View Full Version : NJDEP Fluke Press Conference Update

Gerry Zagorski
01-27-2017, 12:58 PM
Quick update here, the meeting went great!! It was very well organized and attended.

I'd say a few hundred people in the audience and a strong representation of speakers from our state and local Politicians, fishing related businessmen on the Commercial and Recreational side, as well as Groups like RFA, SSFFF, JCAA and NJOA. I noticed more then a few cameras, Channel 12 News was there as were a few others but not sure who they were.

There was one common rally cry heard throughout everyone's remarks... "Enough is Enough"

It was also made clear that the emergency measures we are asking for, which is to remain Status Quo in 2017 is just a temporary fix. The intention is to also fight for a long term solution to avoid the knee jerk reactions which cause sea saw regulations, as well as investing in better science to assess stocks for the fisheries long term sustainability.

The show of solidarity that was present and the personal commitments from many influential people to fight this thing through to the end and by any means necessary was real shot in the arm for me. I'm encouraged now more then I've ever been.

Glad I was able to attend and thanks to all who showed up to support the NJDEP and represent our interests in this fishery.

Job well done NJDEP!!

01-27-2017, 01:13 PM
Thank you to everyone who went and supported the cause for those like myself who couldn't attend

Great job Guys and Gals and



01-27-2017, 01:18 PM
I left the news conference feeling positive it will stay status quo for now. I will keep my fingers crossed that it does until better science is presented with facts.

Gerry Zagorski
01-27-2017, 01:35 PM
Thanks for attending Rocky!! There's a long road ahead but it sure helps when you have good company in the car.

01-27-2017, 02:03 PM
Glad I was able to make it... very well attended even in that raw wind... Speakers were all good and to the point... sounds like we have much more of a chance of a good representation this time around... :)

And good to see you there Gerry!! :D

01-27-2017, 02:15 PM
I agree Gerry, I left with a positive attitude too. Felt pleasantly surprised as to how many people showed up. Quite a few familiar faces.

Now it will be a time of wait & see.

Angler Paul
01-27-2017, 02:19 PM
Here is a link to a video I took at the rally today: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZxhlTNtc7cQ&t=220s

Gerry Zagorski
01-27-2017, 02:43 PM
Great to see you there Paul and thanks for the Video

"Enough is Enough"

Gerry Zagorski
01-27-2017, 03:02 PM
Great seeing Reel Ron, Hart Attack and Splitshot there....

Ron was still smiling from that Blackfish he caught last week :D

Chris G
01-27-2017, 03:17 PM
I could not make it in time this morning, but I do appreciate and thank all who attended.

01-27-2017, 03:31 PM
Report & pics: http://www.nj.com/ocean/index.ssf/2017/01/nj_fisherman_officials_demand_feds_back_off_propos .html

Gerry Zagorski
01-27-2017, 03:32 PM
Yeah... We could have used a few more models there :D

01-27-2017, 04:17 PM
After attending, I sent an email to the 2 NJ Senators, and my US Rep., Leonard Lance. The final paragraph reads "President Trump has said that he opposes any new regulations that further burden businesses and/or reduce jobs.
Please join Rep. Pallone and the President in preventing the ASMFC from implementing this job-reducing regulation."

Send letters/emails, the more the better. Emphasize the job loss. Hopefully that gets the attention of the non-fishing lawmakers.

Capt John
01-27-2017, 05:11 PM
NJ12 just aired and interview with Capt. Gutman. Kudos to all those who attended. Job well done. My thanks to all the organizers....lots of positive feelings upon leaving today. Let's hope this equates to something good for all of us.

01-27-2017, 06:01 PM
Definitely exceeded expectations in both attendance (although a few thousand would have been better lol) and actually having a belief that those in power are going to act on their words.
Got to speak personally with commissioner Martin, Congressman Chris Smith representative Jo Smith Schloeder, and Assemblyman David Rible. I thanked them all for taking the stand with us and their candor when asked direct questions. As Jim Donofrio RFA said during his speech an Emergency stop gap on the current regulations proposed is only the first step. We have to carry it to Magnuson Stevens reform to end the BS. Lets see what happens next but I have belief this has traction in the right areas, its united, and a lot of the right people are all on the same page this time.
Hoping we should see a better deal for this season. Lots of work ahead to maintain the pressure for now and the future so keep at it.

Great seeing and saying hey with Capt Jerry Fish Monger, Capt Bobby Bogan with full crew, Capt Jeff Gutman Voyager , Paul from JCAA and Dave Arbietman Reel Seat. There were many other industry people there as well both commercial and rec. Once we WIN a big thanks will be made to SSFFF for all they are doing and having the foresight to start this years ago. And of Course RFA and RFA-NJ. (Sorry had to plug us)

Started the morning with Richie Tropics, ALS Mako Steve, Larry Hartattack, Dakota, Reel Ron and of course fearless leader Gerry.

All in all glad I went, definitely NOT a waste of time.

Thanks to all that showed up and those that couldn't but have always supported the cause when they can.

01-27-2017, 08:03 PM
Couldn't have said it any better than dales529. As the saying goes it feels like "The worm is definitely turning". When Frank Pallone was at the podium, he said something I think is very telling. Paraphrasing he said "This is without doubt one of the best showings I've ever seen when it comes to a recreational fishing community event and I've been to quite a few". That's a comment everyone who attended this morning's meeting should be proud of because it means elected officials, industry and association leaders are starting to take notice and when that happens they realize there's something very much worth fighting for. There's been a tremendous amount accomplished in a relatively short period of time but what made this meeting this morning even more unique as one of the speakers eluded to is it wasn't just recreational anglers. There was a great mix of party boat and charter captains, recreational anglers, elected officials, industry representatives, commercial operators, tackle shop owners and probably a few marina and restaurant owners. Our collective unified voice is growing and while we shouldn't take that for granted we also need to realize this is the very beginning of a much longer journey. Hard not to get excited about the energy, passion and conviction today from all the speakers and people in attendance but we need to stay diligent and committed to have our voices heard.

Wanted to give Gerry a special THANKS for his attendance at Galloway and today's meeting and for using the site to promote participation. Our opinions and concerns matter only if they're heard and today was validation that our voice is finally being heard. GREAT job by all the speakers, in particular a big THANK YOU to NJDEP Commissioner Bob Martin for his words and being the impetus behind today's press conference, as well as the Christie Administration for their support. I know Angler Paul posted a video of today's event, everyone should listen to Bob Martin's speech as well as others who spoke today. There words were more than political rhetoric, they spoke passionately about the concerns and plight we all face if the status quo prevails. They touched on all the right issues and in my opinion did an outstanding job articulating the key points needing to be addressed. Kudos to everyone who took the time to attend and a bigger thanks for the people who endured a brutally windy and cold day to help us carry this message to Washington!

Progress is being made but we need to keep the pressure on our elected officials who today in a big way showed their support.

01-27-2017, 08:32 PM
People who make their living from this fishery should have been there . I don't know all these people , but would like to know ? I fluke mostly at AH , if you get off exit 117 you pass three tackle shops , were they represented ?

01-27-2017, 09:09 PM
People who make their living from this fishery should have been there . I don't know all these people , but would like to know ? I fluke mostly at AH , if you get off exit 117 you pass three tackle shops , were they represented ?

Here's my humble opinion. I attended the meeting but didn't take roll call. The fact you asked the question you did suggests you didn't attend today's conference yourself. I don't hold that against you any more than I would hold it against the three tackle shop owners you referenced in your post. Maybe they were busy and had conflicts, maybe they didn't know about the conference, maybe they didn't care. Disagree with your sentiments singling out only people who make a living from this fishery attending. There are so many others who have a lot at stake if the current options are adopted. I think that thought process is divisive and is what's prevented the "fishing community" in total from having the unified voice it needs to be heard and create change.

There were representatives today from Cape May, the Highlands, Belford, Belmar, Point Pleasant, Barnegat etc. representing different interests and groups but all with a common purpose, to voice their concerns regarding the continued mismanagement of a very important public resource to the extent we risk losing it all together. My advise to you, in all due respect, would be attend the meetings yourself and you'll know who gives lip service to the cause and who is actually willing to commit their time and effort to make a difference. If you don't, by default you include yourself in the same category of people you're calling out in your post. Get involved and you'll be able to answer your own question.

ALS Mako
01-27-2017, 09:37 PM
Here's my humble opinion. I attended the meeting but didn't take roll call. The fact you asked the question you did suggests you didn't attend today's conference yourself. I don't hold that against you any more than I would hold it against the three tackle shop owners you referenced in your post. Maybe they were busy and had conflicts, maybe they didn't know about the conference, maybe they didn't care. Disagree with your sentiments singling out only people who make a living from this fishery attending. There are so many others who have a lot at stake if the current options are adopted. I think that thought process is divisive and is what's prevented the "fishing community" in total from having the unified voice it needs to be heard and create change.

There were representatives today from Cape May, the Highlands, Belford, Belmar, Point Pleasant, Barnegat etc. representing different interests and groups but all with a common purpose, to voice their concerns regarding the continued mismanagement of a very important public resource to the extent we risk losing it all together. My advise to you, in all due respect, would be attend the meetings yourself and you'll know who gives lip service to the cause and who is actually willing to commit their time and effort to make a difference. If you don't, by default you include yourself in the same category of people you're calling out in your post. Get involved and you'll be able to answer your own question.

Well put. I was able to make it today cause I had the time, I know alot others couldn't make it and that is understandable. It was great to see alot of familiar faces and to see alot of capts who give a damm. It's going to be a long fight as any political matter dictates but I've been giving my support when I can since ssfff first started. I may not make every meeting or rally but I do what I can and never call out others. We need to stay united and we have the state on our side in fighting the feds. This is the time to come together. Thanks to all for all their hard work on this cause, I for one appreciate it.

01-27-2017, 10:56 PM
I have mixed emotions.
So happy many people showed up but pissed I missed the meeting.
First week in a new job.
I saw the video of Bob Maritns speech. He sounded very serious and truly frustrated.
Enough is enough!
Martin for president!!!

01-28-2017, 10:19 AM
Here's my humble opinion. I attended the meeting but didn't take roll call. The fact you asked the question you did suggests you didn't attend today's conference yourself. I don't hold that against you any more than I would hold it against the three tackle shop owners you referenced in your post. Maybe they were busy and had conflicts, maybe they didn't know about the conference, maybe they didn't care. Disagree with your sentiments singling out only people who make a living from this fishery attending. There are so many others who have a lot at stake if the current options are adopted. I think that thought process is divisive and is what's prevented the "fishing community" in total from having the unified voice it needs to be heard and create change.

There were representatives today from Cape May, the Highlands, Belford, Belmar, Point Pleasant, Barnegat etc. representing different interests and groups but all with a common purpose, to voice their concerns regarding the continued mismanagement of a very important public resource to the extent we risk losing it all together. My advise to you, in all due respect, would be attend the meetings yourself and you'll know who gives lip service to the cause and who is actually willing to commit their time and effort to make a difference. If you don't, by default you include yourself in the same category of people you're calling out in your post. Get involved and you'll be able to answer your own question.
Thanks for the reply , Dakota , but your right , I was thinking about what Dave (reel seat) had said about seeing more shop owners show ,I don't mean to divide , sorry .
As far as roll call , I had said I did'nt know who those people were that's why I asked , and most of you know each other , as I have read many familiar names , but you don't know me . Yes , I was there and at Galloway also . Maybe some day I'll match up the names with the faces !

01-28-2017, 11:06 AM
No need to apologize. I understand your question and agreed with Dave's comments as well. I just think if anyone is going to be questioned under any circumstances, they deserve to be involved in the thread and afforded an opportunity to reply because again in this case they might have wanted to attend but had personal issues preventing them. Too many unknowns but more so someone's livelihood is being brought into it. Have seen many threads get closed when personalities or individuals are singled out. Yesterday's meeting was a very positive step in the right direction and would hate to see this thread meet the same fate.

Glad you attended the meeting yesterday. At some point hopefully we have an opportunity to associate a face to our screen name.

Gerry Zagorski
01-28-2017, 11:15 AM
Most participation I've ever seen was at the first SSFFF fund raising dinner which if I recall was at Crystal Point Yacht Club. Place was jammed!! Not sure of the year but it was when they threatened to shut down the entire fishery.

We had a win there but it's been a long time since we've had another. Every year we've been beaten down by the very system that continues to takes our hard earned tax dollars and uses them against us. We even had to pay to force a Sex Study to improve the science which should have been funded by our tax dollars!!

The timing of what you all saw at Galloway and this Press Conference could not be any better because people are growing tired of fighting and not having anything to show for it.... We now have a new more sportsmen friendly administration coming into office, state and local political support at several levels and groups that usually fight against each other are now united.

It's very rewarding and encouraging to see some progress here and everyone come together as a group. However, things like this don't just happen..... They are the sum of many individual efforts.

Stick with me here, I have a point. We as individuals can make a huge difference!!

Not sure who was responsible for forming groups like the RFA, SSFFF, JCAA or NJOA. It was likely a few regular guys like you and me talking over a beer that hatched the idea. Those few individuals were the ones who created the movement we have now.

Don't think for a minute you can't make a difference.... Lead, follow, volunteer, donate and use your voice to encourage each other and others to do the same. It all adds up and as you can see with this movement, the whole is greater then the sum of its parts.

Get involved and stay involved however you can and let's get this done together.... Enough is enough!!

nate chud
01-28-2017, 11:45 AM
thank you guys for all who attended wish I could have been there sounds like they all have a little more backbone and are going to stick with us on this finally hope the new administration in dc backs us up I think they will lets wait in see

captain george angler
01-28-2017, 07:03 PM
It looks like we may have turned around and will have a fluke season season this year. I can't wait for warm days and drifting for fluke. It was good to see Atlantic Highlands was represented by Tom Atlantic Star, Kevin Dorothy B And the Angler had Jeff and myself. Also Tom from Fishermens Den was there. Still work to do and I think Trump is the answer. Captain George Angler

01-28-2017, 08:28 PM
Great showing yes compared to the usual lackluster showings. But could be 1,000 easy. I too don't understand where the tackle shop, party boat, charter boat, marina owners, etc etc are and were on these things? The burden is put on the few. And I'm not saying that everyone can make everything....people have responsibilities, but even if 30% of those people affected by a fluke problem went, the numbers would be much greater.

So great job to those making calls, letters, emails, rallies, meetings, but why is fishing weak on these things.

01-29-2017, 07:22 AM
People who make their living from this fishery should have been there . I don't know all these people , but would like to know ? I fluke mostly at AH , if you get off exit 117 you pass three tackle shops , were they represented ?

You pass quite a few restaurants, dinners, and gas stations too. Where their owners there, they will all feel the down turn if people stop coming down this way to fish. Who knows? Turnout could have been better, but let's be happy with what we got on a cold Friday morning and move on to what is important. Getting these bureaucrats, to listen to the people that know what is really happening and get off our backs!

01-29-2017, 07:37 PM
I agree , but you know tackle shops and marinas will feel it more .

01-31-2017, 05:35 PM
Good job Gerry & crew. Keep up the good work :D