Mushin Sportfishing
03-11-2017, 01:38 PM
MUSHIN is now booking SOUTHERN CANYON CHARTER TRIPS for June and July. Every year, the TUNA & SHARK FISHING light up in the Southern Canyons by the beginning of June. We plan on fishing out of a luxurious Cape May marina for June and July, offering a shorter run to the many TUNA, SHARK, & TILEFISH opportunities in 24- and 30-hours trips! June and July mean YELLOWFIN and some of the best BIGEYE TUNA fishing from Wilmington to Norfolk canyons, including the famous Bigeye Hole, as well as BLUEFIN AND YELLOWFIN TUNA at inshore lumps like Massey's, Hot Dog, and Sausages. We will structure our 24- hour and 30-hour trips to maximize opportunities for yellowfin, bigeye, and bluefin, as well as mako shark, and tiles if sea conditions permit. That means in a single trip we might mix up trolling and chunking offshore and inshore canyons, drift to add a mako, and maybe deep dropping - all in one trip. And remember, June and July mean t-shirts, shorts, and flip flops! No Grundens needed LOL! 24 hour trips @ $3850, 30 hour trips @ $4400. Full charters booked in advance will be discounted $200. Call Capt. Alan 609-731-3742