View Full Version : PUOSU IV Final Round on Mimi 1/14
Gerry Zagorski
01-08-2017, 10:04 AM
OK so here is the list of 20 qualifiers for the final on the Mimi Saturday 1/14. Since we did not fill all 20 spots with qualifying fish, those spots will be made available to people on the OE list who did not have fish and is based on the OE boarding order. Some people told me they can t make it so they are not on this list.
You must reply to this post with "in" by Wednesday 1/11 or your spot will be given to another hack on the OE list :)
I can't make this trip so Joey Dah Fish and MVP will be running it. Joey has the hat, Grandma pole and the NJF sweatshirt for the champ.
Please reply here to let us know if your are in or out. If people on this list can't make it we will be adding more from the OE list to fill all 20 spots.
Payment is due at the boat so if your are in you need to be there and are responsible for the $125 fare.
Boarding at 6:30 boat leaves at 7:00.
Good luck all!!
JMurr 7.13 In
The Directa 4.12 in
CaddyShack 3.5 In
Saltlife 3.2 In
Dfish 3.2 In
Joetheplumber 3.12 In
DRod 2.4 In
Payoff5A 2.02 In
Jarhead out
ALS Mako out
Joey Dah Fish In
King of The Knoll out
Sven of the hook In
Finprof In
Dave Tats Out
SeaRunhunter In
Mako333 out
Foul Hook In
Taxman Out
SportfishingUSA out
Lingking20 out
Meesterkim out
The rest of the spots are available now. First come first served
Matt Conway
Evan f
InTooDeep in
HDMarc in
The Duck
Kern in
18 and counting limit is 20
Who else wants in?
01-08-2017, 11:40 AM
Unfortunately I can't make this trip. Good luck fellas.
01-08-2017, 11:44 AM
I'm in bitches. You skip skip scaliwags booed me as u boarded & bowed in the end. Now time to bring the hat & pole home to philly!
Davetats fish did not get weighed. It's still whole in my cooler if anyone's around
01-08-2017, 12:55 PM
Here we go guys.....
Joe the Plumber - I am IN..... will be defending my title!!!
So all you "ladies" that didn't catch any fish on the OE - watch the
expert!! (Includes you Joeydafish)! LOL!
Have a great week - see you all Saturday!!!!!!!!!!
01-08-2017, 12:59 PM
P.S: does anyone know why no fish weighed in had no .16-.99? I do...
Your welcome Joe!
Joey Dah Fish
01-08-2017, 01:39 PM
In and will bring JMurr bananas
01-08-2017, 01:46 PM
Need a new hat.. I'm in!!!
ALS Mako
01-08-2017, 01:48 PM
sorry fellas but i am out. i had a blast and thanks to all for all the hard work behind the scenes and to all that brought food and drink to share.
01-08-2017, 01:54 PM
Sea Run Hunter
01-08-2017, 01:56 PM
01-08-2017, 02:06 PM
Need a new hat.. I'm in!!!
you sure you don't mean liver bro? you fo sho took the beer side bet!!
Joey Dah Fish
01-08-2017, 02:26 PM
sorry fellas but i am out. i had a blast and thanks to all for all the hard work behind the scenes and to all that brought food and drink to share.
We will miss you. Just like you missed that fish yesterday :D
01-08-2017, 04:26 PM
In. Finprof. Don't know when to quit.
01-08-2017, 05:21 PM
More snow Saturday!
ALS Mako
01-08-2017, 06:28 PM
We will miss you. Just like you missed that fish yesterday :D
I didn't miss it joey. I hooked him and I fought him, it just wasn't his time. F**ker popped off half way up. But thanks for reminding me
01-08-2017, 07:09 PM
I didn't miss it joey. I hooked him and I fought him, it just wasn't his time. F**ker popped off half way up. But thanks for reminding me
Dont worry I will remind you that you "Georged It" - :D
Guarenteed somehow it is my fault
01-08-2017, 07:19 PM
Im IN!
Got a question thow. Do only the people who got a fish on the OE qualify for the title or do the replacements still have a chance??
01-08-2017, 07:30 PM
Im IN!
Got a question thow. Do only the people who got a fish on the OE qualify for the title or do the replacements still have a chance??
All got a chance unless u wanna each pay $500 to.keep.the boat for.just the people who caught. A hack from Saturday will be a hero this weekend. $ on zagorskhack
01-08-2017, 08:24 PM
I'm in as long as my fingers don't fall off by then. :D
Gerry Zagorski
01-08-2017, 08:38 PM
Im IN!
Got a question thow. Do only the people who got a fish on the OE qualify for the title or do the replacements still have a chance??
Everyone is competing for the crown Salt even if they didn't catch a fish on the OE.
01-08-2017, 08:44 PM
So I weighed my 2nd keeper have it came out to 5lbs on the dot. Does this mean I can put 2 rods on Saturday? #donthatethrplayerhatethegame #booedmeinambowedinpm
01-08-2017, 08:50 PM
All got a chance unless u wanna each pay $500 to.keep.the boat for.just the people who caught. A hack from Saturday will be a hero this weekend. $ on zagorskhack
Just wanted to know.
I am in. With Joey in charge I will need to be there to be a shaparone and keep Joey and the rest of you in order
01-08-2017, 10:15 PM
I'm in bitches. You skip skip scaliwags booed me as u boarded & bowed in the end. Now time to bring the hat & pole home to philly!
Davetats fish did not get weighed. It's still whole in my cooler if anyone's around
I took my fish home. Don't know who's that was lol
01-08-2017, 10:28 PM
I am in. With Joey in charge I will need to be there to be a shaparone and keep Joey and the rest of you in order
Murray vs Zagorski gonna be epic....
Tats u sure? Oh shit maybe it was directas it did look small
01-09-2017, 08:05 AM
Gerry Zagorski
01-09-2017, 09:03 AM
Check your PMs Tax...
01-09-2017, 12:07 PM
You f#cking losers let this nitwit outfish you! Hahahahahahah you all suck!
01-09-2017, 12:19 PM
Check your PMs Tax...
I did
You need to do some cleaning you are full
Gerry Zagorski
01-09-2017, 12:23 PM
I did
You need to do some cleaning you are full
Cleaned out Tax
the directa
01-09-2017, 12:23 PM
01-09-2017, 12:25 PM
I'm out this Saturday. Good luck fellas!
Joey Dah Fish
01-09-2017, 01:46 PM
I'm out this Saturday. Good luck fellas!
Boy some Marine ? Scared of a little cold and competition
01-09-2017, 02:16 PM
i'll bring pretzels again Saturday
01-09-2017, 03:08 PM
i'll bring pretzels again Saturday
What ever you did this past Saturday do it again on the 14.. Wear your same draws n socks without washing.. Wear all the same clothes.. Don't shower and get more coquito.. Stick to the game plan
01-09-2017, 04:46 PM
I truly find it unfair to those of us who fished hard & caught on Saturday that what we did will be left in the past & someone who only qualified because they logged onto a computer has a shot at winning. I suggest we even the field & do combined weights from the 2 trips but again that would be like allowing the popular vote to matter for president. No more mr.nice guy saturday
01-09-2017, 06:11 PM
Now you're just whining.
01-09-2017, 07:05 PM
Now you're just whining.
Where are you at on the sign up list for saturday? Oh you didn't go? Stfu & mind yo bizness
01-09-2017, 07:19 PM
LAB,always in our hearts & ears
01-09-2017, 07:19 PM
Are we getting white leggers again or??
01-09-2017, 08:27 PM
Where are you at on the sign up list for saturday?
Sadly, it was the one year anniversary of my father's death and my family was observing yahrzeit. Some things take precedent even to fishing.
However, if the Mimi isn't full on saturday, I'd love to come along as a non-contestant.
Gerry Zagorski
01-09-2017, 08:50 PM
Sadly, it was the one year anniversary of my father's death and my family was observing yahrzeit. Some things take precedent even to fishing.
However, if the Mimi isn't full on saturday, I'd love to come along as a non-contestant.
Sorry about your you Dad.
If a spot opens up on the Mimi we will let you know.
01-09-2017, 08:51 PM
Boy some Marine ? Scared of a little cold and competition
I'm saving for the newly opened spots on a green boat. Told the Captain that I don't even own a jiggin' pole.
Joey Dah Fish
01-09-2017, 09:07 PM
I truly find it unfair to those of us who fished hard & caught on Saturday that what we did will be left in the past & someone who only qualified because they logged onto a computer has a shot at winning. I suggest we even the field & do combined weights from the 2 trips but again that would be like allowing the popular vote to matter for president. No more mr.nice guy saturday
Damn philthy flyers fans trying to bend the rules cause you know you blew your load on Saturday lol :D
01-09-2017, 09:15 PM
Sorry about your you Dad.
If a spot opens up on the Mimi we will let you know.
Damn man my apologies just busting b@lls
01-09-2017, 09:16 PM
Damn philthy flyers fans trying to bend the rules cause you know you blew your load on Saturday lol :D
Revocation with a period of incarceration imposed.
01-09-2017, 09:34 PM
Damn man my apologies just busting b@lls
No offense taken. Now, had you started badmouthing walleye, we'd be meeting on the playground after school.
Sea Run Hunter
01-09-2017, 09:37 PM
I left my Gage bag in the Ocean Explorer. Had my buddy pick it up today. He dropped off a second bag. Any leave a bag with a deer antler hook puller. I can't upload photos to this site from my cell phone. Will post pics tomorrow.
Sea Run Hunter
01-09-2017, 09:38 PM
Guess the photos did go through.
01-10-2017, 02:10 AM
Boy some Marine ? Scared of a little cold and competition
Gerry, We really need a like button!
Sven of the hook
01-10-2017, 08:23 AM
Sven is in
01-10-2017, 12:54 PM
NJF sweatshirt? hope it aint no ****ing x large.
Foul Hook
01-10-2017, 01:46 PM
After getting fat shamed by murray I'm in
01-10-2017, 01:51 PM
After getting fat shamed by murray I'm in
you are a fat f#ck. you bringing some sweetwater?
Foul Hook
01-10-2017, 05:26 PM
What about.the Is he in?
01-10-2017, 06:19 PM
What about.the Is he in?
If i can do ****ing donuts around your chester van again. hahahaha
You got to sell that van and get one in matte black and a port hole. :eek::eek:
01-10-2017, 06:45 PM
If i can do ****ing donuts around your chester van again. hahahaha
You got to sell that van and get one in matte black and a port hole. :eek::eek:
F#ck yea we r doing donuts
01-10-2017, 07:31 PM
Whats the white leggers situation?
01-10-2017, 07:34 PM
Whats the white leggers situation?
Gotta to be some left over from saturday?
01-10-2017, 07:47 PM
Gotta to be some left over from saturday?
Thats what i was thinking. Just wanted to make sure it was BYOWC
01-10-2017, 07:59 PM
Never hurts to bring ur own special supply if u can afford it
01-10-2017, 08:25 PM
Im bringing hermits, fiddlers, asian's, blue claws, shredders, calicos, kings, stones, snows, and dungeness crabs!
Gerry Zagorski
01-10-2017, 08:33 PM
We will have whites left over from the last trip.
01-10-2017, 09:11 PM
We will have whites left over from the last trip.
Mr.z do we have a time? I asked your ff brother but he is mad at me
01-10-2017, 09:37 PM
snow in forecast again have to work again so I am out
Gerry Zagorski
01-10-2017, 09:37 PM
Mr.z do we have a time? I asked your ff brother but he is mad at me
For you 10:00 for everyone else 7:00 :rolleyes:
Joey Dah Fish
01-10-2017, 09:39 PM
For you 10:00 for everyone else 7:00 :rolleyes:
Boat departs at 7 be there 630
01-10-2017, 10:03 PM
Boat departs at 7 be there 630
I board first ff. Don't forget about court
Foul Hook
01-10-2017, 10:53 PM
F#ck yea we r doing donuts
You clowns were eating doughnuts. Who you kidding
Foul Hook
01-10-2017, 10:56 PM
You got to sell that van and get one in matte black and a port hole. :eek::eek:
Don't you worry about my port hole!
01-11-2017, 01:39 PM
LingKing is out
01-11-2017, 01:54 PM
i will have to pass on this. thanks! nice meeting many of u last saturday. trip to never forget!
01-11-2017, 04:01 PM
How do we only have 13 people for this!!? Come on guys!! Come and try to win that title!!!
01-11-2017, 04:12 PM
How do we only have 13 people for this!!? Come on guys!! Come and try to win that title!!!
Pathetic. Used to be a waiting list which is why it went to 2 rounds.
01-11-2017, 05:26 PM
45 ppl fish in a blizzard but can only get 13 for dam near perfect conditions...cmon does the crown not mean anything??!
01-11-2017, 05:30 PM
Crown means everything to me
01-11-2017, 06:10 PM
Crown means everything to me
I have no doubts it does, that's why I got a bottle of JD to keep you on your A game & for anyone else who needs it
01-11-2017, 06:11 PM
45 ppl fish in a blizzard but can only get 13 for dam near perfect conditions...cmon does the crown not mean anything??!
Very good point
01-11-2017, 06:27 PM
It's because the bites slow if they were biting their heads off it would be full
01-11-2017, 06:56 PM
This hack who barely caught a cold is waiting for other hacks to bail so I can get a spot on the trip...want to see someone who caught nothing in round one swipe the title:D
01-11-2017, 07:16 PM
Marc, his name is Joey Dah Fish
shrimpman steve
01-11-2017, 07:24 PM
I only wish I could be there. With this line up I'd actually have a shot:D
01-11-2017, 08:17 PM
I only wish I could be there. With this line up I'd actually have a shot:D
Bring the airboat
01-11-2017, 09:11 PM
I only wish I could be there. With this line up I'd actually have a shot:D
That Florida sun must be getting to you. . . .
01-11-2017, 10:12 PM
I only wish I could be there. With this line up I'd actually have a shot:D
Funniest sh!t I've heard all day:D
Foul Hook
01-11-2017, 11:07 PM
It's because the bites slow if they were biting their heads off it would be full
I think Murr may be correct on this one. Too challenging for many, they can't handle the pressure.
two guys rod
01-12-2017, 05:19 AM
Unfortunately I am out.
01-12-2017, 07:06 AM
Im in to fish on Saturday
01-12-2017, 07:46 AM
Count me in Gerry
01-12-2017, 01:01 PM
Gerry, I'm in for Saturday, if you still have a spot.
Gerry Zagorski
01-12-2017, 01:14 PM
Everyone who said they want in above has been added to the list. So far we have 18 and room for 2 more.
01-12-2017, 07:11 PM
We gonna sail with 18?
Gerry Zagorski
01-12-2017, 07:31 PM
We gonna sail with 18?
Yes Murr fare still $125.
01-12-2017, 07:36 PM
Yes Murr fare still $125.
Thank you sire.i will do the odds tomorrow your dpjff brother better watch hisself
01-12-2017, 08:15 PM
2 spots left--- The itch that I have to join for a 2nd round is worse than the morning after I went on a 4 day bender in NYC, and woke up on a Monday not knowing where the hell I was, but with 2 strippers at my side.
Unfortunately, I'm committed to going car shopping with the g/f on Saturday.
How the times have changed. Good luck fellas!
01-12-2017, 08:23 PM
We gonna sail with 18?
No problem with the number Gerry, JMurr is happy with just 18 fares, that's 17 potential candidates to knock him off the pedestal versus the originally expected 19, he's delighted that his odds just got better (But we all know he blew his load in round 1)
Gerry Zagorski
01-12-2017, 08:56 PM
No problem with the number Gerry, JMurr is happy with just 18 fares, that's 17 potential candidates to knock him off the pedestal versus the originally expected 19, he's delighted that his odds just got better (But we all know he blew his load in round 1)
Me thinks so too Marc. Murray is gonna get humbled.
01-12-2017, 09:15 PM
Me thinks so too Marc. Murray is gonna get humbled.
I think your less handsome brother Joey FF DaFish is gonna grab the crown this time around, he's put his time in, caught some big fish, and that red cap will look great under his helmet...gonna be tough to lick the windows with the brim of the hat sticking out but I'm sure he'll be happy regardless!
01-12-2017, 09:52 PM
Can't humble perfection. Just jealous that I outfished the two of you combined Saturday. Gonna be swinging like my balls in August on Saturday so it's anyone's game.....except joey z he on parole still
01-12-2017, 09:59 PM
Got a feeling its gonna be an under dog win this year. Wont name any names "cough cough cough" :D
01-12-2017, 10:30 PM
I could care less who wins, Joey Da FF, the Philadelphia Cheesepecker, doesn't matter....I just wanna fish! 35° with chance of snow, tropical compared to last week:D
01-12-2017, 10:37 PM
I could care less who wins, Joey Da FF, the Philadelphia Cheesepecker, doesn't matter....I just wanna fish! 35° with chance of snow, tropical compared to last week:D
Word is bond! Be like august compared to last week
Foul Hook
01-13-2017, 12:29 AM
Got a feeling its gonna be an under dog win this year. Wont name any names "cough cough cough" :D
Thanks Jeff, I thought it would be me Too
01-13-2017, 12:31 AM
Thanks Jeff, I thought it would be me Too
Im out for BLOOD on this trip!!! Mug the shit outta you if i have too!
Foul Hook
01-13-2017, 12:34 AM
Your Dad coming?
01-13-2017, 12:36 AM
Your Dad coming?
Foul Hook
01-13-2017, 12:51 AM
cool see you Saturday. Bring it!:cool:
01-13-2017, 06:16 AM
Im out for BLOOD on this trip!!! Mug the shit outta you if i have too!
I'll have my roller skates on for this trip
01-13-2017, 07:28 AM
Gonna be swinging like my balls in August on Saturday so it's anyone's game.....except joey z he on parole still
I have to stop reading this site while eating breakfast
That was one visual I did not need :eek::eek::eek:
01-13-2017, 12:18 PM
I am calling shenanigans on tomorrow already. Apparently winning the prelims means nothing & former champions board first? that is bullsh!t
01-13-2017, 01:09 PM
I am calling shenanigans on tomorrow already. Apparently winning the prelims means nothing & former champions board first? that is bullsh!t
I don't think so, I boarded first on the last PUOSU on the Mimi, former Champs boarded after me
01-13-2017, 01:11 PM
I don't think so, I boarded first on the last PUOSU on the Mimi, former Champs boarded after me
not according to joey dah fish.
01-13-2017, 01:13 PM
Joe Murray I will be boarding 1st, poppa dumb dumb 2nd... VINCE OUTFISHED YOU MR.21lb!
Joe Zagorski You will be board first after past champions suck it up butter cup
01-13-2017, 01:19 PM
- Boarding order on the Mimi will be based on fish weights, heaviest fish first.
from page 1
good luck Joey the Fish & Joey the Whiner :p
01-13-2017, 01:21 PM
lets board by lowest IQ first, that way Joey dah fish can go 1st & I will happily go last
Gerry Zagorski
01-13-2017, 01:37 PM
Hart is correct. Boarding order is based on weight of fish from the OE. Former champs get no privilege in round 2.
01-13-2017, 01:48 PM
Hart is correct. Boarding order is based on weight of fish from the OE. Former champs get no privilege in round 2.
Had me scared for a min there.
Gerry Zagorski
01-13-2017, 02:16 PM
BTW.... Captain Kenny just called, he broke his anchor tree today so this is going to be a drift trip :eek:
If no qualifying fish are caught champ will be determined by a no holes bared closed caged wrestling match. Last man left standing gets the crown...
Just kidding :D Hope you all have aguys have breat trip tomorrow and good luck to all....Even JMurr :cool:
01-13-2017, 02:23 PM
BTW.... Captain Kenny just called, he broke his anchor tree today so this is going to be a drift trip :eek:
If no qualifying fish are caught champ will be determined by a no holes bared closed caged wrestling match. Last man left standing gets the crown...
Just kidding :D Hope you all have aguys have breat trip tomorrow and good luck to all....Even JMurr :cool:
this has truly turned into a Jmurr vs the world trip & I f#cking love it! that $.50 side bet between me & joey dah fish really blossomed into a war. So its irish vs polish I guess best way for me to win is walk on boat backwards that way he'll think I'm leaving
01-13-2017, 03:05 PM
e winds 5 to 10 kt. Seas 2 to 3 ft. Mainly in e swell with
a dominant period of 11 seconds. A chance of snow late in the
morning. Snow likely in the afternoon.
01-13-2017, 04:01 PM
[QUOTE=If no qualifying fish are caught champ will be determined by a no holes bared closed caged wrestling match. Last man left standing gets the crown...[/QUOTE]
I now have a shot!!! :D:D:D
01-13-2017, 07:08 PM
Best of luck tomorrow boys. I sense a quiet upset by one of the Criswell Father and Son team just cant figure out which one OR it will be someone named JOEY which would also be well deserved. Wish I could have made it but LAB will be insulting I mean rooting for you all.
Someone needs to bite a Bergal head off! Just saying
01-13-2017, 07:49 PM
Best of luck tomorrow boys. I sense a quiet upset by one of the Criswell Father and Son team just cant figure out which one OR it will be someone named JOEY which would also be well deserved. Wish I could have made it but LAB will be insulting I mean rooting for you all.
Someone needs to bite a Bergal head off! Just saying
I know a guy who can handle that bergal thing....
01-13-2017, 08:10 PM
Good luck tomorrow boys! Your gonna need it!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Joey Dah Fish
01-13-2017, 09:11 PM
Oh the trash talking is done you FFs so and Mike would say. Put Up Or Shut Up
Best of luck tomorrow boys. I sense a quiet upset by one of the Criswell Father and Son team just cant figure out which one OR it will be someone named JOEY which would also be well deserved. Wish I could have made it but LAB will be insulting I mean rooting for you all.
Someone needs to bite a Bergal head off! Just saying
Either of the Criswell boys would be well deserving as they are both very good anglers and can hold there own with anyone. They just keep quite and do there thing. It is anyone's game and everyone has a shot to Win the crown.
The crown is nice but what this really about for me is when Gerry hands Mrs Wells a check and gives her a big hug from all of us who participated in keeping Labs memory alive through this gathering we call PUOSU. Best of Luck to everyone as I hope they decide to bite tomorrow
Foul Hook
01-13-2017, 10:55 PM
One Good bite that's all I need. murr In not going to tell you you're getting bites tomorrow, that ship has sailed #onyourown. But I did get some 420's!:D
Foul Hook
01-13-2017, 10:58 PM
SportfishingUSA out
No BIG RAGU WTF:confused: Aint no repo going on in Da snow!:mad:
Foul Hook
01-14-2017, 08:27 PM
details to follow
Blackfish Bobby
01-14-2017, 09:06 PM
Drum Roll............... Well ?.........and the winner is ??????
Gerry Zagorski
01-14-2017, 09:09 PM
Foul Hook takes the crown!
Congrats Tony!!
01-14-2017, 10:12 PM
Congrats Tony!
01-15-2017, 07:08 AM
Congratulations on pulling off a Big Win throughout all the Hype and Banter!! :D
01-15-2017, 08:44 AM
Congrats Tony for taking the Crown and for taking a big steaming piss all over JMURR's corn flakes!
01-15-2017, 08:52 AM
Congrats Tony!!!! Good job!!
01-15-2017, 09:01 AM
Congratulations Tony!!
Foul Hook
01-15-2017, 10:25 AM
Thank you for all the well wishes. I would like to thank Gerry,Alex,Joe and anyone else who worked on putting these two trip together. Now for the fishing. I only really got a few "swingable' bites all day, it really was that slow. Capt. Ken and Brandon did a great gob keeping us on sticky bottom all day but the fish just weren't chewing. At times the boat was almost silent, that shit would never have happened with Mike around, he would have walking around busting everyone balls and getting them going, That's what is really missed on these trips:(. So in the end I'm the new Champ and that is that. I got my inspiration from listening to a typical Philadelphian spout on and on of how great he was.You all have heard before, win one round and going the the Superbowl :rolleyes:, Thank god that's over!!There is another portly fellow who will claim he put me on the bite but you can't catch fish while your sleeping. You know I really didn't think that fish would win. But the scale doesn't lie. Joe,Vinny any questions on toggin I'm here for you.:cool: Also thanks to you twos guys and Drod for emtpying all my beer out my cooler so my fish would fit in it you're the best......
01-15-2017, 10:45 AM
Dam , no pics or weights of winning fish and the rest of the day.
Talk about a dull ending to a zillion page thread
Pool fish went 4.2 pounds. The next 2 biggest were 4 lbs and 2 lbs 15 oz
Three ounces separated the top three fish.
I had 3 keepers totaling a whopping 9 lbs
Joe Murry had 2 keepers
DROD had 2 keepers and a few with 1.
Most went home with a doughnut. Maybe 11 keepers total for 18 guys
We were on good bottom all day just could not get them to chew on any part of the boat all day as Capt Kenny did his best trying several spots and kept us out late. Thanks to all who participated as I am sure the Wells Family appreciates all our efforts.
broken bobber
01-15-2017, 01:47 PM
another outstanding fund raiser for NJFISHING.COM
thanx Gerry and all who participated.... the Wells family will be overwhelmed and thankful.....
long live LAB
Foul Hook
01-15-2017, 02:19 PM
Finally got a couple of pics loaded. I guess it was kind of anti-climatic, but with the slow bite there wan't a whole lot of fish to weigh. Plus with Ken keeping us late everyone just cleared out
Congrats Tony on pulling out the winner in the 4th qtr. If you had a pound of fish for every person that went into your collet of beers you just might be the new world record holder lol. Regardless of the size a win is a win
01-15-2017, 09:18 PM
Congrats to Tony on taking the title!! It just wasnt my day. But fishing isnt the real reason we do it. Its to remember the legend Mike.
01-15-2017, 09:45 PM
Another one for the record books, and it goes to show it's more of a family reunion with some fishing and frostbite involved 😂 Congrats Chester the Molester, or Tony you had the good luck cooler explosion 💥 in the morning and got paid back, see y'all next year or before, I know I had a great time, because I'm missing my big toenail and have no idea where it is !!!:confused::confused:
01-17-2017, 10:56 AM
Nice job Tony
01-17-2017, 02:02 PM
Congratulations Tony. So I see you were filling in for my part by providing liquid refreshments for everybody. Nice job. I hope to rejoin the group next year.;)
01-17-2017, 02:45 PM
Nice job Tony! I missed round II with a wicked chest cold that I made worse by fishing in a fukkin blizzard (round 1). I'll be back next year with a double batch of apple pie moonshine. Until then, tight lines...
01-17-2017, 03:40 PM
After a few days reflecting on this monumental upset, I want to congratulate Tony aka Chester on the win. Tony is an OG PUOSU who I remember fishing on the nk3 night ling trips with Mikey aboard way back when. Couldn't happen to a nicer fellow even if he drives a van that doubles as a runaway shelter for at risk trans-teens. Most importantly I hope this is not the end for PUOSU. The fishing sucked on both trips but I had a ton of fun on both which I feel is what Mike brought to fishing trips the most. Even if the fishing sucked, weather sucked whatever Mikey was going to entertain you & make the trip great. I hope this tradition continues even if I have to do it myself. Follow the links for some pics.
Foul Hook
01-20-2017, 02:08 AM
Well thanks Murr. I greatly appreciate your kind words. The good old days of the Magic Hour trips was good times. Lets get out again.
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