View Full Version : Mako Mania dates set yet?

03-11-2017, 09:14 PM
Hoping to get in the tournament again this year. Any word on the dates yet?

03-12-2017, 08:33 AM
Both Mako Fever and Mako Mania are on the same weekend this year. June 24 and June 25.
Mako Fever Capt. Meeting is Thursday, June 22 at Manasquan River Club in Brick. Go to www.jcsa.org for info
Mako Mania Captain's meeting is Friday, June 23 at Southside Marina. Go to
gppcba.com, or call 732-892-3666.

Good luck, and catch 'em up.............Papa

Hunter 2
03-13-2017, 04:29 PM

03-13-2017, 10:57 PM
Thanks for the update. Was hoping dates were different again this year while I head to Florida that week.....