View Full Version : Keyport Seahawk - First Fluke Trips

05-29-2017, 11:57 AM
Got our first two fluke fishing trips in this weekend. Saturday took us a few drifts to get on the fish and then we had a slow but steady pic of fish, not hooking into great numbers but had a solid 50% keeper ratio so we stuck to the area. Can't complain about filling my fluke limit on the first trip, but it definitely was a little slow. Best fish went 23" on my 'lemon-lime' custom bucktail. all fish on custom bucktails, spros or teasers/gulp yellow/green was best.

Headed in earlier than usual and got word that the spot we would've headed to next, had we not been picking keepers, was on fire :rolleyes: haha. so we had pretty high hopes for the next day...those hopes were going to be shattered by mother nature :mad:

Got to the boat even earlier sunday morning with Jimmy as the third fluke hunter, to find a thick 20-30ft visibility fog smothering the back bay/creek. We fished in the creek slowly drifting our way out while John controlled the boat. We whacked 6 fish including 1 keeper and we knew we could hammer some flatties if we could get the boat out to our spots, but it just kept getting worse!

We thought about abandoning hope and going freshwater fishing, but ended up just pissing around waiting and hours later the fog finally cleared. Even though we figured we probably were going to miss the best of the tides/fishing we headed out anyway.

Long story short, it was a LOOOONG day with a handful of shorts for each of us and just 3 small keepers total.

Hope everyone has a nice Memorial day, especially the vets and their families! Special Memorial day photo edit :D

http://i1186.photobucket.com/albums/z379/chrisper4694/Fluke-Flag%20edit_1.jpg (http://s1186.photobucket.com/user/chrisper4694/media/Fluke-Flag%20edit_1.jpg.html)

http://i1186.photobucket.com/albums/z379/chrisper4694/Fluke%20haul%20first%20trip%202017%20personal%20ke eper%20limit%203.jpg (http://s1186.photobucket.com/user/chrisper4694/media/Fluke%20haul%20first%20trip%202017%20personal%20ke eper%20limit%203.jpg.html)

05-29-2017, 02:42 PM
Love your pics dude! Colors and contrast really pop. What are you using to take pics and what do you edit them with?

05-29-2017, 09:26 PM
Love your pics dude! Colors and contrast really pop. What are you using to take pics and what do you edit them with?

It's just a Nikon point and shot style camera with 20 something mp nothing fancy. The one pic is just from john's iPhone. The editing program just came with the cheap dell computer I have haha. I'm pretty surprised at what I can do with it, it's pretty cool.

05-29-2017, 09:55 PM
Love your pics dude! Colors and contrast really pop. What are you using to take pics and what do you edit them with?

just looked at them, it's nikon coolpix s3700 and cyberlink photodirector