View Full Version : Spmmerset show/MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!

Kevin Bogan
03-21-2017, 02:05 PM
FIS POISON RODS and Kevin Bogan's Custom rods would like to thank everyone here for the best Somerset show yet. The promoter said it was up about 30% in attendance. Most customers told us that they wanted to buy a rod made in the U.S. As we know, many of the rods seen out there are made in, dare I say... CHINA. The funny part is is that many are way overpriced, and do not have near the quality of a US made rod. Buy the rods preferred by US citizens, a rod made in the USA! If you cant believe our President, than who can you believe?
:) Friends and countrymen. As you know as President of the United States of America, I urge you to buy goods made in the USA, where pride and quality come first. That, my friends equalS a real value! As I have pledged to you in my campaign, I will make sure that all boats have 2-6 Fish poison rods, and 2 19" Fluke, and at least several Blackfish ranging from 6-12 lbs.
:eek: Mr. President, does that include a bunch of Big Striped Bass?
:) Yes, I will lift all EPA restrictions on catching big fish, in large numbers on FISH POISON rods. And remember DEAD FISH DONT SWIM!!!

03-21-2017, 04:14 PM
I'm going to swing by next weekend, need a new fluke rod for jigging 4+ ounce jigs in deep water. I have a blackfish rod from you and love it, need a good fluke rod now.

Kevin Bogan
03-22-2017, 10:17 AM
I'm going to swing by next weekend, need a new fluke rod for jigging 4+ ounce jigs in deep water. I have a blackfish rod from you and love it, need a good fluke rod now.

:eek: whoops. If you have an MH it happens to be the best deep water/heavy sinker Fluke rod on the planet! Come on down anyway, bring the rod with you and I can show you other options. Thanks for the support! I will recommend you for a cabinet post in the new administration. Perhaps Secretary of Fluke fishing!;)

03-26-2017, 11:26 AM
I was going to come today, but it looks like you guys are closed for the day. Tried calling but no answer. Should have looked up your hours beforehand. I'll come next Saturday instead. I'm not sure which model rod I have for blackfish, but it's pretty darn heavy. Perfect for blackfish, but I think I need something slightly lighter for fluke. I'll bring the rod with me next weekend to compare it with some of your other stuff.

03-27-2017, 10:53 AM
Just got off the phone with you and ordered my two new bunker spoon rods for The Nauti Mermaid. Can't wait! Thanks for your help and advice. Much appreciated. (Also just ordered my Tekota 800LC reels based on the advice from the great guys you referred me to over by the crab cake guy...)