View Full Version : Fishing -set back a while?

03-15-2017, 05:48 PM
Last week guys here were talking about rec boats on bunker pods in the bay, reports of stripers being caught in the Hudson, and the fresh water side had some eye popping pics of all kinds of good fish caught in open water.. now its snowing and freezing, and cold as hell again, January weather in the NE.. Here in Candor NY we got 3 feet , 30 mph wind and 20 degrees every day.... lovely..

Nothing else to do, so i thought I'd get everyone's thoughts on how it will affect the fishing in April if at all. Think early season fishing will be able to get rolling quickly if the last week of march gives us a break?... bob

03-15-2017, 06:08 PM
This cold and snow melt will set things back some. Up until now it looked like a early season because of the lack of snow and warm tempts, but after yesterdays weather I will be staying home and tying a few more rigs before I uncover the boat.

03-15-2017, 06:32 PM
All the counties upstate NY got 2 or more feet of snow, .. Tioga,my county and Broome[Binghamton' got 3!
that means a LOT of ice water flowing into the Hudson and Delaware for several weeks,, Have a feeling it will slow up striped bass fishing as well as blackfish off the Sandy Hook/ Highlands area.. I could be wrong of course, but I think this storm is a big setback.. It the worst I have seen it up here in over 20 years... My cars are buried up over the roof. bob

03-15-2017, 06:41 PM
A cold snap is one thing, but a huge dump of snow and cold temps are another. All of that snow up North will takes weeks to runoff lowering the river temps.

Andreas Toy
03-15-2017, 07:31 PM
Unfortunately I think you guys are right, damn,
Cabin fever continues!

03-15-2017, 08:16 PM
You guys down in NJ, got what 8-10 inches?.. You should see it up here.. Insanity. We are buried under 3 feet.. Roads in all these upstate counties closed yesterday,, Sadly most of the areas that got blasted with this massive snowstorm are in the Hudson,Delaware and Susquehanna watersheds... It may be gone by April but it has to warm up and stay warm.. Looking at the 10 day its not looking so good.. We'll see what happens.. Up here we had a surprisingly warm and snowless winter, but looks like we are going to pay the price late this year.. btw, another storm is on the way i heard!... Oh well, it can't stay cold forever. Another 3 weeks you'll hear stories about the first fluke of the season caught on a clam, you'll see... bob

03-16-2017, 06:15 AM
Leaving on the 29th for two weeks of fishing and diving in Belize. should be sunny and 85 everyday. I hope every thing starts warming by the time I return. When I return it will be a mad rush to get the boat ready for the water.

03-17-2017, 04:28 PM
Reservoirs need it

03-17-2017, 08:40 PM
Well the weather in jersey is for sure nuts to say the least.. I live on shark river and we got all rain for our (blizzard) it actually melted all the snow off we had the week before... I work 30 minutes north and it was 8 inches of snow.. I would say pending where you fish that it will be screwed up for awhile... biggest thing to watch is the water temps. That should be a good judge as to the fishing