View Full Version : Do you remember this?

Capt Sal
01-07-2017, 08:19 PM
An educated consumer is our best customer! If you do your home work and get educated about what is going on with NOAA then then post here.This is why most for hire people do not want a pissing match on a public forum. No the facts before you post. Your opion counts but If you need more info ask.Most of you on here are up to date but please try to inform the casual angler about our cause!

01-07-2017, 08:55 PM
Sy and Marci Syms, Look what happened to them. Consumers didn't want to take the time or effort to understand.

I see where your going, after the meeting in Galloway, most people just talk without getting educated about the problems. It's not just fluke but the process that they use to make uneducated decisions, this is effecting many fisheries.

Also some people that are very educated can't see the obvious and this in many instances is causing additional problems because the book say they are right. But common sense and practical knowledge are more important.

01-07-2017, 09:08 PM
Speaking of education, let's begin by working on our grammar....

01-08-2017, 01:00 PM
I know all the facts and if I don't I make them up.

bunker dunker
01-09-2017, 07:40 AM
no hard feeling Sal but saying noaa and fact in the same sentence sounds a little off.

01-10-2017, 08:15 AM
It's not just fluke but the process that they use to make uneducated decisions, this is effecting many fisheries.

Well said, IMHO This is the root cause of the problem.

01-10-2017, 11:26 AM
An educated consumer is our best customer! If you do your home work and get educated about what is going on with NOAA then then post here.This is why most for hire people do not want a pissing match on a public forum. No the facts before you post. Your opion counts but If you need more info ask.Most of you on here are up to date but please try to inform the casual angler about our cause!

I'll try translating the original posters comments because I'm not exactly sure what they mean.

An educated consumer is our best customer! As someone already pointed out, Sy Syms and look how he ended up.

If you do your home work and get educated about what is going on with NOAA then then post here. Well well in other words if you're as educated as Capt. Sal and in the inner circle with NOAA, feel free to share your opinions. Pretty elitist comments. I thought the purpose of the board was to share information and educate one another in the process, guess only certain Old Salts reserve that right.

This is why most for hire people do not want a pissing match on a public forum. Not sure what posting, For Hire operators and pissing matches have in common other than maybe Capt. Sal himself.

No the facts before you post. How about "KNOW" how to spell "KNOW" before you post. You also imply many people, unlike yourself of course, don't possess the in depth knowledge you do to post opinions. Again pretty elitist position.

Your opion counts but If you need more info ask.Most of you on here are up to date but please try to inform the casual angler about our cause! Our opioids count or our opinions count? I'll assume the later. But if any of us need to be educated, we'll be sure to call you so you can set us straight with your infinite wisdom of NOAA and the process. So I guess we should be thanking you for being at the door step of 2 fish 19" fluke regulations being forced down our throats for '17. We all appreciate your efforts, keep up the great work.

Just wanted to thank you in advance for setting everyone straight.