View Full Version : Wild Game Dinner for Action on Fluke

01-30-2017, 09:30 AM
Hope you all watched the press conference on Summer Flounder last week. Don't sit on the sidelines and help get some decent laws passed for a change. Support this event!


Event: NJOA’s 2017 Wild Game Dinner Fundraiser
Where: The Black Forest Inn 249 Hwy 206 Stanhope, N.J.
When: Sunday February 19, 2017 (Cocktails starting at 3:00 PM)
Contact: 800-508-2687 or kavester@aol.com

On Sunday, February 19th, NJOA is teaming up with the renowned Aichem family of chefs at the Black Forest Inn to host a traditional springtime huntsman dinner of venison, wild boar, pheasant, turkey, freshly caught fish and more. What better way to shrug off winter chills and celebrate the start of Spring. Please join us and show your support. The New Jersey Outdoor Alliance and its Political Action Committee need your support to maintain and build on the successes of 2016.

Our mission is simple - support outdoor-minded legislation and legislators who support hunting, fishing, trapping and the conservation of our natural resources in New Jersey. It is important for outdoorsmen and outdoorswomen to exercise their right to vote and determine the legislators elected to office since it is these legislators (Governor, Assemblypersons and Senators) who are responsible for making laws that affect fishing, hunting, trapping and conservation in New Jersey.

Here are some more reasons to attend:
• Meet your pro-outdoors state legislators that championed NJOA efforts in 2016
• Meet officials from leading New Jersey hunting, fishing and pro-outdoor organizations that make up the NJOA Conservation Foundation - NJOACF is dedicated to advancing sound conservation policy in Trenton.
• 50/50 raffle and thousands of dollars in outdoor gear to win in our tricky tray and cards of chance.

Wild Game Dinner Tickets are $100 and must be purchased in advance. Reserve your seat and preserve your outdoor heritage. Corporate sponsorship packages are also available.

For ticket sales, corporate sponsorship, and reservations, contact 800-508-2687 or email kavester@aol.com. Dinner ticket sales will support the NJOA (PAC). All other proceeds will support the efforts of the NJOA. When purchasing dinner tickets, please include your name, employer and town, address, telephone number and e-mail address.

Sunday, February 19, 2017
Cocktail Hour 5:00 PM Approximately
Passed Hors d’Oeuvres and Standing
Pasta Salad with Venison, Goose Rillette,
House-made Smoked Trout Cream Horseradish,
Venison Game Pates, Cold Venison Rack Garni, Game Mousse Canapes,
House-made Venison Prosciutto with Fresh Fruit
Venison Chili, Sliders, Wild Smoked Goose Reuben, Smoked Salmon,
Smoked Turkey, Pheasant Maultaschen Grand Marnier Sauce
Galantine of Pheasant and Quail

Dinner in Main Dining Room Approximately 6:00 PM

Buffet Selections:
Venison Rouladen in Red Wine with Roasted Pearl Onions
Braised Goose Gizards in Game DemiGlace
Domestic Wild Boar Braised in Riesling
Wild Pheasant in Porcini Smitaine
Whole Roasted Quail Sauce Bigarade
Marinade Venison in Red Wine Woodland Mushrooms
Venison Kielbasa
Hasen Pfeffer (Braised Rabbit)
Pasta Tomato Basil
Chicken Filet Lemon Caper Sauce
Spatzle and Red Cabbage
Fresh Tog, Rolls and Butter
Carving Station
Roast Venison
Port Wine Reduction.
German Desserts

Paypal available online at www.njoutdooralliance.org

New Jersey Outdoor Alliance is a N.J. 527 PAC

Angler Paul
01-30-2017, 10:28 PM
Last year was the first year NJOA had this dinner and it was great! I will be attending again this year.

Dave A
01-31-2017, 06:14 AM
Has any of the money in the past and will any of the money raised from this event go to SSFFF to help fund their science projects?

01-31-2017, 10:12 AM
Has any of the money in the past and will any of the money raised from this event go to SSFFF to help fund their science projects?

This was brought up by several of the NJOA advisors as we move forward on this fluke issue.

Dave A
01-31-2017, 02:40 PM
So Chris, what does this mean?? :confused:

01-31-2017, 03:23 PM
So Chris, what does this mean?? :confused:

The way it works in that NJOA Conservation Foundation members have donated to SSFFF and it has been discussed that one of the members will be making another donation after the dinner.

Dave A
01-31-2017, 04:23 PM
Chris in other words it is kind of misleading to say the NJOA Dinner is raising money for the fluke issue when they don't contribute to SSFFF for science and don't contribute to the RFA to help with the political part of the process.

01-31-2017, 05:13 PM
Chris in other words it is kind of misleading to say the NJOA Dinner is raising money for the fluke issue when they don't contribute to SSFFF for science and don't contribute to the RFA to help with the political part of the process.

It is only misleading because you do not know the NJOA is set up as three different organizations. 1- A political action committee. 2- An Environmental Projects group. 3- A Conservation Foundation of which members contribute to SSFFF.

As for the politics-I would like to ask RFA if they have been able to forge a coalition with New York and Connecticut on this issue as NJOA has? Also, ask them who aided in getting last week's press conference organized through the DEP Press office. Also- who was left out of RFA press releases? If you look at NJOA materials and press RFA is always included.

I am in the process of securing funding for SSFFF through this dinner and had reached out to several key people involved with both RFA, SSFFF and NJOA.

My job is now harder ( Nice voice mail today) but those that know me know NJOA doesn't quit. This dinner will benefit sportsman that fish, hunt and trap and yes will help fund the fight to keep our fluke limits the same until a new assessment is done.

Dave A
01-31-2017, 05:26 PM
Chris, if you want answers from the RFA you need to ask them. SSFFF is not part of the RFA, we never have been. We have worked on the fluke issue with them for the past 9 1/2 years by funding all of the science projects to date while they dealt with the political side. As for funding it is a fact that as an organization, NJOA has never contributed to SSFFF for any of our science projects. We are thankful to all NJOA members who have contributed on their own and hope that perhaps one day NJOA will also write us a check. There is still research being done and we still need to raise money to pay for it.

01-31-2017, 05:31 PM
Chris, if you want answers from the RFA you need to ask them. SSFFF is not part of the RFA, we never have been. We have worked on the fluke issue with them for the past 9 1/2 years by funding all of the science projects to date while they dealt with the political side. As for funding it is a fact that as an organization, NJOA has never contributed to SSFFF for any of our science projects. We are thankful to all NJOA members who have contributed on their own and hope that perhaps one day NJOA will also write us a check. There is still research being done and we still need to raise money to pay for it.

As stated that is one of the goals of this dinner after conversations I have had with those involved with SSFFF. I appreciate your questions Dave but know that we all need to move in the same direction.

Dave A
01-31-2017, 05:36 PM
Chris who have you spoken to from SSFFF as I am one of the founders and the treasurer.

01-31-2017, 06:20 PM
[QUOTE=Dave A;473479]Chris who have you spoken to from SSFFF as I am one of the founders and the treasurer.[/QUOTEN.

Last word from me. The importance of this dinner and the importance that all groups work together is paramount.

02-07-2017, 09:27 AM
Hey all- there are some huge raffle prizes for this dinner as well as an amazing menu. Make it a date night as there will be some great prizes for the ladies as well. Six tickets remaining. PM or email clido@njoutdooralliance.org

02-07-2017, 10:42 AM
For those who have never been to the Black Forest Inn, it is an outstanding restaurant. I was there Saturday night, my mother (a native of Rothenburg, German) was visiting....it's her favorite restaurant.

So, if you're hesitating because you don't know the restaurant, you can set that aside. Unfortunately, I'm predisposed that evening, so I won't be able to make it.