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View Full Version : Zagorski's Tog Seminar shouldnt be missed

02-16-2017, 05:21 PM
As you may or may not have seen in a previous post our very own fearless leader Gerry Z and his tog machine brother Joey Da Fish will be giving a seminar on Tog tomorrow at 2PM at The NJ Boat Expo show in Edison.

If you can make it they deserve our support and I am sure it will be a very informative Tog lesson by two that have given everything they have to our sport. Gerry with his passion and this great website and Joey with every dollar he has supporting the charter and tackle industry:eek:

My guess is something like this:
6:30 AM Joey texts Gerry he got an invite on the Monger and should be there by 2 ish maybe.
Seminar starts at 2PM
2:01 Joey starts telling Gerry he is doing it all wrong
2:05 The Brotherly love kicks into high gear
2:06 The first MAB is heard by the crowd
2:15 The first headlock
2:20: The first I am telling Mom is shouted out
2:30 The rest of the seminar is presented by the last one standing alone.

Seriously with both of their knowledge and passion for Toggin as well as all of our fishing I think its a don't miss, a wealth of great information and catching tips.
Good luck boys and hope to see you tomorrow.

Gerry Zagorski
02-16-2017, 06:20 PM
As you may or may not have seen in a previous post our very own fearless leader Gerry Z and his tog machine brother Joey Da Fish will be giving a seminar on Tog tomorrow at 2PM at The NJ Boat Expo show in Edison.

If you can make it they deserve our support and I am sure it will be a very informative Tog lesson by two that have given everything they have to our sport. Gerry with his passion and this great website and Joey with every dollar he has supporting the charter and tackle industry:eek:

My guess is something like this:
6:30 AM Joey texts Gerry he got an invite on the Monger and should be there by 2 ish maybe.
Seminar starts at 2PM
2:01 Joey starts telling Gerry he is doing it all wrong
2:05 The Brotherly love kicks into high gear
2:06 The first MAB is heard by the crowd
2:15 The first headlock
2:20: The first I am telling Mom is shouted out
2:30 The rest of the seminar is presented by the last one standing alone.

Seriously with both of their knowledge and passion for Toggin as well as all of our fishing I think its a don't miss, a wealth of great information and catching tips.
Good luck boys and hope to see you tomorrow.

I think you pretty much nailed it Dales. Should be entertaining, fun and yet informative. We plan to have a hands on Knot and rig tying portion too. Joe and I don't agree on knots and rigs so that could get interesting :rolleyes:

Capt. Lou
02-16-2017, 06:23 PM
That'll be worth the price of admission by itself 😜👍

02-16-2017, 07:54 PM
I think you pretty much nailed it Dales. Should be entertaining, fun and yet informative. We plan to have a hands on Knot and rig tying portion too. Joe and I don't agree on knots and rigs so that could get interesting :rolleyes:

Since its a Tog seminar will we be tying rigs outside or do they have a walk in freezer?

NJ Dave
02-16-2017, 08:01 PM
I'm bringing the popcorn!!!!

02-16-2017, 08:33 PM
Dales thanks for posting. This is where learning curves can be cut in half by listening to people who not only have years of experience in the fishery but some bruiser fish to show for their efforts. Probably no other fishery more than Tog, the difference between guys who catch and most that don't is almost unnoticeable. As Dale Carnegie said, "You have two ears and one mouth, use them in that proportion". That in my opinion applies to this seminar, the details which most of us over look I'm sure will be discussed. Look forward to tomorrow. Gerry and Joe, good luck with your presentation!

Joey Dah Fish
02-16-2017, 09:03 PM
Well one of us has some bruiser fish ;) the other well not so much :D thanks Dales and all for your support

Gerry Zagorski
02-17-2017, 08:33 AM
One of us doesn't fish 3 days a week and Mom likes me more :p

Gerry Zagorski
02-17-2017, 08:36 AM
Some of our friends and sponsors will be presenting too:
- Friday 2/17 @ 5:00 Parker Pete/Bucktail Boys Faking Out Doormat Fluke
- Saturday 2/18 @ 1:30 Bob Bogan The Gambler Doormat Fluke
- Sunday 2/9 @ 1:00 Jim Donofrio Update on Fluke Regulations

Additional seminars and more info can be found here http://jerseyboatexpo.com/new-jersey...expo/seminars/

02-17-2017, 09:12 AM
One catches fish and one owns a fishing site where people post about catching fish

Still trying to figure out which one is the good looking one

02-17-2017, 08:22 PM
Wanted to thank Gerry and Joey for a GREAT seminar. Lot of people in attendance. Meeting started a little late due to an impromptu discussion about the status of the fluke regulations which Jim Hutchinson did an excellent job facilitating. Content was very thorough and in terms everyone could understand. Some seminars are all over the board, the Zagorski brothers connected with the audience and delivered a very well balanced interactive presentation. Thought it was excellent as did many of the attendees leaving as well. Thanks so much for sharing your insight and holding nothing back. It's not usual, especially in a fishery that requires so much commitment to be good at it, for someone to volunteer the knowledge they've worked so many years to accumulate with others. I tip my hat to both of you, great job all around!

Joey Dah Fish
02-17-2017, 11:12 PM
Wanted to thank Gerry and Joey for a GREAT seminar. Lot of people in attendance. Meeting started a little late due to an impromptu discussion about the status of the fluke regulations which Jim Hutchinson did an excellent job facilitating. Content was very thorough and in terms everyone could understand. Some seminars are all over the board, the Zagorski brothers connected with the audience and delivered a very well balanced interactive presentation. Thought it was excellent as did many of the attendees leaving as well. Thanks so much for sharing your insight and holding nothing back. It's not usual, especially in a fishery that requires so much commitment to be good at it, for someone to volunteer the knowledge they've worked so hard to develop with others. I tip my hat to both of you, great job all around!

Thank you very much for the kind words. Glad you enjoyed and I hope something we offered helps you. Was quite a pleasure to meet you and chat afterwards about a lot of other things as well.

02-18-2017, 04:49 PM
I could attend 1000 seminars and still wouldn't be able to catch a Tog !! Those fish get the best of me !;)