View Full Version : Suffern Show

03-02-2017, 09:56 PM
My wife and I treked up to Suffern, N.Y. for the opening day of the Expo. It was our first trip there in a few years and we returned home with the same observations as the last time. Since we both spend more time fishing in saltwater, we had hoped to find a few more exhibitors and booths to visit. What we found were lots of outfitters for a variety of fishing and hunting trips both close to home and some exotic destinations. There was variety for both fishers and hunters.

We were really impressed with the Shimano Booth out of all of the displays. They had everything! I know that we'll go to the Somerset Saltwater Show in a few weeks to see more of the saltwater displays but, today, we were able to spend very worthwhile one-on-one time with the Shimano Pro Staff members who showed us a multitude of their rods and reels. If it wasn't their complete inventory, it was sure close to it. We saw products of theirs that we had never seen displayed at the Somerset show. Their rods and reels are getting lighter and lighter and they just keep getting better.

Two familiar names to N.J. big game fishermen will be sharing their techniques and tricks with the public on Saturday at the show (Captain Brian Rice (Jersey Devil) and Captain Jimmy Gahm (Jenny Lee). I'm told that they will be sharing more with interested anglers after their presentations at the Shimano Booth. If you're itching to get out of the house and especially if you live in northern New Jersey, stop by and see what's up. It's only a hop, skip and jump from Bergen, Passaic, Hudson and Essex Counties.

NJ Dave
03-03-2017, 12:06 AM
This is the fist year I'll miss this show. On call for work and need to be close to home. It's a so so show. I'd say more hunting and as seen on TV kinda junk but a good mix of fishing.
Years ago it was about 50/50 but now it's 75/25.
It's a good show to kick the winter dust off.
The pickels are good, crab cakes are good and beef jerkey.

03-03-2017, 06:08 AM
The Rockland County show is the best place to see Shimano and Diawa reels. Their booths at Somerset are a mess and get much too crowded.

03-03-2017, 08:09 AM
The Rockland County show is the best place to see Shimano and Diawa reels. Their booths at Somerset are a mess and get much too crowded.

I agree with you Mohawk.... last time up there, the Shimano booth was great compared to Somerset :D

03-03-2017, 09:17 AM
I agree with you Mohawk.... last time up there, the Shimano booth was great compared to Somerset :D

The field house at Rockland appears to be larger than the Expo Center at Edison but it's only an observation. The Shimano booth at Rockland is way bigger than the one at Edison too. The extra space allows the Shimano people to display what appears to be their entire line of goods. Of course, the fact that this is not exclusively a saltwater show dictates the need to have their whole arsenal at hand. I give them big marks for setting it all up.

Another big plus about having their whole store of product on display is that we saw many "crossover" possibilities. There were many freshwater combinations that could be used in salt or brackish situations. Those choices would not be on display at a strictly saltwater show. For you fluke bucktailers, the lightweight rods are worth a look. Your wrists and forearms will thank you for spending some extra coin and the investment will be sure to put some extra fillets in your cooler. You'll feel even the slightest bump.

It's worth a trip to see what's there and to pick up a few odds and ends from the vendors like jigs, rigs, line, hooks etc. Of course, there's always the pretzels, crab cakes, pickles, jerky, barbecue and ( Did I say?) beer!

03-03-2017, 01:32 PM
That show has been worthless for the last 3ish years.

03-03-2017, 02:50 PM
That show has been worthless for the last 3ish years.

Lol name checks out!

I'll be visiting tomorrow or Sunday

03-03-2017, 05:45 PM
Overall, for saltwater fishing, the Somerset show is far better. But if you're looking for Diawa or Shimano reels, Rockland has much better displays. The Rockland show is only half fishing, the other half is hunting.

Ice Cream Bill
03-03-2017, 10:04 PM
I only went to the show to see a few specific vendors. Like NJ Dave and Abrasion have posted, this show continues its downward spiral. I understand the hunting/fishing connection, but having so much floor space allotted for two sock vendors, sour cream dips, a double booth for Mike the mustard guy,and worst of all, two 8-ft booths for knock-off perfumes? What's up with that?

Tod Alberto, Show Director should be embarrassed--true fishing fans, save your money for Somerset in 2 weeks!

03-04-2017, 06:05 AM
Couldn't agree more. We were a vendor there for 1 year about 4 years ago and that was it. Went last year with my boys and the back section reminded me of live infomercials. Totally agree that the fishing vendors spend more time with you at that show .

03-04-2017, 06:49 AM
Glad I'm not the only one who feels that Suffern show is no longer worth the visit. Unless you really want to book a bear hunt in Alberta or want some knockoff Calvin Klein it's just a waste. Especially after Meltzers went out

03-04-2017, 07:32 AM
I'v been working this show for way to many years for Run Off Lures. It's going down hill, sales wise. Love the birds of pray. And Jigging World has some great stuff. Everything else is same old same old. It's a day out of the house for some but that's it. Sea you at the Saltwater Expo. Rich

Ice Cream Bill
03-04-2017, 12:45 PM

You're one of the newer members in SWABC. Our club used to sell discounted tickets for the Suffern show and help promote the show in it's infancy. As Vice President, I contacted Show Mgr. Tod Alberto to get a booth for SWABC, as I saw the opportunity to grow our membership with the close proximity to Bergen County. I was told that non-profits pay $200-250 a booth versus the $1300 for vendors. I get it---Sports Shows is running a business, not a charity. I'm also a dues paying member in HRFA--and they have a booth there every year.

Yet to walk the show and see David Lerman Investments and knock-off perfume vendors...What's that got to do with hunting and fishing? Groups such as JCAA, NJOA, and RFA are nowhere to be found. This is a total disservice to our fishing community.

Another example---a few years ago, I was helping my friend Joel with his beef jerky business (Pop's Famous) and tried to get a booth, only to be told that he doesn't duplication in his show. The product is better and less expensive than the $20 "sample bags". What about two sock vendors just an aisle away from each other? What about the dead space next to Canyon Reels so that attendees can eat their $5.00 hot dogs? What about the double booth spaces for mustard and perfumes? Seems to me that we could get some additional fishing/hunting related vendors in the Suffern show.


foggy notion
03-04-2017, 04:25 PM
I plan on attending the Somerset show in that my return trip goes right past Harold's NY deli with their GREAT sandwiches. Any excuse to stop in at Harold's deli.

03-04-2017, 08:52 PM
I just got back. As many said, good if you want pickles, BBQ sauce or socks. Most of the saltwater vendors will be in Somerset. Shimano & Diawa were set up different than other years, great if you want to play & learn Shimano products. Diawa was a little smaller than other years, but still better than Somerset. The reps for both had plenty of time to talk, very relaxed.

I picked up Maxel Hybrid 25 from Jigging World. Yong gave me a great deal!

Fun King
03-05-2017, 10:03 AM
Very cool Scarab jet boat, I've never seen anything like it. 19' with something for everybody: bass fishing pedestal seats, tow ring on the folding t-top for wakeboard, enclosed head, stereo, live well, folding jump seats, LED interior lighting, fold down swim platform across the entire transom.... ($45k)

03-06-2017, 09:12 AM
My youngest asked why do hunters wear perfume as we walked by on Sunday... :D And to be fair, one of the sock companies was selling waders..;)

20 Years ago it was great show to go to. All the big outdoor companies were represented...
I went 5 yrs ago and decided to take ride up yesterday with both boys... Walked through, renewed my Fisherman subscription and left empty handed...

The Somerset show is in my backyard. It has been the go to saltwater fishing show since opening.. It has a dozen or so questionable vendors but who doesn't' like pickles and crab cakes?

Capt. Debbie
03-06-2017, 10:26 AM

The post is to talk about what was at the Suffern Show last week. More than half these comments are from people who didn't even go explaining why they didn't go.

The show has evolved. Yes. You ever think if take the wife and kids, they may be sick of you looking to purchase your 60th fishing rod? LOL

03-09-2017, 11:10 AM
I just got back. As many said, good if you want pickles, BBQ sauce or socks. Most of the saltwater vendors will be in Somerset. Shimano & Diawa were set up different than other years, great if you want to play & learn Shimano products. Diawa was a little smaller than other years, but still better than Somerset. The reps for both had plenty of time to talk, very relaxed.

I picked up Maxel Hybrid 25 from Jigging World. Yong gave me a great deal!

We had the prime spot next to the Shimano booth, haha. Had a great time chatting with everyone! See you next week at Somerset! Best part about Somerset is, once its over, it means fishing season is right around the corner!