View Full Version : Need a Rod/Reel recommendation

04-02-2017, 03:48 PM
Hey all! This is my first saltwater post, glad to be here. I'm looking for a rod and reel suitable for some surf fishing. I'm also going to be hitting barnegat light jetty a bunch this summer for fluke so ideally I'm looking for something that would work well in both scenarios. Any recommendations are welcome and appreciated! Tight lines!

04-02-2017, 04:29 PM
Depending on your price range, Penn battle 2 is a great reel for the money. Probably a 5000 size would work for you between blues, bass, fluke. A 7-8 ft Rd medium - medium heavy sounds about right... If you want to spend less, Cabela's makes some decent combos ready to use.

Spend more and get a shimano sustain 5000 paired with a St. Croix surf rod

Good luck

04-02-2017, 04:42 PM
Depending on your price range, Penn battle 2 is a great reel for the money. Probably a 5000 size would work for you between blues, bass, fluke. A 7-8 ft Rd medium - medium heavy sounds about right... If you want to spend less, Cabela's makes some decent combos ready to use.

Spend more and get a shimano sustain 5000 paired with a St. Croix surf rod

Good luck

^Good advice. I have a couple 12-foot heavy Penn Battallion Surf rods that I use for surf sharking. For $100 they're a great buy. I would imagine the 9- and 10-foot medium or medium heavy would do a fine job throwing plugs from the suds or jetty. If you've got money to burn, try a St. Croix surf rod as mentioned. Can't go wrong with a Sustain, but also check out the Penn Clash or new Penn Slammer III's. I also just got a Shimano Ultegra XTD and the thing is sweet.

04-02-2017, 11:40 PM
It all depends on budget and how sloppy you'll be getting. Are you casually fishing or planning to aggressively surf fish? The reels mentioned will all serve their purpose but keep in mind one dunk in the briny drink and you'll be grating cheese as you turn the handle. Penns are easily serviced. Shimanos are buttery smooth but cannot withstand a salty beating without proper maintenance and upkeep. I've used both to the point of no return and they lasted years catching many fish. None held a candle to my van Staal. A USA made van Staal.

They're heavy. They're winches. But they're sealed and can take a military grade beating. Get a 150 bailed or bailess if you can afford it. You can put it on a variety of different rods. Not sure I'd surf shark fish with it though. Doesn't have the line capacity.

04-04-2017, 11:57 AM
Hookmanski, Stop by Atlantic Bait and Tackle and check out some of our surf combos. No need to go to a big box store . Not only can we set you up with a rod and reel combo to your liking, but we can also direct you to the best place to fish . Our customers are more than happy to share their fishing spots , as there are plenty of fish to go around. So stop by and let us get you started so your next post will be about your successful trip....Pete