View Full Version : New Generation of Fisherman
05-24-2017, 10:54 AM
All us seasoned fisherman still remember the days of no bag limits and very little gov interference in fishing. They where great days! But in some ways it's good that some limits where put into place but not to the extent they are now. At one time it was basically a free for all. Yes the fish where plentiful but bringing home way more fish than we needed for the immediate family not uncommon. Now in 2017 the regs are not fair and controlling. Not a good thing either. But there is something I think us old salts may not realize is that the new generation of fisherman are use to lower bag limits since that's all they may know. So to them it may be limiting but possibly acceptable.I think this is what the powers to be are banking on. Eventually as us old salt's who remember the old days of fishing will fade away. The new rules will be the norm and ok for the up and coming generation of fisherman. Just my 2 cents! Thank you!
05-24-2017, 11:20 AM
Us old salts did not have the great striper fishing we have now and that is what happens when you keep the commercial boats from slaughtering juveniles.
So the new generation is now demanding the same thing for fluke, flounder, whiting, ling, etc.
Capt Sal
05-24-2017, 12:17 PM
Us old salts did not have the great striper fishing we have now and that is what happens when you keep the commercial boats from slaughtering juveniles.
So the new generation is now demanding the same thing for fluke, flounder, whiting, ling, etc.
The fluke population is rebuilt.The whiting and ling are not and whiting may never come back the way it was.Flounder populations are down but a few more added to the limit would help.A new generation of NOAA is what is needed!Replace them all from the top down.You can't fix STUPID but you can replace it!!:rolleyes:
05-24-2017, 02:12 PM
Have to disagree on two points.
Yes, we def took home a boatload back in the day but never more than was needed. Coming from a family of right off the boat European parents, nothing ever went to waste. When I say nothing, I mean nothing. No such thing as fillets, you ate the fish, all of it, and at times 5 days a week.
As far as the new regs becoming the norm. Maybe. But these kids still have a hard time understanding why they can't bring home something they caught themselves to eat. With these current regs I always have a meal but when fishing with the kids it's hard to do one thing and preach to them they have to follow the rules.
05-24-2017, 03:22 PM
I was born in 1990 and am very used to the regs, that being said it's hard to justify the cost of an offshore seabass trip if I can only keep 5 and 15 porgy. Regs suck and I agree the people need to be replaced.
Capt Sal
05-24-2017, 05:47 PM
Have to disagree on two points.
Yes, we def took home a boatload back in the day but never more than was needed. Coming from a family of right off the boat European parents, nothing ever went to waste. When I say nothing, I mean nothing. No such thing as fillets, you ate the fish, all of it, and at times 5 days a week.
As far as the new regs becoming the norm. Maybe. But these kids still have a hard time understanding why they can't bring home something they caught themselves to eat. With these current regs I always have a meal but when fishing with the kids it's hard to do one thing and preach to them they have to follow the rules.
Hook and line fisherman will never deplete the stocks only commercial nets killing everything in there path!
05-24-2017, 06:51 PM
Hook and line fisherman will never deplete the stocks only commercial nets killing everything in there path!
Totally agree as I've posted that here many times. Unsure how my post comes off as saying the recs deplete the stocks?
Reel Class
05-24-2017, 07:50 PM
The fluke population is rebuilt.The whiting and ling are not and whiting may never come back the way it was.Flounder populations are down but a few more added to the limit would help.A new generation of NOAA is what is needed!Replace them all from the top down.You can't fix STUPID but you can replace it!!:rolleyes:
Well said, Sal.
05-24-2017, 08:56 PM
Could not disagree more with OP.
Today's generation are used to instant gratification and getting what they want. My two daughters are perfect examples. Up until,they were 12ish, they loved going. A short or two and they were very happy.
Now, not so much. A few selfies on the boat, get splashed a couple times, and they are ready to go.
05-25-2017, 01:31 PM
Hook and line fisherman will never deplete the stocks only commercial nets killing everything in there path!
Well said. Corporate interests always overwhelm the little guys...small businessmen or rec fishermen alike. Only way to have a voice in big league is to become a member and support organizations who voice our concerns in those bureaucratic meetings. Raising awareness on forums is good too.
05-25-2017, 05:09 PM
I'm no expert but wouldn't you think some of the big fishing tackle companies (Penn-Shimano-St.Croix-Berkley-Spro-Lowrance-just to name a couple)
have a interest in helping us little guys with some fight..??
If these regulations keep going the wrong way?? they might not be the Big Company anymore..??
05-25-2017, 06:07 PM
I'm 21 years old, and I would rather see tighter regs to support the conservation of fish populations. Another thing is a lot of my friends are much more into catch and release than they are keeping their catches. Sure, tighter regs are not ideal for charter/party boats, but I would rather be able to go out and catch fish when I'm older than trying endlessly to catch fish that no longer exist. That being said, I don't have a ton of saltwater experience, I mostly fish freshwater. But I'm very used to taking next to nothing home and still being happy as a clam.
Just my two cents, tight lines everyone!
Capt Sal
05-25-2017, 06:58 PM
I'm 21 years old, and I would rather see tighter regs to support the conservation of fish populations. Another thing is a lot of my friends are much more into catch and release than they are keeping their catches. Sure, tighter regs are not ideal for charter/party boats, but I would rather be able to go out and catch fish when I'm older than trying endlessly to catch fish that no longer exist. That being said, I don't have a ton of saltwater experience, I mostly fish freshwater. But I'm very used to taking next to nothing home and still being happy as a clam.
Just my two cents, tight lines everyone!
When you get older and ''Have more salt waterexperience'' come back and let us know what you have learned.
05-25-2017, 07:22 PM
When you get older and ''Have more salt waterexperience'' come back and let us know what you have learned.
Thought people may have wanted a viewpoint from a younger generation like the post is titled. Guess not!
Blackfish Doug
05-25-2017, 07:35 PM
I'm 21 years old, and I would rather see tighter regs to support the conservation of fish populations. Another thing is a lot of my friends are much more into catch and release than they are keeping their catches. Sure, tighter regs are not ideal for charter/party boats, but I would rather be able to go out and catch fish when I'm older than trying endlessly to catch fish that no longer exist. That being said, I don't have a ton of saltwater experience, I mostly fish freshwater. But I'm very used to taking next to nothing home and still being happy as a clam.
Just my two cents, tight lines everyone!
This is America & you do have every right to feel the way you do so I respect that. I'm glad that somebody younger has taken the time out to post their opinions. But the people who are making these regulations up want you to fish no longer & that's a fact. Somebody posted a report about California where they had a very good fishing area closed off for 5 years for research sounds good right. Now for the hard truth in after 5 years no body did any research at all & it still remains closed till today get the picture. Maybe now you may have a better understanding why so many people are upset here.
05-25-2017, 07:36 PM
I'm 21 years old, and I would rather see tighter regs to support the conservation of fish populations. Another thing is a lot of my friends are much more into catch and release than they are keeping their catches. Sure, tighter regs are not ideal for charter/party boats, but I would rather be able to go out and catch fish when I'm older than trying endlessly to catch fish that no longer exist. That being said, I don't have a ton of saltwater experience, I mostly fish freshwater. But I'm very used to taking next to nothing home and still being happy as a clam.
Just my two cents, tight lines everyone!
This is one of the points I was trying to bring out with my post. The younger generation has a different POV than us old salts do. And that is ok with me. I just wish the powers to be would come up with some realistic regulations based on the real number of fish out there so we can make our fishing trip's worth while! Have a great fishing season!
05-25-2017, 07:48 PM
I absolutely understand why everyone is upset! Don't get me wrong. I have always been interested in fishing and I fished with my father at Barnegat Inlet before he passed. Fishing has just always been about fun for me, and I think a lot of my generation is similar. The people who want to take fish home should be able to do so!
Also, I agree that commercial fishing is a big part of the problem. If tighter regs are put on the guys carrying their buckets out to the shoreline, tighter regs should be put on commercial fisherman throwing nets out there as well. As I said I don't have the most saltwater experience by a long shot, but I would like to be able to get the experience from healthy fish populations.
Tight lines all!
05-25-2017, 08:30 PM
I absolutely understand why everyone is upset! Don't get me wrong. I have always been interested in fishing and I fished with my father at Barnegat Inlet before he passed. Fishing has just always been about fun for me, and I think a lot of my generation is similar. The people who want to take fish home should be able to do so!
Also, I agree that commercial fishing is a big part of the problem. If tighter regs are put on the guys carrying their buckets out to the shoreline, tighter regs should be put on commercial fisherman throwing nets out there as well. As I said I don't have the most saltwater experience by a long shot, but I would like to be able to get the experience from healthy fish populations.
Tight lines all! Well said young man.. just keep at it and you will continue to get better at fishing... we need young people like you to carry the torch and it looks like that's exactly what you are doing. Tight Lines!
05-25-2017, 09:19 PM
But the people who are making these regulations up want you to fish no longer & that's a fact.
Since when is conspiracy theory fact?
Hopefully the younger generation exhibit better critical thinking skills than what I see rampant on this forum.
I'm no expert but wouldn't you think some of the big fishing tackle companies (Penn-Shimano-St.Croix-Berkley-Spro-Lowrance-just to name a couple)
have a interest in helping us little guys with some fight..??
If these regulations keep going the wrong way?? they might not be the Big Company anymore..??
Maybe the big tackle companies don't agree with your outlook on fisheries management. Perhaps they take a longer view.
05-25-2017, 09:47 PM
Hook...great reply and much appreciated. For a young dude ya seem to got it figured out
Keep the thoughts coming and forget the old haters....:p
05-25-2017, 10:06 PM
Like I said earlier I'm only 26 and try to go out on party boats every weekend (when the schedule allows). I love just being on the water and it's not just about bringing home fish, but being away from work and other distractions of life on land. However for the last few years I've supplied our families Christmas dinner of seabass and porgy with fish I've caught on offshore trips. If I can only bring home 5 seabass and 15 porgy, it's going to be hard to justify the cost of $200, not to mention there seems to be a billion of these fish out there which makes the regulations all that more frustrating. I'm all for reasonable regulations to ensure that I'm able to catch fish for many years to come, but I hate the crap of cutting bag limits because of bogus science, or in the case of porgy, because nobody needs 50. If there's enough of them out there, let me decide how many I need.
Capt Sal
05-26-2017, 09:07 AM
I'm 21 years old, and I would rather see tighter regs to support the conservation of fish populations. Another thing is a lot of my friends are much more into catch and release than they are keeping their catches. Sure, tighter regs are not ideal for charter/party boats, but I would rather be able to go out and catch fish when I'm older than trying endlessly to catch fish that no longer exist. That being said, I don't have a ton of saltwater experience, I mostly fish freshwater. But I'm very used to taking next to nothing home and still being happy as a clam.
Just my two cents, tight lines everyone!
We don't want to over harvest we just want a reasonable bag limit.The government wants NO FISHING! I respect your opinion and i am glad to see young people with an interest in salt water fishing.
05-26-2017, 11:48 AM
When you get older and ''Have more salt waterexperience'' come back and let us know what you have learned.
Thanks for the laugh "Captain" Sal. This kid puts himself out there and you dismiss him like it's nothing. Still wondering why there's a divide between your generation and ours?
It is my opinion that older generations did us absolutely NO FAVORS with the way that fisheries were managed. We should have way better inshore fisheries than we have now and the great stories we hear from old timers about taking home bags and bags of fish is the reason why. This resource is not infinite, all of our fisheries are in big trouble. There is more people, more technology, more access and less fish. And every year it is getting worse. So when you guys are done with your "get off my lawn" spiel, maybe we can start discussing sustainable fishing so our kids might have a fish or two to catch.
Capt Sal
05-26-2017, 01:00 PM
Thanks for the laugh "Captain" Sal. This kid puts himself out there and you dismiss him like it's nothing. Still wondering why there's a divide between your generation and ours?
It is my opinion that older generations did us absolutely NO FAVORS with the way that fisheries were managed. We should have way better inshore fisheries than we have now and the great stories we hear from old timers about taking home bags and bags of fish is the reason why. This resource is not infinite, all of our fisheries are in big trouble. There is more people, more technology, more access and less fish. And every year it is getting worse. So when you guys are done with your "get off my lawn" spiel, maybe we can start discussing sustainable fishing so our kids might have a fish or two to catch.
What do i owe you boy! If you had any idea in this world of what you are talking about you would know ''commercial'' fishermen crushed the fish populations not hook and line!IBlame this on the older generation? Stupid to say the least.Entitled???What have you done to help the cause? Donated money,attended meetings, marched on Washington?Nothing thats what!!!''So our kids might have a fish or two'' is a joke.If the new generation of fishermen thought like you we lost! What don't you understand about the fluke fishery is recoverd?Old timers taking home bags of fillets is why we went fishing .We ate them all and fished for the table as well as sport.
05-26-2017, 02:59 PM
I'll chime in here just to give a perspective from one of the members of the generation of discussion.
26 years old here. Avid salt and freshwater fisherman. Fluking is hands down my favorite fishery. While I've fished for them my entire life, only in the past 4-5 years have a really started to focus on improving my performance and working towards the "mastery" that I know takes a life time to achieve.
That being said, I release every fish I've ever caught [edit: unless I wish fishing on someone else's boat who wanted the fish or deep water fish which can not be released]. This is solely my personal opinion that I hold only to myself and would never push on others - recreational fisheries to me exist for sporting, its not a supermarket. If i need food, I will buy it. A lot of argument seems to be formed around the justification of the cost of fishing - my justification is the enjoyment of the sport.
Perhaps I've derived this opinion from seeing all to many people (albeit mostly freshwater situations) treating water ways as the local stop and shop, while the fishery directly suffers. I understand a freshwater lake or pond and the ocean are apples to oranges - but with the conservational driven mindset of the current times.. when you extrapolate the effect its all relatable.
I think things have changed significantly since the "days of old" everyone reminisces about. Truth is - population, tech, and pressure has increased 10 fold since the days of the 40's & 50's. Are commercial fisheries the driving force behind any dents in populations, of course. Its unfortunate. Can we change it, doubtful. Realistically people need to eat, and we all know food sources for the masses are at a premium. Its not just fisheries that are in trouble.. farm land, sustainable agriculture, livestock, all these are under pressure for one thing - to produce food. Check and reduce commercial quotas and what would everyone do - encourage everyone to grab a rod and reel and catch it themselves? That'd be wonderful.. but not realistic. If me only being allowed to bring home 3 fluke after fishing is what is needed to sustain our recreational sport so be.
Again, I go fishing with buddies all the time to who keep all they catch. I have plently of "meat fisherman" friends. I in no way judge or thinking poorly of their choices. I'm also by no means a conservationist.. avid hunter (if I could catch an release hunt I would ;) ) To me.. its just all about the sport. I'll pickup dinner on my way home.
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