View Full Version : Christie should advocate for N.J. fishing industry

02-02-2017, 09:52 AM
Asbury Park Press: Letter to the Editor

Christie should advocate for N.J. fishing industry

President Donald Trump is going to reverse (“undo”) job-killing, industry-destroying regulations in dozens of huge federal administrative agencies like the EPA, the FCC and the National Labor Relations Board.

Trump campaigned on the promise to help us all take our country back by eliminating these business-stifling rules put in place by Barack Obama and his minions.

We need help in New Jersey right now since the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, which oversees the managed fisheries, is getting ready to cripple the New Jersey fishing industry when it receives a recommendation from the Atlantic States Fisheries Commission and the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Council that will vote Thursday to reduce the flounder quotas in New Jersey, crippling the fishing business on “bad facts” presented to the agency.

Gov. Chris Christie should be there for us at that hearing, just like he was there for Donald Trump, urging the decision to be delayed until more facts can be reviewed and perhaps new management be put in place at the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission.

Christie owes us this after he was AWOL for months. He should be there on the front line with a fishing pole and some bait, asking for adjournments to allow the final decision to be made after all parties can be heard.

But I do not understand why it hasn’t been told to everyone that Trump signed an executive order that “freezes” new or pending regulations? Everyone involved in this issue need to check out the “freeze” language in Trump’s executive order, which puts the proposed regulations on hold until reviewed by Trump’s staff.

David F. Lipton

Toms River

Gerry Zagorski
02-02-2017, 10:24 AM
He is involved and supports our position along with the Commissioner of the NJDEP to fight the quota reductions being forced on us for Fluke.

02-02-2017, 10:58 AM
Christie is super involved.
He sent the DEP chairman to the ASMFC meeting to tell them enough is enough.
I'm actually impressed with how Christie is handing the issue.
The NJ government is doing a admirable job on our behalf.

Capt. Debbie
02-02-2017, 10:58 AM
How does Christie owe us anything? I'm missing that. He's not running and can do as he'd like with no consequences.

It's not like he asked our permission to run for President?

And don't forget NJ voted Hillary. Trump OWES NJ and its voters SH*T. Go ask Hillary.

I respectfully disagree. You have a good premise. But the idea that we are entitled and owed anything from these two guys is contrary to reality.

Asbury Park Press: Letter to the Editor

Christie should advocate for N.J. fishing industry

Christie owes us this after he was AWOL for months. He should be there on the front line with a fishing pole and some bait, asking for adjournments to allow the final decision to be made after all parties can be heard.
Toms River

02-02-2017, 11:08 AM
Asbury Park Press: Letter to the Editor

Christie should advocate for N.J. fishing industry

President Donald Trump is going to reverse (“undo”) job-killing, industry-destroying regulations in dozens of huge federal administrative agencies like the EPA, the FCC and the National Labor Relations Board.

Trump campaigned on the promise to help us all take our country back by eliminating these business-stifling rules put in place by Barack Obama and his minions.

We need help in New Jersey right now since the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, which oversees the managed fisheries, is getting ready to cripple the New Jersey fishing industry when it receives a recommendation from the Atlantic States Fisheries Commission and the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Council that will vote Thursday to reduce the flounder quotas in New Jersey, crippling the fishing business on “bad facts” presented to the agency.

Gov. Chris Christie should be there for us at that hearing, just like he was there for Donald Trump, urging the decision to be delayed until more facts can be reviewed and perhaps new management be put in place at the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission.

Christie owes us this after he was AWOL for months. He should be there on the front line with a fishing pole and some bait, asking for adjournments to allow the final decision to be made after all parties can be heard.

But I do not understand why it hasn’t been told to everyone that Trump signed an executive order that “freezes” new or pending regulations? Everyone involved in this issue need to check out the “freeze” language in Trump’s executive order, which puts the proposed regulations on hold until reviewed by Trump’s staff.

David F. Lipton

Toms River

Owes us? When has he ever felt that he owed us anything? While he may pose and put up a little bluster to gain some attention, Unless there is a personal gain for him our Beloved Krispy will just let it go if told to do so.

02-02-2017, 11:11 AM
Keep in mind that Christie deserted Trump when the Access Hollywood story broke and Trump dumped Christie when he won. Christie is a hook with no bait, it may snag something but its probably not what you are looking for.

02-02-2017, 12:12 PM
Christie should order the state DEP not to enforce these federal mandated fluke regulations like other politicians tell state and local law enforcement agencies not to enforce federal immigration and marijuana laws.

02-02-2017, 04:38 PM
Maybe we can bribe him?

Capt Sal
02-05-2017, 05:24 PM
I thought it was his job to represent us:confused:

02-07-2017, 01:01 AM
Maybe we can bribe him?
Actually Christie has been losing weight steadily-you have to give him credit on that

02-07-2017, 10:39 AM
He's too busy raising the gas tax (24cents!!) and property taxes to cover shortfalls in municipal union pensions. He may be legally responsible to honor those long ago utterly corrupt deals made by his predecessors but remember, HE was the one who campaigned on getting out from under those liabilities without raising taxes.