View Full Version : NJ Bill AR206 on Fluke

01-21-2017, 09:35 AM
Seems we are getting the desired attention. Have to keep the pressure up and follow through. Good work by all that chose to get involved!

Couple of links to follow in the future:




Sponsored by:


District 2 (Atlantic)


District 11 (Monmouth)


District 1 (Atlantic, Cape May and Cumberland)

Assemblyman R. BRUCE LAND

District 1 (Atlantic, Cape May and Cumberland)

Assemblyman DAVID P. RIBLE

District 30 (Monmouth and Ocean)


District 31 (Hudson)


Urges National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration to conduct new summer flounder assessment before implementing catch limits for 2017.

As introduced.

An Assembly Resolution urging the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration to conduct a new summer flounder assessment before implementing any catch limits for 2017.
Whereas, New Jersey fisheries are ranked among the best in the nation and it is estimated that there are as many as one million recreational saltwater anglers fishing in New Jersey; and

Whereas, Of the many varieties of fish found off of New Jersey’s shores, summer flounder are among the most sought after saltwater fish along the Atlantic Coast; and

Whereas, Summer flounder fisheries are managed cooperatively by the states through the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission (ASMFC) and the Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council (MAFMC); and

Whereas, Together, these managing entities are responsible for developing summer flounder fishery regulations as part of the Summer Flounder, Scup, and Black Sea Bass Fishery Management Plan; and

Whereas, The management plan is implemented through regulations adopted by the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), a division of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) within the Department of Commerce; and

Whereas, The management plan is designed to ensure the protection and maintenance of the summer flounder stock, primarily through the establishment of harvest limits, which are based on the most current stock assessment report published by NOAA; and

Whereas, Based on the 2016 Stock Assessment Update, the ASMFC and MAFMC have recommended a 40 percent cut in catch limits for the 2017 and 2018 summer flounder fishing seasons; and

Whereas, Highlighting NOAA’s heavy reliance on random sampling to gather data for the 2016 stock assessment report, a bipartisan group of legislators from New Jersey, including United States Congressmen Frank Pallone, Jr., Frank LoBiondo, and Tom MacArthur and United States Senators Cory Booker and Robert Menendez, have expressed concern about the accuracy of the estimates contained in the report and have questioned the need to implement such a drastic reduction in catch limits for the upcoming season; and

Whereas, The Department of Environmental Protection has expressed similar concerns, warning that the drastic reduction in catch limits will devastate recreational and commercial fishing in New Jersey and have a detrimental effect on the economy of the New Jersey shore, particularly as the State continues to recover from Superstorm Sandy; and

Whereas, Many communities along the New Jersey shore that rely heavily on fishing are already struggling, in part, due to reduced summer flounder quotas from prior years; and

Whereas, According to the Jersey Coast Anglers Association, from 2007 to 2014, New Jersey lost two million fishing trips, 40 percent of which were in pursuit of summer flounder; and

Whereas, Despite significant opposition to the recommended reduction in summer flounder catch limits, and the potential for severe economic damage to the State, at the end of December 2016, the NMFS adopted a rule implementing the recommended reduction in summer flounder catch limits for the 2017 and 2018 fishing seasons; now, therefore,

Be It Resolved by the General Assembly of the State of New Jersey:

1 This House respectfully urges the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration to immediately conduct a new summer flounder assessment and refrain from enforcing the reduced summer flounder catch limit until a new benchmark assessment of the summer flounder stock has been conducted.

2. Copies of this resolution, as filed with the Secretary of State, shall be transmitted by the Clerk of the General Assembly to the President of the United States, the Chair of the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission, the Chairman of the Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council, the Commissioner of the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection, the Assistant Administrator for Fisheries, the Under Secretary of Commerce for Oceans and Atmosphere, and every member of Congress elected from the State of New Jersey.

This resolution urges the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) to immediately conduct a new summer flounder assessment and refrain from enforcing a reduction in summer flounder catch limits until a new benchmark assessment has been conducted.

Based on the 2016 Stock Assessment Update report published by NOAA, the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission and the Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council jointly recommended a reduction in summer flounder catch limits for the 2017 and 2018 seasons. The findings in the report were based largely on data obtained through random sampling. As a result, the assessments made are merely estimates which may not represent the actual status of the summer flounder stock.

Concerned parties, including the bill’s sponsors and members of the New Jersey delegation to the United States Congress, warn that the significant reduction in catch limits could destroy the recreational and commercial summer flounder industries in the State, and cause tremendous harm to the economy of the New Jersey shore. Many communities along the New Jersey shore that rely heavily on fishing are already struggling, in part, due to reduced summer flounder quotas from prior years. According to the Jersey Coast Anglers Association, from 2007 to 2014, New Jersey lost two million fishing trips, 40 percent of which were in pursuit of summer flounder.

This resolution urges NOAA to conduct a new benchmark assessment of the summer flounder stock to ensure that the assessments are accurate, and a potentially-devastating reduction in summer flounder quotas is not implemented unnecessarily.

The BILL AR206 Passed with a 5 yea to 0 no vote and is out of assembly for further legislation process. I will update when more is available
RFA-NJ Member

Gerry Zagorski
01-21-2017, 11:06 AM
Great news here !!

01-21-2017, 04:15 PM
Great news here !!

I don't see what the good news is? It's just a resolution stating they don't agree and aren't happy. It mandates nothing. Noaa has no obligation to even read it. Am I reading it wrong?

Gerry Zagorski
01-21-2017, 06:36 PM
I don't see what the good news is? It's just a resolution stating they don't agree and aren't happy. It mandates nothing. Noaa has no obligation to even read it. Am I reading it wrong?

Standing up for ourselves and getting people's attention was the first step.

I think the political climate has changed a great deal this past week and I'm hopeful we'll get some new people in power to take notice and hopefully make a difference.

Charlie B
01-21-2017, 07:10 PM
Just a question here. The new president just signed an executive order holding up implementation of new federal regulations. Would this have any effect on the fluke regs??? Charlie

01-21-2017, 07:21 PM
I think that's a great avenue for us to exploit.
For those who care about the fluke issue I encourage calling their reps and congressmen and demand this is part of the regulatory moratorium.
On Monday morning, that's exactly what I will be doing!
There is a lesson to be learned from the recent trump protests. There is strength in numbers. They get press!
Persistent pressure on our reps to put pressure on NOAA is crucial to getting status quo.
The other way Is a regulatory freeze. Wow maybe we are already there!

01-21-2017, 07:37 PM
Trump signed 3 executive orders. The ACA order restricts new regulations related to ACA. I don't think that helps us.
However, he instructed his chief of staff reince preibus to send a memo to all departments halting any new regulations. I think this might help us.
Again, I ask that we contact our legislators to ask the new administration what this means related to our fluke issue.

01-21-2017, 07:59 PM
Yes , they hear us and it's time to let them know . Anyone who said we won't get anywhere is giving up ! You can win with congressmen and assemblymen , everybody has to keep up the e-mails , letters , and phone calls ,never think you don't matter .

Thank you , Dales for the work you have done , if everybody had your passion we would win . Please keep us posted !

Gerry Zagorski
01-21-2017, 08:46 PM
Love the passion and enthusiasm above!!

I'm relatively new to this fight, many others have been there and are getting tired and can't say I blame them. How many rounds can you go playing against a brick wall?

Times are however changing so lead, follow or get out of the way.