View Full Version : Big Jamaica 5/27 Report

05-28-2017, 01:34 PM
Night Bluefishing
Friday & Saturday 7:30PM

Daytime Striped Bass and Bluefish

Magic Hour Stripers Sunday & Wednesday 3:30PM
Limited reservations.
Call 732-528-5014

Saturday Report
We picked some 3 to 6lb bluefish today. We saw them on the surface and read plenty at times but didn't catch them like we saw them.
The pool winner was:
Jessica Verdina from Lodi NJ with a 6lb bluefish.
The big Jamaica is scheduled to sail every day for Striped Bass and Bluefish at 7:30AM

Sunday there will be a 3:30 p.m. magic hour striped bass trip strictly limited, reservations only. There is another Magic Hour Trip scheduled for Wednesday.

For further information go to www.bigjamaica.com or call 732-528-5014

We are also taking reservations for Deepwater tilefish trips that will sail at 10 p.m. on Sunday nights starting in June. For further information call the office.