View Full Version : half good half bad

bunker dunker
04-10-2017, 09:44 AM
started after work friday.hit the lake at 6pm,a little cold and windy but not to bad.start with the husky jerk and start catching nice white perch right away.it was a good pick of all nice whites and a few yellows.i start throwing the jig & bobber and that was the ticket.nice crappies,perch,gills,golden tarpon on almost
every cast.fished till dark and headed home.all fished released..saturday morning up the lake and at it again at 6:30am and the crappies had the feed bag on.it was super fishing till 9-9:30am and it just stopped,like the lake new she gave enough and threw the switch.went home and took care of a few things and at 6pm went back out.should have stayed home.talk about rags to riches and back to rags again.i could not buy a crappie.caught two small yellows and one gill.so up again sunday morning looking to get the smell off me only to find that same tough fishing.i hit seven spots that have always held a few crappie for us and all
came up empty.fished till 10:30am with nothing to show so i left and headed home.sunday afternoon i switched gears and went up at 6:30pm and fished for hybrids.did not get any but lost a big eye at the shore line and saw a few others caught and released.all and all a good weekend on the lake.

04-10-2017, 11:04 AM
What is a golden tarpon? I've seen that on here a bunch of times now.

Also I think I met you (that day when they were doing the dredging).

04-10-2017, 11:16 AM
Nice report on the white perch. That's still one fish I've never caught. Need to figure out where to find them on the lake...

bunker dunker
04-10-2017, 11:16 AM
we call the golden shiners lh tarpon.yes that was me,the one losing all the fish{lol}.

04-10-2017, 12:11 PM
Ha ha, good to know, thanks. I've yet to catch one of them myself.