View Full Version : Sunday 5 am cod

03-12-2017, 11:37 AM
Went to the non sponsor 5 am cod boat.Got a bad feeling when I arrived at 4:15 to find the boat lit up but no fares. Just the mates. Hopped on and sat till 4:50 no one else showed. Mate said guess we aren't going. Options were wait for 7:30 boat across the river or go home. I went home. Didn't feel like waiting 2.5 hours and possibly not go again. Back in bed with wife at 5:30.

03-12-2017, 11:40 AM
That sucks. :(

03-12-2017, 03:07 PM
Went to the non sponsor 5 am cod boat.Got a bad feeling when I arrived at 4:15 to find the boat lit up but no fares. Just the mates. Hopped on and sat till 4:50 no one else showed. Mate said guess we aren't going. Options were wait for 7:30 boat across the river or go home. I went home. Didn't feel like waiting 2.5 hours and possibly not go again. Back in bed with wife at 5:30.

If the fishing were decent there would be fishermen on the boats.. No Ling, Cod have been very slow, the few tog that are not dormant or close to it are out of season, Nothing much to catch out there other than Pout, eels, or horn dogs... Sadly there just is no longer a late winter fishery of any consequence in the NY Bight... bob

03-12-2017, 06:00 PM
Went to the non sponsor 5 am cod boat.Got a bad feeling when I arrived at 4:15 to find the boat lit up but no fares. Just the mates. Hopped on and sat till 4:50 no one else showed. Mate said guess we aren't going. Options were wait for 7:30 boat across the river or go home. I went home. Didn't feel like waiting 2.5 hours and possibly not go again. Back in bed with wife at 5:30.

That's sad.:(

03-12-2017, 08:05 PM
Maybe if the Codfather didn't take ~900,000 lbs of cod the last five years the boat would have sailed. It's sad the few boats that turn the lights on in the winter aren't rewarded with enough passengers to sail. NEVER used to be that the case. Makes one wonder what's going on in the deep!

Fin Reaper
03-12-2017, 10:16 PM
That alway sucks. . . I like to call the return trip the "ride of shame"
I will usually stop some where along the way and eat enough breakfast for three people, then go home, unload the car and hit the recliner.

03-12-2017, 11:11 PM
It don't have to be this way. It will take time - maybe 5 years- but we know what needs to be done. There's plenty of farmed salmon and tilapia for the shop rite people in the meantime