Ocean Explorer
02-17-2017, 09:14 AM
Handful of throwback blackfish,,,one or two keepers,,,few ling,,some small codfish got thrown back....The usual perch and eels,,,,pretty slow,,no big togs...Today(Friday) I was back down there after a nice trip to the mountains this week and had pretty gusty winds still,,,so the small group of guys that came down I sent home just because of the winds....Not nice offshore today...As for the weekend,,it looks really nice....We have both clams and green and whitecrabs onboard and are gonna be fishing the deeper wrecks and rocks looking for some seasonal pool fish to come up..Big pool is growing still and is up to over 3560 bucks...So we are a go for the weekend....Bring some heavier lead in case that current is running in the deeper water...