View Full Version : Recreational use of gill nets for bait... (bunker)

01-25-2017, 12:01 AM
Recreational use of gill nets for bait...
I am new here and wanted to know if we are allowed in NJ to use gill nets to catch bunker and any smaller fish that would be used for bait? I was checking all the saltwater regulations and it is not stated that we can't. If we are allowed then what size of net is ok to use?
I appreciate your help.

Fishin Dude
01-25-2017, 10:08 PM
It's my understanding that in order to use a gill net in NJ waters you need a gill net license. The state is not issuing any new licenses, only renewing existing ones. So you would need to spend a stack of bills to purchase one from an existing license holder, who is most likely to be selling the catch commercially.

ALS Mako
01-26-2017, 05:55 PM
Most here in jersey use castnets. Usually from boat for adult bunker and from shore or dock for peanuts when they are around. For adult bunker 1" mesh and a #of lead per foot diameter of net. Get as big a net as you can handle and throw. For peanuts 1/2" will suffice and 8' to 12 ' is more than enough. For smaller bait you can seine net off the beach or use 1/4" mesh cast net.