View Full Version : Rules of the boat

01-09-2017, 10:07 AM
new year new boat rules....
1) Play by the Rules. Remember, you're a guest. If the boat owner says no drinking alcohol on my boat, then don't drink. If he wants you to wear a hat with the boat name on it, wear it. If he says he wants to fish the left side of the boat, then you fish on the right side. You get the idea.
2) Chip In. Don't just offer to kick in for gas, insist on it. Whether you fish ...from a center console or a twin-screw diesel, boats burn a ton of fuel. A lot of boat owners are inviting more guys to fish with them for this reason alone, they want to offset some of the fuel cost. Keep in mind that a six-pack charter usually runs from $800 to $2,000 or more for a full day. I'd say offer at least $200 for gas on an offshore trip. Maybe $75 to $100 for a nearshore trip and around $50 if you stay inshore.
3) Bring Lunch. You don't need to get fancy, but if you can whip up a killer lunch and feed the crew, do it! Or, stop by a good deli and hook everyone up. You want those guys to miss you and your sandwiches when you're not there.
4) Stay Busy. If the bite is slow, pick up a hose and rinse off the deck. Grab a file and sharpen some hooks. Get up in the tower and glass for fish. Stay busy. Don't be the guy who zonks out in the salon all day.
5) Offer to Bring Gear. Some guys prefer to use their own rods and reels, but if you have tackle, offer to bring it along. Don't just show up with a truck full of stuff.
6) Clean Up After Yourself. Treat someone else's boat better than you would treat your own. If you make a mess (especially in the head), clean it up. And, for God's sake, only wear non-marking boat shoes, boots or sandals. There is no bigger sin than leaving black marks all over someone's boat.
7) Help Clean the Catch. Unless you don't know how to fillet a fish, grab a knife and do your best work to give everyone a perfect fillet. Heck, even if you can't clean a fish, you can still help with the bagging and icing.
8) Find A Role. Ask what the crew wants you to do. If they need a gaff man, go for it. If they've already got a guy for each job, get the camera and take lots of photos.
9) Wash the Boat! This is critical. Everything on the boat needs a good washing after a fishing trip. Grab a brush or sponge and help out. Don't even think about leaving until every inch of that boat has been washed and dried with a chamois.
10) Don't be a D!€k There is always a nice way to say things, so be polite and stay positive.
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Fun King
01-09-2017, 11:06 AM
Don't be late and unless your mother died don't cancel at the last minute.
Don't whine if fishing is slow.
Dress for the conditions.

Capt. Debbie
01-09-2017, 11:20 AM
Are inviting the people? Or strangers off the street? "bring lunch"? who are these people?... LMAO

Sure is a lot of rules for people you hand picked.

new year new boat rules....
1) Play by the Rules. Remember, you're a guest. If the boat owner says no drinking alcohol on my boat, then don't drink. If he wants you to wear a hat with the boat name on it, wear it. If he says he wants to fish the left side of the boat, then you fish on the right side. You get the idea.
2) Chip In. Don't just offer to kick in for gas, insist on it. Whether you fish ...from a center console or a twin-screw diesel, boats burn a ton of fuel. A lot of boat owners are inviting more guys to fish with them for this reason alone, they want to offset some of the fuel cost. Keep in mind that a six-pack charter usually runs from $800 to $2,000 or more for a full day. I'd say offer at least $200 for gas on an offshore trip. Maybe $75 to $100 for a nearshore trip and around $50 if you stay inshore.
3) Bring Lunch. You don't need to get fancy, but if you can whip up a killer lunch and feed the crew, do it! Or, stop by a good deli and hook everyone up. You want those guys to miss you and your sandwiches when you're not there.
4) Stay Busy. If the bite is slow, pick up a hose and rinse off the deck. Grab a file and sharpen some hooks. Get up in the tower and glass for fish. Stay busy. Don't be the guy who zonks out in the salon all day.
5) Offer to Bring Gear. Some guys prefer to use their own rods and reels, but if you have tackle, offer to bring it along. Don't just show up with a truck full of stuff.
6) Clean Up After Yourself. Treat someone else's boat better than you would treat your own. If you make a mess (especially in the head), clean it up. And, for God's sake, only wear non-marking boat shoes, boots or sandals. There is no bigger sin than leaving black marks all over someone's boat.
7) Help Clean the Catch. Unless you don't know how to fillet a fish, grab a knife and do your best work to give everyone a perfect fillet. Heck, even if you can't clean a fish, you can still help with the bagging and icing.
8) Find A Role. Ask what the crew wants you to do. If they need a gaff man, go for it. If they've already got a guy for each job, get the camera and take lots of photos.
9) Wash the Boat! This is critical. Everything on the boat needs a good washing after a fishing trip. Grab a brush or sponge and help out. Don't even think about leaving until every inch of that boat has been washed and dried with a chamois.
10) Don't be a D!€k There is always a nice way to say things, so be polite and stay positive.
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ALS Mako
01-09-2017, 11:49 AM
Nobody but nobody is gonna make me wear a hat!

But really.....just all common sense unless you grew up in a barn or with a silver spoon in your mouth.

01-09-2017, 11:52 AM

01-09-2017, 12:09 PM

you can fish with me...

Pick up the trash, hose it down, scrub off the blood and we're good to go.

01-09-2017, 02:22 PM
To many rules. I will stick with my own boat.

01-09-2017, 02:46 PM
but bananas are ok... :rolleyes:

i assume this is regarding private boats? because boats i pay to go on won't let you do half those things, and get mad if you try! they pay their mates well (in their minds) and don't want you doing their job for them and also have a saying, "i don't come to your place of work to do your job for you, don't try to do my job for me at my place of work."

01-09-2017, 05:03 PM
I dont get it. Who's boat are we fishing on?:confused::confused::confused:

01-09-2017, 05:13 PM
I dont get it. Who's boat are we fishing on?:confused::confused::confused:

If your gonna give me cash, bring me lunch, clean my fish, sharpen my hooks, wash my deck, and clean my boat you can come on mine! Come to think of it, I do all that when I go on my buddies boat, I think that's the point. ;)

01-09-2017, 05:26 PM
Excellent post. Most Non boat owners have no idea how much money and work owning a boat is. If guys don't pull their weight they don't get invited back.

01-09-2017, 07:39 PM
new year new boat rules....
1) Play by the Rules. Remember, you're a guest. If the boat owner says no drinking alcohol on my boat, then don't drink. If he wants you to wear a hat with the boat name on it, wear it. If he says he wants to fish the left side of the boat, then you fish on the right side. You get the idea.
2) Chip In. Don't just offer to kick in for gas, insist on it. Whether you fish ...from a center console or a twin-screw diesel, boats burn a ton of fuel. A lot of boat owners are inviting more guys to fish with them for this reason alone, they want to offset some of the fuel cost. Keep in mind that a six-pack charter usually runs from $800 to $2,000 or more for a full day. I'd say offer at least $200 for gas on an offshore trip. Maybe $75 to $100 for a nearshore trip and around $50 if you stay inshore.
3) Bring Lunch. You don't need to get fancy, but if you can whip up a killer lunch and feed the crew, do it! Or, stop by a good deli and hook everyone up. You want those guys to miss you and your sandwiches when you're not there.
4) Stay Busy. If the bite is slow, pick up a hose and rinse off the deck. Grab a file and sharpen some hooks. Get up in the tower and glass for fish. Stay busy. Don't be the guy who zonks out in the salon all day.
5) Offer to Bring Gear. Some guys prefer to use their own rods and reels, but if you have tackle, offer to bring it along. Don't just show up with a truck full of stuff.
6) Clean Up After Yourself. Treat someone else's boat better than you would treat your own. If you make a mess (especially in the head), clean it up. And, for God's sake, only wear non-marking boat shoes, boots or sandals. There is no bigger sin than leaving black marks all over someone's boat.
7) Help Clean the Catch. Unless you don't know how to fillet a fish, grab a knife and do your best work to give everyone a perfect fillet. Heck, even if you can't clean a fish, you can still help with the bagging and icing.
8) Find A Role. Ask what the crew wants you to do. If they need a gaff man, go for it. If they've already got a guy for each job, get the camera and take lots of photos.
9) Wash the Boat! This is critical. Everything on the boat needs a good washing after a fishing trip. Grab a brush or sponge and help out. Don't even think about leaving until every inch of that boat has been washed and dried with a chamois.
10) Don't be a D!€k There is always a nice way to say things, so be polite and stay positive.
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I literally do 1-10 when I get on my buddy's boat. He does not ask for any of it, so I do it out of my heart.
If he did, I'd just pay $25 more and get on a charter and forget about 3,4,5,6,7,8, and especially 9. :D

01-09-2017, 08:06 PM
If your gonna give me cash, bring me lunch, clean my fish, sharpen my hooks, wash my deck, and clean my boat you can come on mine! Come to think of it, I do all that when I go on my buddies boat, I think that's the point. ;)

I did all that when i worked on a boat.

Irish Jigger
01-09-2017, 08:06 PM
I never ask for a dime when I take out a friend, i am going anyways and I don't want your money.
Bring some sandwiches if you want I bring my own.
Don't touch my electronics or anything you feel is helping.
Don't take my knives or sharpener I take care of cleaning our fish.
Last, I clean my boat, I have a specific way I like it done and it keeps my boat spotless.

My friends can enjoy cold beers all day and at the dock, I will enjoy a cold one when the day is over!

My boat My rules!

Treble Hook Jim
01-09-2017, 08:58 PM
1) We always drink on my boat
2) You are NEVER expected to pay for anything! If I can't afford my hobby, I will sell the boat. I invite friends for a reason, and its not to offset expenses!
3) Bring your own lunch & snacks. I certainly don't expect you to feed me, I am an adult and can provide for myself when I am hungry.
4) Relax, i didn't invite you to work. I invite friends to relax and have a good time.
5) If you have rods you want to bring, I will let you know if they are appropriate for what lies ahead of us. If they aren't I have enough to outfit an army and will have all the terminal tackle required on board.
6) I guess I can agree with this one, if someone does feel the need to shit up my boat up you will be banned.
7) I clean all the fish. I am better at it than you. Feel free to keep bringing me beer while I fillet.
8) Your role is to not miss my fish with the net.
9) Feel free to help wash the boat while I am filleting this is never expected but my friends always do it.
10) My friends are not D!cks, this is why they are my friends!

01-10-2017, 07:29 AM
I never ask for a dime when I take out a friend, i am going anyways and I don't want your money.
Bring some sandwiches if you want I bring my own.
Don't touch my electronics or anything you feel is helping.
Don't take my knives or sharpener I take care of cleaning our fish.
Last, I clean my boat, I have a specific way I like it done and it keeps my boat spotless.

My friends can enjoy cold beers all day and at the dock, I will enjoy a cold one when the day is over!

My boat My rules!

Tell me where and when to show up and i'll follow all theses rules

01-10-2017, 07:29 AM
1) We always drink on my boat
2) You are NEVER expected to pay for anything! If I can't afford my hobby, I will sell the boat. I invite friends for a reason, and its not to offset expenses!
3) Bring your own lunch & snacks. I certainly don't expect you to feed me, I am an adult and can provide for myself when I am hungry.
4) Relax, i didn't invite you to work. I invite friends to relax and have a good time.
5) If you have rods you want to bring, I will let you know if they are appropriate for what lies ahead of us. If they aren't I have enough to outfit an army and will have all the terminal tackle required on board.
6) I guess I can agree with this one, if someone does feel the need to shit up my boat up you will be banned.
7) I clean all the fish. I am better at it than you. Feel free to keep bringing me beer while I fillet.
8) Your role is to not miss my fish with the net.
9) Feel free to help wash the boat while I am filleting this is never expected but my friends always do it.
10) My friends are not D!cks, this is why they are my friends!

just tell me where and when lol

01-10-2017, 08:25 AM
Some excellent rules here, and I appreciate all input. My friends always are there for the greater good onboard. This is why they are my friends.

I always taught my children and grandchildren that if invited on a boat, always lend a hand, and ask what you can do to make the boat clean again. Don't text and talk to your girlfriend. She can help, too.

I am happy to take my friends without paying, but they all want to be a part of the experience, so someone will buy the bait, someone will get the lunch, and someone will praise the Capt. LOL Somehow that 3rd person misses the boat.

Only thing that REALLY bothers me is when they all catch bigger fish than the Capt.!! Enjoy your family and friends on the boat..........or just own a kayak

01-10-2017, 01:17 PM
What about dropping lettuce from your sandwich on someones boat? I always lend a helping hand - food, financial, cleaning - but some guys I know get really mad when the shredded lettuce falls off my sandwich. Apparently crab guts, bunker blood and fish scales are OK, but no damn lettuce on the deck!! :D

Capt. Lou
01-10-2017, 01:35 PM
When I take my fishing buddies , they buy food , bait , help clean fish & boat that's it !
If I invite guests they do nothing except bring there own lunch if they chose too,
If not plenty of food in fridge , drinks , never Alcholol . That's it .
I would clean boat once they left !

01-10-2017, 09:35 PM
I never ask for a dime when I take out a friend, i am going anyways and I don't want your money.
Bring some sandwiches if you want I bring my own.
Don't touch my electronics or anything you feel is helping.
Don't take my knives or sharpener I take care of cleaning our fish.
Last, I clean my boat, I have a specific way I like it done and it keeps my boat spotless.

My friends can enjoy cold beers all day and at the dock, I will enjoy a cold one when the day is over!

My boat My rules!

Mine are similar. Though I will let you use my knife to clean the fish while I clean the boat.

01-10-2017, 10:37 PM
Damn! Never knew it took that many rules to enjoy the day out on the boat?

I'm heading out whether I'm alone or inviting people. What do I care if they chip in, bring food, clean up etc? I would have done that anyway whether they were there or not.

Now that I think of it......I gotta ask the crew to wear some fuc*** up hats as that is the captains request!!!! Gonna make some up before spring launch !!!!:D

Grateful Dad
01-11-2017, 08:55 AM
Damn! Never knew it took that many rules to enjoy the day out on the boat?

I'm heading out whether I'm alone or inviting people. What do I care if they chip in, bring food, clean up etc? I would have done that anyway whether they were there or not.

Now that I think of it......I gotta ask the crew to wear some fuc*** up hats as that is the captains request!!!! Gonna make some up before spring launch !!!!:D

Sorry, Duff, but I think my regular crew has the market cornered on fu**ed up hats.:eek:
On my boat, gas money, bait, food, etc. are never requested, but always appreciated. I clean the fish while my crew (usually) cleans off the boat.
We're out there to have a good time, and try to catch a few fish. If you can't understand that, and don't behave yourself, you won't be invited back. Simple rules.

01-11-2017, 09:24 AM
The only rule that I have is, You better show the F%^K up if you said you will. If not don't bother asking me to go again because that won't happen.

Gerry Zagorski
01-11-2017, 09:53 AM
No bouncing sinkers or jigs on the deck of the boat.

Don't be late and don't ask to go in early when everyone else wants to stay out.

No fish in Gerry's prize cooler which is usually full of beer.

Don't bring every piece of fishing gear and clothes you own.

Don't stand around at the dock talking on the phone when everyone else is cleaning up.

01-11-2017, 10:56 AM
"Don't bring every piece of fishing gear and clothes you own."

YES! Great one. That struggle is real.

And no, you cant bring your own cooler on the boat.

01-11-2017, 10:58 AM
Sorry, Duff, but I think my regular crew has the market cornered on fu**ed up hats.:eek:

Massachusetts headgear will be epic :eek:

01-11-2017, 11:38 AM
Massachusetts headgear will be epic :eek:

Lmao!!! Had you and Jeff in mind as I typed that!!!!