View Full Version : FLUKE you got what you asked for
05-14-2017, 06:12 PM
Hate to say I told ya so.
With what looks like compromise regs getting pushed , looks like the guys who kept saying let things play out got what they asked for .
Instead of educating that it was time for a slot limit to meet the reductions .guys kept saying status qou . That too many guys wouldn't be able to catch 19" fish .
Don't kill the big females . Shorten the season to keep the limit etc etc.
So what happens , instead of worrying about getting the 2 fish slammed on us for out of compliance . Those in charge headed what they thought would be best .
Since status qou wasn't going to happen , and guys already cried 18" was too big . They couldn't let it get to 19" or the fishery was doomed .
So now you will prob get the 3/18"
IMO instead of sitting waiting to see what would happen , if things were pushed different and more info was pushed , we could have had a more liberal bag limit .
The slot fish should have been pushed from the start like a few of us suggested.
05-14-2017, 06:31 PM
In my opinion status quo would have been the best option for us this year until we could review the actual data, and not the BS that they are shoving down our throats. Yes a slot fish is good in my opinion, but we are dealing with a system that refuses to bend even though the fishery is going in the wrong direction.
I will be the first person to put my boat up on blocks if need be, but that is not the case. The fishery management is what needs to be put up on blocks and replaced in my opinion.
05-14-2017, 06:51 PM
Oh boy
05-14-2017, 07:05 PM
[QUOTE=Rocky;482043The fishery management is what needs to be put up on blocks and replaced in my opinion.[/QUOTE]
Well said.
Gerry Zagorski
05-14-2017, 07:26 PM
Timing is everything Dan. Although the timing may not have been right this year since this was more of a economic and political battle, I think based on new science, a slot has a better chance of being considered next year..
Lots of moving parts here Dan...Keep the faith, stay informed, share your opinions with others and sooner or later, the cream rises to the top.
Capt Joe
05-14-2017, 08:16 PM
Hope some cream rises to the top before the ad goes in Boats and Harbors
05-14-2017, 10:39 PM
what we should do next year is not put our boats in, stop fishing buy no tackle bait ice beer and gas , see how fast they change those regs. just boycott all fishing for a season .
Joey Dah Fish
05-14-2017, 11:04 PM
Out of compliance is better than what we got
05-15-2017, 06:20 AM
what we should do next year is not put our boats in, stop fishing buy no tackle bait ice beer and gas , see how fast they change those regs. just boycott all fishing for a season .
Guess that's easy to say if you don't make your living by fishing or selling bait & tackle? What we might want to do is take all the money we donate to these organizations that have been taking our money for years "helping us achieve a reasonable solution" and start a slush fund to help pay fines for those willing to stay out of compliance! *
Why is compromise necessary in this situation? The Federal Government is looking to put many hardworking people out of business! *This is something they have been trying to do for years and it looks like they may finally accomplish their goal! I do so look forward to the day when the marinas will be full of condos and sailboats!*
Capt Sal
05-15-2017, 09:49 AM
Scientists employed by NOAA do not want to be told they are wrong. If they are not replaced and there bosses it will never change.We can donate money to all the different organizations that can't agree amongst themselves and hire Rutgers or other biologists and prove NOAA wrong but it won't matter.Until management of NOAA is replaced we are screwed nation wide!
Capt John
05-15-2017, 09:07 PM
Guess that's easy to say if you don't make your living by fishing or selling bait & tackle? What we might want to do is take all the money we donate to these organizations that have been taking our money for years "helping us achieve a reasonable solution" and start a slush fund to help pay fines for those willing to stay out of compliance! *
RIGHT ON CAPT.....Now you're getting to the real meat of this issue. What the hell happened to "enough is enough" I heard in Pt. Pleasant? What happened to all that tough talk????? :confused:
If NJ went out of compliance, as I was told by "someone" very high up, it would eventually go to the Commerce Secretary, which could take a month or two, and he would send it back to NOAA for some kind of solution. By that time the 2017 fluke season would be close to an end. Buy some time and help save a few businesses
Bottom line....NJ was finally taking a stand, win or loose, being out of compliance even for a day. The message would be sent. But no, ASMFC threatens a shutdown and the our reps back down...B/S.:mad:
To paraphrase a line from "The Gladiator"....the time for half-measures is over.
05-15-2017, 10:03 PM
Timing is everything Dan. Although the timing may not have been right this year since this was more of a economic and political battle, I think based on new science, a slot has a better chance of being considered next year..
Lots of moving parts here Dan...Keep the faith, stay informed, share your opinions with others and sooner or later, the cream rises to the top.
Not for nothing Gerry, but we have decreased the quota and increased the size limits for 19 years, it hasn't worked according to "their" data, what makes you think it will change? Which moving parts will stop the insanity? Just saying.
The Science study being done by the SSFFF and reviewd by NMFS could shed additional light on a slot fish. Meanwhile on the Political side, we have bill HR1335 on the table to reform Magnuson.
reform the Magnuson act to give fisheries management
Reel Class
05-16-2017, 04:53 AM
I'm sorry, but even someone with a blind eye sees that all of the community's "efforts" that have been made regarding fisheries management have gone literally nowhere. Year after year, lawmakers have been taking away from us, little by little, and now we're faced with basically the bear minimum in terms of what we can take. The next thing is complete closure - just like cod up in New England.
We've been patient, we've seen NO progress. That's the bottom line.
05-16-2017, 08:37 AM
Gerry the point is NOW was the time .
There was never a 3/18 on the table .it is our dep. Trying to maintain some type of fishery instead of taking a closure or the ridicules 2 Fish .
They picked the lesser of all evils . Keeping the size limit as low as they thought they could possibly pass . And are trying to keep enough Fish to sustain guys Fishing for them .
Now was the time to push the slot size Fish to lower the poundage. And keep a few Fish over 19 to appease their false data .
IMO waiting till next year to push for a slot Fish will be harder to sell .
.and while many don't like the shortened season .I believe the shorter end date won't change much .
As while years ago late September and October offered great fishing . Many of the last few year's the fluking really changes by the first week of september
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