View Full Version : NOAA Never On About Anything

02-22-2017, 07:12 PM
Think it's about time for a class action lawsuit against this useless taxpayer funded agency. Amazing how quickly they complied a bunch of numbers over the weekend. These behind the desk pencil pushers don't even have a clue what a Seabass or a Porgy even looks like............pathetic government bureaucratic bullshit!

02-22-2017, 08:31 PM
Appreciate the post and probably would agree but your attachments are not readable.

02-23-2017, 06:23 AM
Think it's about time for a class action lawsuit against this useless taxpayer funded agency. Amazing how quickly they complied a bunch of numbers over the weekend. These behind the desk pencil pushers don't even have a clue what a Seabass or a Porgy even looks like............pathetic government bureaucratic bullshit!

From The Fisherman Magazine


02-23-2017, 07:28 AM
A better view of the 21# seabass and 20# porgy data................

Captain Rich
02-23-2017, 08:08 AM
"Average Weight Of Each Fish In Pounds" --I didn't realize that so many world record fish were being caught ! :eek:

02-23-2017, 08:17 AM
Told ya'

02-23-2017, 08:46 AM
Those ""statistics"" are spot on, whats the problem with you guys?
NOAA has been a paragon of dependability and accuracy for decades.. Just think how many good fishing trips you would have missed if you ignored the NOAA forecast of -

"West winds 5 knots or less,seas 1-2 feet"

They have GREAT accuracy, and are now and a have always been a wonderful resource for the fishing and boating community......:rolleyes:

Blind Squirrel
02-23-2017, 10:41 AM
Think it's about time for a class action lawsuit against this useless taxpayer funded agency. Amazing how quickly they complied a bunch of numbers over the weekend. These behind the desk pencil pushers don't even have a clue what a Seabass or a Porgy even looks like............pathetic government bureaucratic bullshit!
I didn't have any trouble finding the blog where these graphics appeared, but all I've found on a NOAA web site is commercial catches with no per-fish weights provided. The blog entry seems to indicate that NOAA was simply guilty of some typos and fixed them 2 days later:
Does anyone here have a link directly to the relevant NOAA information?

02-23-2017, 11:04 AM
simply guilty of some typos and fixed them 2 days later:
typos..........................more like pencil pushing desk jockies clueless as to what the hell their even making up. Guess nobody proof read the spreadsheet listing 22 pound porgys and 20 pound seabass..................and somehow over the weekend, which we all know they don't work, came up with a different set of fabricated numbers........

Blind Squirrel
02-23-2017, 11:35 AM
typos..........................more like pencil pushing desk jockies clueless as to what the hell their even making up. Guess nobody proof read the spreadsheet listing 22 pound porgys and 20 pound seabass..................and somehow over the weekend, which we all know they don't work, came up with a different set of fabricated numbers........
The source I just posted (http://morningstarfishing.com/report.htm) indicates that the corrections were made by NOAA between Wednesday and Friday of last week, and I've seen no relevant link to a NOAA web site either there or here.

02-23-2017, 03:29 PM
The source I just posted (http://morningstarfishing.com/report.htm) indicates that the corrections were made by NOAA between Wednesday and Friday of last week, and I've seen no relevant link to a NOAA web site either there or here.

doesn't matter, they suck anyway.. Their marine forecasts are a crap shoot, and have been for years...

02-23-2017, 09:53 PM
doesn't matter, they suck anyway.. Their marine forecasts are a crap shoot, and have been for years...

Care to provide any alternative means of weather forecasting? Maybe we should go back to aeromancy.

02-24-2017, 09:00 AM
Care to provide any alternative means of weather forecasting? Maybe we should go back to aeromancy.

Know what?. It isn't something we need to "go back to"... Judging by the results of NOAA Marine forecasts, aeromancy is the exact method they still employ today.. Its either that or prancing witch doctors with the assistance of dowsers and forked hazel sticks.

I stand by my claim. When it comes to marine forecasting they suck. They are dead wrong, not even close to accurate- at least half the time...

Ask some of our head boat skippers what they think.. NOAA has cost those guys a lot of money over the years..

" Heavy rain this morning, wind NE at 25 K, gusts to 35, seas 5-7 feet - low visibility in rain squalls".

Captain has a few customers if he has any at all, and the boat sails on a sunny, beautiful day, with calm seas and a slight NW breeze.. This scenario or the exact opposite happens constantly..

Happened to me almost every trip down last year,, only made it down to NJ 6 or 7 times last year, but EVERY damn time I kept a close eye on the marine forecast, and went when it was favorable, and each time was the same.. WIND, wind and more wind, storms, heavy seas when none were forecast.. Its been that way for years. I used to monitor NOAA on my VHF from home, and when on the water when I lived at the shore for many years. I can't believe anyone really feels that NOAA marine forecasts are even close to dependable. bob

Bob T.
02-24-2017, 09:27 AM
I sure miss this 22 pound porgies from 2014, I fed the whole town with my 50 fish limit, no wonder they lowered the limit to 25 fish.

02-24-2017, 10:37 AM
Know what?. It isn't something we need to "go back to"... Judging by the results of NOAA Marine forecasts, aeromancy is the exact method they still employ today.. Its either that or prancing witch doctors with the assistance of dowsers and forked hazel sticks.

I stand by my claim. When it comes to marine forecasting they suck. They are dead wrong, not even close to accurate- at least half the time...

Ask some of our head boat skippers what they think.. NOAA has cost those guys a lot of money over the years..

" Heavy rain this morning, wind NE at 25 K, gusts to 35, seas 5-7 feet - low visibility in rain squalls".

Captain has a few customers if he has any at all, and the boat sails on a sunny, beautiful day, with calm seas and a slight NW breeze.. This scenario or the exact opposite happens constantly..

Happened to me almost every trip down last year,, only made it down to NJ 6 or 7 times last year, but EVERY damn time I kept a close eye on the marine forecast, and went when it was favorable, and each time was the same.. WIND, wind and more wind, storms, heavy seas when none were forecast.. Its been that way for years. I used to monitor NOAA on my VHF from home, and when on the water when I lived at the shore for many years. I can't believe anyone really feels that NOAA marine forecasts are even close to dependable. bob

The government controls the weather.

02-24-2017, 11:57 AM
The government controls the weather.

they are trying... look up into the sky on any sunny day, and look at the dozens and dozens of chemical trails crisscrossing the sky from horizon to horizon... NOAA probably has their hands in that some how, I sometimes see as many as 4 jets doing it at a time, and I live in the middle of nowhere, dairy cow country,, bob

02-24-2017, 01:35 PM
they are trying... look up into the sky on any sunny day, and look at the dozens and dozens of chemical trails crisscrossing the sky from horizon to horizon... NOAA probably has their hands in that some how, I sometimes see as many as 4 jets doing it at a time, and I live in the middle of nowhere, dairy cow country,, bob

I'm glad you posted this, always help to know exactly what level of crazy one's dealing with.

02-24-2017, 02:14 PM
I'm glad you posted this, always help to know exactly what level of crazy one's dealing with.

Now that just made me spit out my coffee!!! 2 damn funny!!!! :D

Chemtrails Bob? C'mon man!!

02-24-2017, 02:40 PM
Now that just made me spit out my coffee!!! 2 damn funny!!!! :D

Chemtrails Bob? C'mon man!!


Never saw all those parallel lines in the sky, crisscrossing everywhere?.. You didn't think they were commercial airliners did you??



just go to any search engine, and type in chemtrails.. Maybe they don't do it over NJ yet, but the skies here in upstate NY have jets crisscrossing day and night 24/7 all year every year... Clouds are set not in narrow chris cross patterns stretching across the sky, and in any case, they are not formed by formations of big jets.. I see them on a daily basis throughout NY state and Pa... Deny if you want, but something is going on. Punch in chemtrails, and every once in a while look at the sky and watch the web patterns set forth by multiple jets... Happens daily here in NY, and around the world, perhaps Jersey is immune..... Research I have seen indicates much of the material is powdered aluminum... bob

02-24-2017, 03:02 PM
Govt not changing the weather ..... the Illuminati is...:p

02-24-2017, 03:28 PM
I think them there chemtrails have done gone and gave bulletbob drain bamage.

02-24-2017, 03:40 PM
Fine think what you want, but you guys are wrong I know what I am looking at day after day. I see these high flying jets almost daily.. Big commercial sized jets in formation, Making long "clouds" in web patterns... They contain aerosolized aluminum and barium as well as other chemicals from everything I have read about them..
I suppose all the pics I post here could be photoshopped, but I am not looking at a photoshopped sky, and neither are the other multiple millions around the world that are concerned about what is being sprayed into the sky... Lets say i'm a right wing loon conspiracy theorist,, fine i admit it...

Please give me an explanation of what multiple jets are doing criss crossing all day long, emitting hundreds of miles long trails our after hour, and crossing them in patterns.. I see this myself on a daily basis, and there are NO commercial airlines routes in this epart of NY state.. I go days at a time without seeing a commercial jet, but the " aluminum sprayers" are out several times a week, year after year... I have no idea what they are up to, but they were NOT there 10-15 years ago... I'll consider any decent explanation.

btw, This thread is going way off target... bob

02-24-2017, 03:59 PM
Bob Where are you located? I have never seen anything like it at the jersey shore area

02-24-2017, 04:45 PM
Most of the patterns I see are in the Finger lakes region of NY south into central Pa... there isn't much in this area except for expanses of hilly woodlands, and farms, mostly dairy... I have been here for 26 years, and its only the past few where its gotten really bad.. I know what a contrail is.. they are usually gone in minutes.. these formations that are so common in this area are NOT contrails from commercial jets.. There are no commercial jets in this part of NY, and even if there were, they don't fly in 4 plane formations, doing webbed patterns hundreds of miles across.. This is something my wife and I see almost daily here.. It was only when we started noticing this happen so often that we started doing research, and seeing all the "conspiracy theory" websites.. Can't say i know what is happening exactly, but its not commercial airplane contrails.. I know what they are as i live in the flypath of Newark/LaGaurdia/Kennedy in north jersey for 37 years before I moved up here. My fellow NJF members can call me a lunatic all they want, but I know what I and my wife see every day, all day, and right through the night.... bob

Blind Squirrel
02-24-2017, 09:37 PM
Fine think what you want, but you guys are wrong I know what I am looking at day after day. I see these high flying jets almost daily.. Big commercial sized jets in formation, Making long "clouds" in web patterns... They contain aerosolized aluminum and barium as well as other chemicals from everything I have read about them..
I suppose all the pics I post here could be photoshopped, but I am not looking at a photoshopped sky, and neither are the other multiple millions around the world that are concerned about what is being sprayed into the sky... Lets say i'm a right wing loon conspiracy theorist,, fine i admit it...

Please give me an explanation of what multiple jets are doing criss crossing all day long, emitting hundreds of miles long trails our after hour, and crossing them in patterns.. I see this myself on a daily basis, and there are NO commercial airlines routes in this epart of NY state.. I go days at a time without seeing a commercial jet, but the " aluminum sprayers" are out several times a week, year after year... I have no idea what they are up to, but they were NOT there 10-15 years ago... I'll consider any decent explanation.

btw, This thread is going way off target... bob
These are sure to help with all of that aerosolized aluminum and barium and all of the other nasties in those chemtrails, Bob:
Multiple layers are recommended, all shiny side out.
No need to thank me...:)

Blind Squirrel
02-26-2017, 12:28 PM
Care to provide any alternative means of weather forecasting? Maybe we should go back to aeromancy.
Our Bob is developing a new forecasting technology based largely on his vast knowledge of astrology and scatology. He's used it for years, and will soon be rolling out his "Big Bob's Alternative Facts Marine Weather Service." Look for it online just in time for the spring striper run. :D

02-26-2017, 12:56 PM
Our Bob is developing a new forecasting technology based largely on his vast knowledge of astrology and scatology. He's used it for years, and will soon be rolling out his "Big Bob's Alternative Facts Marine Weather Service." Look for it online just in time for the spring striper run. :D

Leftists like to annoy ,badger, and humiliate as thats all they have left these days. .You have shown exactly where you are politically.. If you like NOAA and their big gov funded weather reporting ,fine, stay glued to their forecasts.. again, see what the party boat captains have to say about their forecasts, and get back to me... btw, isn't this a fishing forum? bob

Blind Squirrel
02-26-2017, 03:31 PM
Leftists like to annoy ,badger, and humiliate as thats all they have left these days. .You have shown exactly where you are politically.. If you like NOAA and their big gov funded weather reporting ,fine, stay glued to their forecasts.. again, see what the party boat captains have to say about their forecasts, and get back to me... btw, isn't this a fishing forum? bob
What do the party boat captains have to say about the NWS marine forecasts (http://tgftp.nws.noaa.gov/data/raw/fz/fzus51.kphi.cwf.phi.txt), Bob, and how does your system (https://www.besterectionboosters.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/Screen-Shot-2017-01-17-at-19.58.52-cleaned.jpg) compare?

Pennsy Guy
02-26-2017, 04:20 PM
Hey BS(Blind Squirrel) It seems this is turning into a personal "to do"...let's keep it civil & talk about the subject of the forum you're on or go to the DD on that other site--they love that crap...oh, and I let my vote talk my politics...when I go fishing I observe, listen and hopefully learn something constructive and take in all the wonders the natural world has to show & maybe bring home some dinner....Chucky

02-26-2017, 04:32 PM
What do the party boat captains have to say about the NWS marine forecasts (http://tgftp.nws.noaa.gov/data/raw/fz/fzus51.kphi.cwf.phi.txt), Bob, and how does your system (https://www.besterectionboosters.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/Screen-Shot-2017-01-17-at-19.58.52-cleaned.jpg) compare?

Like me, when they lose money to bad reports they bitch about it.. Happens constantly.. Last tog trip I went on is a perfect example.. I went out of AH in early dec.. I was bs'ing with the capt at about 5:30 am as I always arrive early.. He said, "yeah its gonna flat as lake out there today, and sunny".. "supposed to be a nice day"... Of course it blew steady 30 N/NE all day long, with grayish black skies, and it was almost unfishable and half the boat got skunked, or just a short or two.. Boat was packed, because yes, we all checked NOAA. LOTS of unhappy customers . Happened every NJ trip I took last season to some extent.. The NOAA marine forcasts are either totally wrong, or are really inaccurate more often than not.. Thats my take, I am sure that there are others that will disagree, and thats fine.. I don't expect full agreement... bob

Blind Squirrel
02-26-2017, 04:35 PM
Hey BS(Blind Squirrel) It seems this is turning into a personal "to do"...let's keep it civil & talk about the subject of the forum you're on or go to the DD on that other site--they love that crap...oh, and I let my vote talk my politics...when I go fishing I observe, listen and hopefully learn something constructive and take in all the wonders the natural world has to show & maybe bring home some dinner....Chucky
Where we get our marine forecasts seems pretty on-topic and apolitical to me, Chucky, and I'm always civil.