View Full Version : Mojo's

04-20-2017, 09:02 AM
As a reminder...I'm totally new to fishing from a boat for stripers...that being said...

What's the proper way to fish a mojo...including where to fish them?

What I've been told so far:

-Drop the rig down to the bottom.
-Reel three times.
-Put it in the rod holder.
-Troll as slow as possible.

-Edges of channels.

Your thoughts and comments are much appreciated for this boat fishing newbie.

Thank you!

Gerry Zagorski
04-20-2017, 10:00 AM
You pretty much covered it Walt. I would also add if you are marking fish on your sounder try trolling the same spot in different directions, against and across the tide. And the obvious this time of year is to look for areas where the Gannets that are dive bombing bait.

A lot of this fishery right now is about location and timing. It could be the dead sea one part of the day and the other an all out blitz.