloquent, you don't need to be long winded, you only need to let your reps know how the fisheries system is broke and that Magnunson Stevens needs to be fixed before our fishing communities are solely given over to the elite. Support Bill HR 200 and HR 2023.
Our Representatives in NJ and NY have been very quiet on these two bills --They need to wake up. I urge you to rattle their cage.
If you fish, Please, "Do not go quietly into that good night." (T.Dylan) Join the Recreational Fishing Alliance (RFA) online.
1997 NJ Fishing Regs *2017 NJ Fishing Regs Italicized
Summer flounder----35.9 mil lbs bio stock in 1995--------------88.9 mil lbs in 2014*
14.5", no close, 10 fish limit------------------------------
18" May 25 - Sept 5 - 3 fish limit
Black sea bass----stock rebuilt 229%---not overfished---overfishing not occurring*
9", no close, no limit-----------------------------------
13?" May 26--June 29 -10 fish limit
July 1-Aug 31 -2 fish limit
Oct 22-Dec 31 --5 fish limit
Scup (Porgy)--------------stock rebuilt 300%+*
No Size no close, no limit-----------------
Proposal of 15 fish limit with closed seasons
Winter Flounder
10" Mar 1-May 31, Sept 15-Dec 31 -no limit--------
12" March 1-Dec 31 -2 fish limit
no size or close 10 fish limit-----------------------------
no size or season 15 fish limit
14" no close 14 fish limit----------------------------------
14" no close 1 fish limit
13" no close no limit--------------------------------------
15"Jan 1 -Feb 28 -4 fish limit
April 1-April 30 -4 fish limit
July 17-Nov 15 -1fish limit
Nov 1-Dec 31 -6 fish limit
19" no close no limit------------------------------------------
21" no close no limit
Striped bass
28", no close, 2 fish-----------------------------------
Over 28" one fish, over 43" one fish
River herring
No size, no limit, no close----------------
Closed year round to recreational fishermen
*Information retrieved from NMFS
Capt Bob Bogan
Party Boat Gambler
Point Pleasant Beach, NJ
Perth Amboy----------------Sea Pigeon
Leonardo---------------------Freddy C
" "----------------------Eagle
" "-----------------------Jersey Girl
" "-----------------------Ranger
Belmar-----------------------Catherine II
" "-----------------------Mohawk Explorer
" "-----------------------Mohawk IV
" "-----------------------Eileen
" "-----------------------Ginny Lynn
" "-----------------------American Eagle
" "----------------------Capt Kel
Point Pleasant-------------Norma KII
" "----------------------Miss Norma K
" "----------------------Deep Adventures III
" "----------------------Deep Adventures IV
" "----------------------Sea Devil
" "----------------------Cock Robin
Barnegat--------------------White Star
" "----------------------Miss LBI
" "----------------------Doris Mae
" "----------------------Searcher
" "----------------------Jersey Devil
Atlantic City----------------Capt Applegate
Sea Isle City----------------Capt Robbins
" "----------------------Miss Ocean City
Cape May------------------Mid 90's: 29 party boats----Currently: 9 party boats
During Same Years, new to the industry:
Perth Amboy---------------Sea Hawk (for sale?)
High Lands-----------------Dorthy B (transferred from NY)
Pt Pleasnt------------------Voyager
This is a count of 50, once viable businesses, that are gone for good (In NJ alone). This is NOT anecdotal information. These were US Coast Guard, federally documented vessels. NMFS wants us off the ocean --they have done a good job. Fisheries management has been hi-jacked by special interest groups that are making money by putting us out of business. They are penalizing fishermen on fish stocks that are rebuilt as high as 300%! Summer flounder biomass stock rose from 35.9 mil lbs in 1995, to 88.9 million lbs by 2014 (more than double) --this was achieved through our sacrifices --not fisheries management (who I've heard get paid $400 plus per-day, put up in a fancy hotel, all expenses paid, for their time at the meetings.)
The Original intent of Magnunson Stevens was good: Increase fish stocks and maintain a viable fishing community through sound fisheries management. This is no longer the case. Fishing communities no longer matter.
Above is only a list of larger recreational for-hire fishing charter and party boat businesses that have disappeared since the Magnunson-Stevens reauthorizations of 1996 and 2006. It does not include family run tackle shops and fishing marinas and boat rental marinas --and all the residual loss of business that has suffered under the inequity of these unfair fish rulings.
And would be improbable to estimate the numbers of a whole generation of lower-income people who have given up -- or not even learned-- saltwater fishing due to the fact that the cost doesn't warrant --no chance of bring home dinner.
Fisheries management has successfully divided and conquered fishermen; from Recreational vs Commercial, private boat vs for-hire boat, State against State, beach fishermen vs boat fishermen.
All the while, the enviro-industry (and make no doubt, it is a money making industry) are laughing all the way to the bank. Behind doors, these same people are earnestly working to create Marine Sanctuaries to further restrict our..."Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness", (which was our unalienable right, spoken of in the Declaration of Independence).
If you look at the lobbyist, Marine Fish Conservation Network, for example, you will see a wolf in sheep's skin; Pretending to be concerned about fishing communities. MFCN is on Capitol Hill, lobbying to put a stop to any bill that would introduce common sense flexibility into our fisheries management. 200 organizations are represented and many individuals contribute to the MFCN lobby business, thinking they are helping us, not realizing they are in truth, working against us. Other lobby groups with deep pockets: Environmental Defense Fund, PEW Trust Fund, PETA and many more.
During this same 20 year period, marine estuaries (according to NOAA, 2/3 of all marine life begins in the estuary) continue to be built upon --and polluted into --and beach replenishment continues to ruin marine habitat by stealing sand from underwater hills and ridges and pumping into onto the beaches, only to get washed away during the next storm. (It's a shame that govt continues to use the tax money of hard working people to dump marine habitat onto the beaches, yet access for surf fishermen continues to be diminished.) It seems the enviro-industry has kept most quiet about this because I guess they are okay with replacing fishing communities with condos and sail boats.
The Axe needs to be laid to the root. Magunson Stevens needs to be fixed --returned to its original intent. If our Fisheries Management Council is not going to stand up for our fishing communities, we must do our part by reaching our representatives. Send an email --make a call --use social media: facebook, twitter, ect. Information on how your rep can be reached has never been easier. You do not need to be eloquent, you don't need to be long winded, you only need to let your reps know how the fisheries system is broke and that Magnunson Stevens needs to be fixed before our fishing communities are solely given over to the elite. Support Bill HR 200 and HR 2023.
Our Representatives in NJ and NY have been very quiet on these two bills --They need to wake up. I urge you to rattle their cage.
If you fish, Please, "Do not go quietly into that good night." (T.Dylan) Join the Recreational Fishing Alliance (RFA) online.
1997 NJ Fishing Regs *2017 NJ Fishing Regs Italicized
Summer flounder----35.9 mil lbs bio stock in 1995--------------88.9 mil lbs in 2014*
14.5", no close, 10 fish limit------------------------------
18" May 25 - Sept 5 - 3 fish limit
Black sea bass----stock rebuilt 229%---not overfished---overfishing not occurring*
9", no close, no limit-----------------------------------
13?" May 26--June 29 -10 fish limit
July 1-Aug 31 -2 fish limit
Oct 22-Dec 31 --5 fish limit
Scup (Porgy)--------------stock rebuilt 300%+*
No Size no close, no limit-----------------
Proposal of 15 fish limit with closed seasons
Winter Flounder
10" Mar 1-May 31, Sept 15-Dec 31 -no limit--------
12" March 1-Dec 31 -2 fish limit
no size or close 10 fish limit-----------------------------
no size or season 15 fish limit
14" no close 14 fish limit----------------------------------
14" no close 1 fish limit
13" no close no limit--------------------------------------
15"Jan 1 -Feb 28 -4 fish limit
April 1-April 30 -4 fish limit
July 17-Nov 15 -1fish limit
Nov 1-Dec 31 -6 fish limit
19" no close no limit------------------------------------------
21" no close no limit
Striped bass
28", no close, 2 fish-----------------------------------
Over 28" one fish, over 43" one fish
River herring
No size, no limit, no close----------------
Closed year round to recreational fishermen
*Information retrieved from NMFS
Capt Bob Bogan
Party Boat Gambler
Point Pleasant Beach, NJ