View Full Version : Charter/Party Boats in Sarasota

01-09-2017, 11:57 AM
Hey Guys - long time lurker. Heading to Sarasota soon and looking for recs for fishing. Not sure if there are any open boat concepts like NJ...which I would prefer to do...otherwise good with a reputable party boat. Thanks in advance.

01-09-2017, 07:36 PM
When I went on the "non sponsor" party boat in Sarasota it was a typical tourist boat ride. That's who they cater to. You are going to catch a couple of fish the size of sunnies with salt water tackle. If you want to catch any quantity of decent size fish you have to do a overnight trip on a headboat or spend the money and book a charter. I will pm you the name of a guy in Venice who's top notch.

Irish Jigger
01-09-2017, 08:12 PM
Talk to Brandon he's the man.


Check your pm

01-10-2017, 05:08 PM
If you want to deep sea fish in the Gulf, you need to do a full day charter or a 12 hour plus trip on a partyboat like Hubbards or Sea Trek. The Gulf is very shallow and the best spots are 40 plus miles out to 100 miles.

01-11-2017, 11:41 AM
thank you everyone! appreciate all the info.

01-11-2017, 09:28 PM
If you want to deep sea fish in the Gulf, you need to do a full day charter or a 12 hour plus trip on a partyboat like Hubbards or Sea Trek. The Gulf is very shallow and the best spots are 40 plus miles out to 100 miles.

I fished with Capt. Wilson Hubbard many times and was on his TV show as a regular.I also fished with his son Capt.Jeff Hubbard..great memories..live bait ..easy to catch pinfish out in fort Desoto and drag them to madeira beach/johns pass..mangos/muttons / red snapper/all the groupers/ajs/we threw back trigger fish ect lol great memories ..many pools and seeing my self on tv. and also having fish broker on the dock with scales..I am not sure how that fishery is today but late 1970s it was game on..

01-12-2017, 11:28 AM
More a fishery for good sized mangroves due to the regulations. You still catch the other stuff, but you might not be allowed to keep it depending on the time of year.

01-13-2017, 06:26 AM
Capt Joe Miller Fish Galore Off Shore in Venice. 20- min ride south of Sarasota...Many guys here from the board have fished with him.....Lights out fishing, 6 pack trips, catch bait and then catch fish til the sun comes down many days.