View Full Version : JCAA Position on Fluke Regulations
Angler Paul
05-12-2017, 12:17 PM
Fluke Regulation Update
During the last two weeks, I represented the JCAA on various conference calls and meetings with high ranking State officials regarding the fluke regulations. Below is an email that I sent to various officials and representatives from other groups that were involved in these discussions. At the JCAA board meeting on 5/11, the board unanimously confirmed that I had accurately presented the JCAA position. Further, a majority of board members favored the original ASMFC proposal of 3 fluke at 19” with a 128 day season rather than the current “compromise” which calls for 3 fluke at 18” with a 104 day season. Though this “compromise” seems to be etched in stone, the public will have one last chance to comment on this at the upcoming NJMFC meeting. The meeting date, time and location have not yet been set but is expected to be held on Wednesday 5/17. The public will be allowed to comment on this issue prior to the Council voting on the regulation. JCAA encourages those interested to attend and give their opinions regardless of whether they prefer either option or want our State to continue with its appeal to the ASMFC. There is a lot of outrage over this but please be courteous and respect the opinions of others. Our state officials went to bat for us and are trying to help us but have been forced into this situation by the ASMFC and the MAFMC. Below is the email I sent on behalf of JCAA while the “compromise” was still being considered”
“On behalf of the Jersey Coast Anglers Association, I would like to thank Governor Christie, Commissioner Martin, Deputy Commissioner Glass and their entire crew for their support of our recreational fluke fishermen. We know that a tremendous amount of time and research has been devoted to this issue. We will be forever grateful for this great effort regardless of how it ultimately turns out.
However, that having been said, we think the compromise proposed today is not a good idea. Cutting the season by 24 days and decreasing the bag limit from 5 fluke to 3 fluke is just too steep of a price to pay to stay at 18”. Shortening the season in September is most disturbing to us. That is the time of the year when we catch some of the largest fluke of the season and the overall fishing can be superb. It also comes at a time when there is little else to fish for particularly for inshore fishermen as sea bass season will be closed, we will only be allowed to keep one blackfish and stripers for the most part will not yet have arrived. Ending the season on 9/5 also hurts our shore based fishermen who often catch their bigger fish during the mullet run. While going to 19” would definitely have a severe negative impact on our State, lopping off 24 days of the season will also be very detrimental. What are people supposed to fish for from the shore or inshore after 9/5? By contrast in the spring, stripers and big blues are abundant and sea bass season is even open for part of May. If we have to compromise, we would rather have more open days in September than May. Going to 3 fish will also have a negative impact. While we know that many fishermen struggle to catch 3 at 18”, it is the perception that they might have a good day and be able to catch 5 keepers that keeps them coming to the shore and supporting our charter and party boats along with the tackle stores, marinas and various other businesses. Make no mistake, if this compromise goes through, it is still going to hurt us big time. People are going to be very angry and many will either not comply or simply not go fishing.
Back in March, JCAA agreed to back the State in its appeal to the ASMFC regardless of what the consequences might be. We would like to reaffirm that is still our position. We would rather have the appeal go to the Secretary of Commerce and accept the consequences rather than having some of the best fishing time of our season taken away from us.”
Paul Haertel, JCAA Board Member/Past President
05-12-2017, 08:28 PM
I agree !
05-13-2017, 05:56 AM
What compromise? We are getting screwed and have been for many years. The people in charge of making these decisions have no clue on what they are doing and making their decisions with faulty data. I feel they won't be happy until they stop us from fishing altogether.
05-13-2017, 06:17 AM
I, like many others I have spoken to are of the belief that the "POWERS TO BE" could give a rats a$$ about what we think or feel about the limits and will do whatever they please at the expense of many and all businesses associated with recreatonal fishing. We marched and what did it do? We signed petitions. What did it do? We took a survey....if you call it that based on the pointed questions buried within.......sad state of where things are.....feel most for the captains and crews depending on this for livelihood. Don't know how they have achieved their power in these organizations...wait yes I do......but they certainly need to be stripped of it for the abuse they are now imposing. Pretty clear from where I viewas this where it is all heading to.:mad:
05-13-2017, 07:53 AM
Most lethal phrase ever coined "We're the government and we're here to help you"!!!!!
Good Fishing to ALL while we can
captain george angler
05-13-2017, 08:56 AM
3 fish at any size is no good. APPEAL!!!!! What happened to Trump helping us working and fighting stupid Government regulations. We should reach out to him for help. NMFC has killed us for years. Keep last years regs. Captain George Angler
Ice Cream Bill
05-13-2017, 09:46 AM
Didn't you post on here months ago that JCAA and other organizations would fight tough against these agencies and risk NJ being out of compliance regarding these proposed fluke regulations? Who decided to "cave in" and accept this so-called "compromise" of 3 fluke @ 19" with a much shorter season?
Imagine 6-pack charter captains, many who are sponsors on this site, losing 20+ days with a shorter season at an average $750-$800 per trip? Has anyone taken into account the financial impact on them?
Regarding sea bass, I heard the regs have been changed to 5 fish? I have an offshore trip scheduled on a NS boat in Point Pleasant. Now I'm spending $200 to catch 5 fish? $40 per fish? I don't think so. Even now, when spring porgy fishing in NY, you can't get to the bottom without pulling up sea bass.
"Worst available science" by NOAA and these other agencies.
Enough is enough!
05-13-2017, 10:18 AM
I, like many others I have spoken to are of the belief that the "POWERS TO BE" could give a rats a$$ about what we think or feel about the limits and will do whatever they please at the expense of many and all businesses associated with recreatonal fishing. We marched and what did it do? We signed petitions. What did it do? We took a survey....if you call it that based on the pointed questions buried within.......sad state of where things are.....feel most for the captains and crews depending on this for livelihood. Don't know how they have achieved their power in these organizations...wait yes I do......but they certainly need to be stripped of it for the abuse they are now imposing. Pretty clear from where I viewas this where it is all heading to.:mad:
So frustrating, especially when they talk about the science, and poundage, how the heck do they know how many pounds the rod and reel guy catch ?? how do they know how many fish are in the ocean ? the science is BS they DONT KNOW !!! The comms can wipe out an area in a matter of hours, the rod n reel guy will never put a hurting on the fluke like the comms. I laugh when they say the party boats were able to get out and fish x number of days, yea well many days those boats went out with a hand full of peeps, most peeps are working mon thru fri, and how many of those folks caught keepers.
IMHO THE ONLY WAY TO FIGHT IT IS TO 1 PUT MONEY IN THE POLITICIANS POCKET 2 PUT UP MONEY FROM THE FISHING COMMUNITY FROM ALL STATES, FOR INDEPTH STUDY TO PROVE TO THEM THAT THEIR SCIENCE IS BS, and when you talk about the science it has to be on all level, BIOMASS NOT ONLY IN NJ, BUT NY, CT ETC, MORTALITY RELEASE RATE, BREEDER SIZE, ETC ETC. The govt isnt going to spend our tax dollars on an indepth study by the proper marine bioligists. alot of the tree hugger lobby groups that put money in the politicians pockets dont want to see hunters and fisherman take any thing so that another fight on another front .
05-13-2017, 10:19 AM
Some call it
Most of us call it getting
05-13-2017, 10:26 AM
Didn't you post on here months ago that JCAA and other organizations would fight tough against these agencies and risk NJ being out of compliance regarding these proposed fluke regulations? Who decided to "cave in" and accept this so-called "compromise" of 3 fluke @ 19" with a much shorter season?
Imagine 6-pack charter captains, many who are sponsors on this site, losing 20+ days with a shorter season at an average $750-$800 per trip? Has anyone taken into account the financial impact on them?
Regarding sea bass, I heard the regs have been changed to 5 fish? I have an offshore trip scheduled on a NS boat in Point Pleasant. Now I'm spending $200 to catch 5 fish? $40 per fish? I don't think so. Even now, when spring porgy fishing in NY, you can't get to the bottom without pulling up sea bass.
"Worst available science" by NOAA and these other agencies.
Enough is enough!
They dont give a rats arse about the financial impact, dont you get it ???
They argue the SCIENCE ! so we have to fight them on their own ground , therefore we have to argue the science, and prove that the fishery is healthy , how do we do that ??? $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ thats what it takes. dont you realize that there is too much money money floating around in washington ??? that what it all comes down to is MONEY, and the faster the fishing community in all states realize that, the quicker we can put this BS to bed. I dont give a chit how mnay meetings we attend how many people show up blah blah blah, its all about the money, go see how much money the pew foundation has, make you wanna throw up.
05-13-2017, 11:16 AM
SO I grew a very large set today. Here is a copy of what I posted on the President of the US page a few seconds ago:
Mr. President, Thank you for all you have done in the early days of your appointment to POTUS. I respect what you stand for and what you have done and are doing. Specifically with attempting to help keep jobs in America and creating a better economy for all. That said, I am asking you to consider reviewing what is currently taking place with the fishery and more specifically recreational fishing business along the Mid Atlantic area. There are those who are currently decimating the business, peripheral businesses and livelihoods of very hard working individuals who depend on the business to support their families by being able to take anglers out to enjoy a passion and respectable outlet for many. These organizations, ASMFC and the MAFMC are destroying lives based on what they term as scientific evidence showing that rod and reels of fishermen are killing fish populations, specifically summer fluke and sea bass which they have recently enacted further restrictions of. Their science is flawed and quite backwards as they are now forcing us to catch and kill the larger, breeder fish which will have greater impact to the species. Anglers are already cancelling fishing trips just based on this week's announcement that NJ must abide by or be forced to have even tighter and more ridiculous size limitations.Mr. President, If you want to demonstrate how you are willing to work with Businesses and Organizations to help maintain and create jobs and reduce unemployment, this is a time I would deplore you to become involved and prevent this complete decimation of an industry which means so much to so many, including myself personally. This enactment of skewed scientific regulations also affects many states other than NJ as well and will have sweeping repercussion. I hope this will reach you and that you will consider how and what can be done to assist the many people in this industry before it's too late. I truly thank you for any consideration you can afford to this or can work with Governor's like Gov. Christie to intercede.
Capt John
05-13-2017, 01:25 PM
Didn't you post on here months ago that JCAA and other organizations would fight tough against these agencies and risk NJ being out of compliance regarding these proposed fluke regulations? Who decided to "cave in" and accept this so-called "compromise" of 3 fluke @ 19" with a much shorter season?
Imagine 6-pack charter captains, many who are sponsors on this site, losing 20+ days with a shorter season at an average $750-$800 per trip? Has anyone taken into account the financial impact on them?
Regarding sea bass, I heard the regs have been changed to 5 fish? I have an offshore trip scheduled on a NS boat in Point Pleasant. Now I'm spending $200 to catch 5 fish? $40 per fish? I don't think so. Even now, when spring porgy fishing in NY, you can't get to the bottom without pulling up sea bass.
"Worst available science" by NOAA and these other agencies.
Enough is enough!
My exact sentiment....who the hell caved in? Whatever happened to "enough is enough"? All I heard for weeks was "now that Trump is our president, he'll help us out" ditto with Commerce Secretary Ross..."oh he's pro business, he won't let us down". Where the hell are these guys now and their support? Compromise....BULL****
We either use the support we had at Pt. Pleasant (remember that day guys?) or put our tails between our legs. Horrible development. Starting a charter business in NJ?...think twice all you retirees. 5@18 for 128 and nothing less...NOTHING!
Capt John
05-13-2017, 04:02 PM
some call it
most of us call it getting
Out of compliance
or nothing
fight it
or fillet an release
grow a set people
way to go chad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:d
Reel Class
05-16-2017, 04:57 AM
What compromise? We are getting screwed and have been for many years. The people in charge of making these decisions have no clue on what they are doing and making their decisions with faulty data. I feel they won't be happy until they stop us from fishing altogether.
Well said agree 100%
Reel Class
05-16-2017, 04:58 AM
didn't you post on here months ago that jcaa and other organizations would fight tough against these agencies and risk nj being out of compliance regarding these proposed fluke regulations? Who decided to "cave in" and accept this so-called "compromise" of 3 fluke @ 19" with a much shorter season?
Imagine 6-pack charter captains, many who are sponsors on this site, losing 20+ days with a shorter season at an average $750-$800 per trip? Has anyone taken into account the financial impact on them?
Regarding sea bass, i heard the regs have been changed to 5 fish? I have an offshore trip scheduled on a ns boat in point pleasant. Now i'm spending $200 to catch 5 fish? $40 per fish? I don't think so. Even now, when spring porgy fishing in ny, you can't get to the bottom without pulling up sea bass.
"worst available science" by noaa and these other agencies.
Enough is enough!
05-16-2017, 07:12 AM
Chad is right. It's either stick to your guns and really say enough is enough, and not only be noncompliant but STAY noncompliant. Or every one needs to be pirates and tell the Feds f you and your bs regs. Nothing has worked to this point. Something different needs to be done
bunker dunker
05-16-2017, 07:31 AM
the only position we are in is a bad one.i too agree that enough is enough.they laugh when we march,send letters and carry on,you think they really care.i say we all get together and hit them were it hurts.lets spend a bunch of their money and time!!!!!
05-16-2017, 09:20 AM
Chad is right. It's either stick to your guns and really say enough is enough, and not only be noncompliant but STAY noncompliant. Or every one needs to be pirates and tell the Feds f you and your bs regs. Nothing has worked to this point. Something different needs to be done
I certainly wouldn't say a word if I saw anybody keeping flounder this Sunday
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