View Full Version : Borough of Deal New Proposed Parking Permit

04-04-2017, 05:09 PM
The Borough of Deal is introducing Ordinance #1143 "Permit Parking" on Monmouth Terrace, Monmouth Drive, Hathaway, Sydney and Neptune Ave.
This is another attempt to keep people away from the newly replenished beaches, paid for with your tax money.

The borough tried to pass similar ordinances in October 2015 and June 2016. But those ordinances were tabled after they were met with fierce public opposition.

Ordinance #1143 is another slap in the face to local taxpayers, given that Deal's beaches were recently the benefactor of a $40 million taxpayer-funded beach replenishment project by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.

The ordinance is on the agenda for the public meeting at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, April 5, 2017 at 7:30 PM. There will be no discussion on the ordinance when it is introduced, but members of the public will have a chance to chime in during the public comment portion at the end of the meeting.

There will be a public comment period on May 10, 2017 prior to the final vote on the Ordinance at Borough Hall, 7:30 PM.

Please review #1143, comment and share.

Read the first draft:

https://cdn.fbsbx.com/v/t59.2708-21/17573135_10103377655403475_3998567127547117568_n.d ocx/DEAL-ORDINANCE-1143.docx?oh=629c3ba9032c4c37fb15d1dd5b67b646&oe=58E68100&dl=1

04-05-2017, 07:47 AM
They Suck!!!

04-06-2017, 08:09 AM
Drop by this page for news on the Permit Ordinance:


Capt. Debbie
04-06-2017, 10:28 AM
These F'ing people from Sea Bright to Long Branch all do this crap.

Should have someone from the state teardown every single one of those steps and platforms put on public sea walls.

They also harass you to make parking ridiculous to keep you away in the summer months too. But the B*stards will always take Fed and State money because life is not worth living without a palatial Oceanside vacation home. Right? LOL

The Borough of Deal is introducing Ordinance #1143 "Permit Parking" on Monmouth Terrace, Monmouth Drive, Hathaway, Sydney and Neptune Ave.
This is another attempt to keep people away from the newly replenished beaches, paid for with your tax money.

The borough tried to pass similar ordinances in October 2015 and June 2016. But those ordinances were tabled after they were met with fierce public opposition.

Ordinance #1143 is another slap in the face to local taxpayers, given that Deal's beaches were recently the benefactor of a $40 million taxpayer-funded beach replenishment project by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.

The ordinance is on the agenda for the public meeting at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, April 5, 2017 at 7:30 PM. There will be no discussion on the ordinance when it is introduced, but members of the public will have a chance to chime in during the public comment portion at the end of the meeting.

There will be a public comment period on May 10, 2017 prior to the final vote on the Ordinance at Borough Hall, 7:30 PM.

Please review #1143, comment and share.

Read the first draft:

https://cdn.fbsbx.com/v/t59.2708-21/17573135_10103377655403475_3998567127547117568_n.d ocx/DEAL-ORDINANCE-1143.docx?oh=629c3ba9032c4c37fb15d1dd5b67b646&oe=58E68100&dl=1

04-06-2017, 08:00 PM
Where can you currently park to fish surf fish long branch or elberon area?

I always admire the jetties while passing by on party boats but the few times i
attempt to fish there I can't figure out where to park....