View Full Version : Put up or shut up final round odds

01-13-2017, 03:24 PM
Put up or shut up finals, what it’s all about. The hat & grandmas rod n reel a dream of every tog angler along the coast & the brainchild of our fallen brother Michael Wells aka Life’s a Beach. 40 people suffered through hell last week at a shot to battle for the crown, 19 will be aboard the mimi to win it. Good luck to everyone & most importantly LAB 4 EVER IN OUR HEARTS & OUR EARS!

1.JMurr 7.13- The winner of the prelims, This handsome & charismatic angler has had 1 hell of a tog season. As the obvious fan favorite & peoples champion he goes in as the most despised of his peers. He was booed as he boarded last week but conquered this adversity & pulled out double what everyone else caught as well as catching the biggest Tog of the day. This young man will in true Philadelphia fashion get skunked tomorrow & not have a shot at winning it all. 1,000,000:1

2.The Directa 4.12- This old salt somehow foul hooked a keeper to net him 2nd place last week & give him the 2nd boarding option. He has been prepping all week for this & states he is the underdog & is not even supposed to be there so he is going down in a blaze of glory. He is correct he has no place here & has no chance to win. 1,000:1

3.CaddyShack 3.5- 3rd place finisher, 3.5lbs on most days not much but last Saturday mind as well of been a 20lb. No Kenny loggins or bill murray quotes this time. I am giving him a punchers chance. 15:1

4.Saltlife 3.2- young man fished hard in the slop last week & had a fish to weigh in, conditions look perfect to jig……& lose a pig. 18:1

5.Dfish 3.2 –my redneck brother & drods designated driver. Fishes hard as anyone punchers chance 15:1

6.joetheplumber 3.12 –reigning PUOSU champ, found out he is actually a plumber, maybe Kenny will need work done in the head because you aint repeating! 18:1

7.DRod 2.4- mi mano! Was influenced by the bad weather & delicious coquito last week, was not on his A game which scares me. He is out for blood & as someone who has been with a Puerto Rican for 5 years when they are out for blood you gringos better run! 10:1

8.Payoff5A 2.02-exit 5 for the turnpike is Burlington –mt holly. Some great freshwater spots there & the vault pizzeria is close by, proly better spending your $125 there then on the mimi. 18:1

9.MVP-skunked-fancy pants Magee, sporting a goatee I was expecting evil Alex from a parallel universe but it was the same old hack. Will be jigging in the light winds & losing pigs. 15:1

10.Joey Dah Fish-skunked- Jmurrs former friend, is on parole from the fish monger & has a big VOP Hearing tomorrow morning for violating his parole by jigging last weekend. Tomorrow is the day a hack like him dreams about, no wind to hold anchor so he can fish his 4lb test & 1/4oz jig all day & get the most bites which is all its about now. He will tell tall tales of a 21lb tog that he snagged in the a$$ in April. His only hope for not being sent back to monger prison is to win, can the leader of ff nation do it? He gets a shot tomorrow. 14:1

11.Sven of the hook–skunked- the Jerome to Joey Z Morris day, wait nevermind neither these dudes cool enough to be mentioned in same breath as The Time. Got blownout the other day so he is hungry, good thing Jmurr is bringing pretzels. 18:1

12.Finprof-skunked – he will get to see his 2nd double digit of his life tomorrow maybe whoever catches it will let him take a picture with it. 18:1

13.SeaRunhunter-skunked- hope he brings some eggsacks as I heard sea run bites heating up in the Manasquan. 18:1

14.Foul Hook-always skunked –Tony 2beers, Chester & his van, better bring some more booze for jmurr tomorrow, he is boarding lucky #14 but its him 25:1

15.InTooDeep-skunked- yup you are in the deep now. You can become a single digit poster legend by winning tomorrow but I can also lose 100lbs don’t mean its gonna happen. 18:1

16.HDMarc-skunked- captain concrete, is a legit threat, guess he just wasn’t manly enough to battle through the tough weather last week like Jmurr was. Has a punchers chance 15:1

17.OFF the SHORE-skunked- last week was his first rodeo now he gets to see the war commence. Just like prom night your first time is great but you don’t do it right. 18:1

18.Kern-skunked- still no f#cking idea who this dude is please say hi to me & if you want insider info bring me booze. Mystery scares me 17:1


keepers on boat-19.5
Joey dah fish jigs lost-3.5
Directa keepers- .5
jmurr beers drank-10
Drod coquito drank-2.5 cups
drod crabs cut-731

01-13-2017, 08:02 PM
<<<<<OFF the SHORE-skunked- last week was his first rodeo now he gets to see the war commence. Just like prom night your first time is great but you don’t do it right. 18:1>>>>

OK, took it easy on ya last weekend since I was the "NEW GUY" but that's done with! Ready to rock n roll brotha, bring your A game :D... and by they way if last weekend was a conger eel trip I would have had the pool and high hook :eek:

01-13-2017, 08:08 PM
I'd of made the biggest pot of Philly bisk ever with all them pout!

01-13-2017, 08:09 PM
Shit is funny

01-13-2017, 08:40 PM
I couldn't participate this year but I'm pulling for you murr! Good luck to everyone

01-13-2017, 10:19 PM
4 Horsemen on beast mode tomorrow ✊🏻