View Full Version : Specialty bucktails

03-05-2017, 12:01 PM
Lets see your favorite specialty bucktails. and how your rigging teasers etc

talk about fishing instead of all the dam politics


03-06-2017, 01:58 PM
The price of fishing the sticky stuff is too high (I built several artificial reefs using Spros) so all I use now are unpainted jigheads tipped with Gulp! and Spearing. A teaser 12to14" above the jig is also tipped with Gulp! and spearing.

I've found that Gulp! + Spearing outfishes Gulp! alone.

The biggest jig I use is 8 oz.. More than that & I just use a heavy sinker with 2 droppers above.

Coupla' tricks I've picked up:
* Use small hair-band to keep Gulp! from slipping down hook (see pic)
* When trimming 6" grubs to 5", cut 1" off the head. You can then cut round thin slices off of the 1" piece to 'lock' your spearing on the hook. If you saw how quickly I jig, the hooked-thru-the-eyes-Spearing would fall right off without the 'lock'
* Stinger hook helps improve hookup rate

Looking forward to hearing everyone's tips . . . .

03-06-2017, 03:15 PM
Larry, have you tried using a baitholder hook to keep the grub on?

03-06-2017, 03:30 PM
Yep, Baitholders rip the Gulp and it still slips :eek: I keep a coupla' rubber bands wrapped on my rod - right there when needed.

03-06-2017, 07:18 PM
Coupla' tricks I've picked up:
* Use small hair-band to keep Gulp! from slipping down hook (see pic).

Hey that's my tip and photo! Glad it's working out for you, I don't use teasers but that poly band keeps the gulp firmly on the jig hook.

03-07-2017, 12:03 AM
Hey that's my tip and photo! Glad it's working out for you, I don't use teasers but that poly band keeps the gulp firmly on the jig hook.

Thanks Roger ! And I should add thanks to Capt Jerry C (Skippy) for the idea. It's great when we share knowledge and optimism :cool: And I'm glad teaser-less works for you, without the teaser I'd be fluke-less :-p

03-07-2017, 10:17 AM
Thanks Roger ! And I should add thanks to Capt Jerry C (Skippy) for the idea. It's great when we share knowledge and optimism :cool: And I'm glad teaser-less works for you, without the teaser I'd be fluke-less :-p

Haha Skippy was a big fan of my rubber band trick! I haven't fished with him since getting the kayak, but Jerry knows RB like the back of his hand and a riot to boot.

To the original topic, I go braid to floro to a small Kreh's loop knot to the jig. Haven't had to use heavier than 3/4 oz in RB yet.

I like the Pro-Tie skirts, once they get chewed up you can just pop on another. Change colors easily on the water.


This year I'm giving the biffle-head jigs a try on the larger grubs:


03-07-2017, 11:44 AM
I mold a cable and hook into the jig head. Then attach the gulp grub down he cable and through the hook. It's a pain in the ass getting it on but once it's on it stays and gives the gulp a flexible backbone and some pretty bad ass action. I also use a UV Powder coat with silicone skirts which between the two seems to get more bites

03-08-2017, 05:58 PM
Few more pics

03-08-2017, 06:53 PM
Nice jigs Mike H

03-08-2017, 08:56 PM
Thanks man

03-09-2017, 12:35 AM
I could get the pita part of threading the gulp, what about molding in a snap or clip at the butt end of the jig so the wire could come off, the a rigging needle would work out nicely

03-09-2017, 10:09 AM
I could get the pita part of threading the gulp, what about molding in a snap or clip at the butt end of the jig so the wire could come off, the a rigging needle would work out nicely

Great idea! i have a mold that has an eyelet on the tail end and could easily attach a snap ring or crimp to connect the wire which may make it easier remove and install the gulp. Basically it would be a swing hook jig with a longer wire end for gulp. The only downfall I can think of that the action of the jig will change. It will swing more like a door hinge than a more natural bend/reflex. I'll make some and post when complete. Thanks for the advice

team heat
03-22-2017, 08:10 PM
Is that a custom made mold.If If you dont mind me asking where did you purchase it from.thanks.

04-01-2017, 06:34 PM
I've been using Gami Heavy Cover worm hook in 5/0 St#304415 . It has a single spike attatched to the shank. You have to rip off the grubs or baits. Trokar makes a similar hook. Try em :D

04-02-2017, 01:12 PM
When fishing the sticky stuff for fluke the rig I use is as follows; a 40" piece of #30 leader with a barrel swivel at the top and a surgeons loop at the bottom, 3-5 "s above the surgeons loop I'll tie a dropper loop and 12-14"s above that another dropper loop, to each dropper loop I'll attach a plain jig head with a long hook shank to which I'll place either a 5 or 6 inch GULP. On the surgeons loop I'll placeabank sinker as I'd rather lose a bank sinker than a more expensive bucktail.

06-29-2017, 04:01 PM
Few more. Glow and swing hook

06-29-2017, 05:52 PM
Some dead things as my wife calls them

07-07-2017, 03:03 PM
Mike H, how do you like using the bucktails with the line loop at the front of the jig instead of the top like your typical spro? Does this help prevent snags? Do you catch as many fish using this style jig? Thanks.

07-07-2017, 06:42 PM
Mike H, how do you like using the bucktails with the line loop at the front of the jig instead of the top like your typical spro? Does this help prevent snags? Do you catch as many fish using this style jig? Thanks.

I mostly use the forward eylette jig when there's a fast drift. In my opinion it has a more natural fish like presentation when the drift is fast and Line is scoped since its being pulled from the front. I have only used them part of last year and this year and they seem to catch pretty good so far. As far as snags go I feel like you'll always get snagged more when going over rough stuff with a scoped line. I don't know that they would be better or worse than spros for snags