View Full Version : Fed Up With Fluke Regs - Action Need ASAP

Gerry Zagorski
12-22-2016, 06:16 PM
For 2017 we could be looking at 2 fish @19 inches in NY and NJ 2017...

If you too are fed up with the pending Fluke regulations you now have a chance to get involved.

Please print out the attached petition form and take it to all the fishing businesses and clubs so we get it signed by as many people and possible.
Think outside the box here too. It's not only boats and tackle shops that stand to take a hit here... It's hotels, retail businesses, restaurants, marinas, towns that are in this with us... Don't forget about them!!

The plan is to gather these petitions and have the RFA deliver them to the local, state and national politicians to make our voices heard. As you will see on the attached form, entries must be legible in order to be accepted and these forms should be sent to the address on the form by February 15th 2017.

I'd also suggest we use Social Media to help spread the word and make this go viral. To that end, please copy and paste this link on your Facebook page and any fishing related Facebook group pages you are a member of, asking for people to get involved. http://www.njfishing.com/forums/showthread.php?t=94212

If you stand with us and commit to getting involved, please pledge your support and do what is suggested here by replying to this post

Thanks for all your support and effort in this endeavor and please, lets all get involved in this important fight! Remember, it's not up to someone else, it's up to you and me if we want to get this done and have our voices heard.

Any questions please PM me here or send an email to njfishing@aol.com

12-22-2016, 07:02 PM
Thanks Gerry for getting the word out. We have been discussing this for awhile and I / all appreciate your efforts.

I want to add that the wave 5 harvest data for 2016 has been put in and it reflects double the harvest from 2015 which will only add to the problem. We ALL know that data is suspect at best.

Along with the petitions we need to have at least 500 people show up at the public opinion meeting and with a collective voice say NO WE WILL NOT and DO NOT ACCEPT ANY OF THESE OPTIONS PERIOD UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES . BLOCK THE VOTE PERIOD.

Possible Slogan
" Go Fluke Yourself and You will see your data is wrong"

Gerry Zagorski
12-22-2016, 07:24 PM
Thanks Gerry for getting the word out. We have been discussing this for awhile and I / all appreciate your efforts.

I want to add that the wave 5 harvest data for 2016 has been put in and it reflects double the harvest from 2015 which will only add to the problem. We ALL know that data is suspect at best.

Along with the petitions we need to have at least 500 people show up at the public opinion meeting and with a collective voice say NO WE WILL NOT and DO NOT ACCEPT ANY OF THESE OPTIONS PERIOD UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES . BLOCK THE VOTE PERIOD.

Possible Slogan
" Go Fluke Yourself and You will see your data is wrong"

I like that plan Dales and I'll stand with you... I'm going to that public meeting and hope 499 others will pledge to do the same. We need to make stand now!!

12-22-2016, 07:40 PM
When is the meeting, time and location. From this site alone there should be 3,000 people at the meeting. Have so many people show up it makes Christie's bridge gate look like a walk in the park. Put up or shut up gentlemen, what's at stake in '17 is losing the resource indefinitely.

12-22-2016, 07:46 PM
There's a number of fishing conventions / shows during the winter months. Even boat shows like the one at the Javits Center. If we have sponsors from NJF who are attending those shows, would it be possible to coordinate a campaign for signatures to help the cause. These shows provide tremendous exposure and would think if we could get the word out we'd get quite a few signatures since this is the audience among others we're trying to capture. Thoughts?

12-22-2016, 07:53 PM
When is the meeting, time and location. From this site alone there should be 3,000 people at the meeting. Have so many people show up it makes Christie's bridge gate look like a walk in the park. Put up or shut up gentlemen, what's at stake in '17 is losing the resource indefinitely.

Will post Meeting date location etc as soon as its known.

Capt. Lou
12-22-2016, 07:55 PM
Gerry ur assessment is correct , if we get several thousand folks to,attend this meeting it would amazing show of force . Probably except for Striper meeting & Inital Flounder meeting coupled to first Washington foray crowds were sparse.
Getting it done is up to us all , it's truly stand up or shut up time for sure .
What are proposed meeting dates & where will they be held important to post ASAP !

12-22-2016, 07:56 PM
In addition to sending the form to the RFA, you should also fax it to the Mid Atlantic Fishery Management Counsel at 302-674-5399. This is done for two reasons. First it make s a bigger impression on everyone to see piles of faxes than a couple of disks on the desk. Also, it makes the staff more aware of what's happening and and the publics reaction as to their proposed regulations.

Also, fax a copy to your local congressman and senators at the state and federal levels. I would bet that most of them do not know whats going on.

12-22-2016, 07:58 PM
One thing also with the petitions: They must be complete with a valid name , valid address and be legible or they will NOT be counted. Add email, phone contact if willing Don't be paranoid about "big brother" knowing who you are,
They win if you don't provide the minimum information as they throw out any "questionable" petitions

12-22-2016, 08:00 PM
Also, the forms should be at all the tackle shops in NJ and NY for people to sign

12-22-2016, 08:13 PM
These forms should also be on all party boats !

12-22-2016, 08:22 PM
Gerry, regarding social media. Should definitely look into boosting it. The audience you can reach in nj on facebook would be massive. The targeting is simple--anyone and everyone with an interest in fishing. The audience targeting platform on fb is probably one of the most effective ways to reach specific audiences with content to raise awareness and/or advertise. Few hundred bucks can go a looooong way!

12-23-2016, 12:33 AM
Printed it out. Ill do my part to get my friends and anyone else that can hold a pen to sign this.

Capt John
12-23-2016, 06:39 AM
Gerry, This is from todays Ristori's blog post. Not sure if this is factual but here goes anyway. Apologies if this is bogus info.

"The N.J. public hearing on Summer Flounder Draft Amendment XXVII will be held after the N.J. Marine Fisheries Council meeting at 6:30 p.m., Jan. 5, 2017 in Galloway Township Library, 306 Jimmie Leeds Road. Prospective regulations are so severe that there could be a limit of three at a 19-inch limit with a season from June 1 to Sept. 15 even though the fluke population appears to be healthy."

12-23-2016, 06:46 AM
CBS had some coverage on this,at 6:00 AM
So their is a chance more people will become aware

Capt Sal
12-23-2016, 07:37 AM
How about 101.5 NJ radio station?

12-23-2016, 08:15 AM
It's worked every year so far. Hasn't it?

bunker dunker
12-23-2016, 08:28 AM
i'm done begging for what is ours to begin with.God did not make fish to be used as tool against his people.i have fished for fluke when there was no limit and we did just fine.them it went from 13",14" and here we are today facing 2 fish at 19,b&llS&it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.if this is what they want then so be it.

12-23-2016, 09:24 AM
Thanks Gerry!
Already printed and will be passing it all over!

12-23-2016, 03:48 PM
If I insert a column in the petition for City and State will that suffice.
Last thing we need to do is show up with 5000 signatures and have them ignored because of a technicality.


12-23-2016, 05:41 PM
I just wrote Booker, Menedez and my representative Tom Macarthur.
On their websites they have a section on how to contact them.
Copy the heading on the word attachment on the first page and copy that into the box.
This took all of 10 minutes to ping all 3.
I also asked they show up at the meeting on January 5.
I have zero faith they will show up, but you never know.

Gerry Zagorski
12-24-2016, 01:51 PM
I just wrote Booker, Menedez and my representative Tom Macarthur.
On their websites they have a section on how to contact them.
Copy the heading on the word attachment on the first page and copy that into the box.
This took all of 10 minutes to ping all 3.
I also asked they show up at the meeting on January 5.
I have zero faith they will show up, but you never know.

Great and thanks for doing that T!! I hope some others will as well...

Take a stand now and or we'll all be screwed... If we are going down at least we can say we went down fighting!!

Man up here everyone!!

12-24-2016, 07:36 PM
Great and thanks for doing that T!! I hope some others will as well...

Take a stand now and or we'll all be screwed... If we are going down at least we can say we went down fighting!!

Man up here everyone!!

Hey Gerry , If we go down (to Galloway) maybe we should get a bus . Considering gas and tolls , how much more can a bus be ? Meet at a good spot , get there early , have our say , and get back . I would be glad to pay for the cause , plus extra if some guy"s are a bit short .

Capt Sal
12-25-2016, 08:27 AM
I just wrote Booker, Menedez and my representative Tom Macarthur.
On their websites they have a section on how to contact them.
Copy the heading on the word attachment on the first page and copy that into the box.
This took all of 10 minutes to ping all 3.
I also asked they show up at the meeting on January 5.
I have zero faith they will show up, but you never know.

Menendez is a farce! Know him a long time and he could care less about fluke! Mc Greevy was the same. Mayor of Woodbridge when i asked him to get involved with the bunker devastation in Raritan Bay. He said no.We need a TOP LEVEL POLITICIAN on our side and a celebrity.At least NY has one while NJ has fat Christie! He obviously does not eat fluke!!!!!!

12-26-2016, 09:18 AM
Hey all I will be going. Going to be a long A** day for me but this is very critical. I'll either leave right here from Lakewood in the afternoon, or possibly catch a little break and carpool down from the parkway.

Gerry Zagorski
12-26-2016, 10:44 AM
Hey Gerry , If we go down (to Galloway) maybe we should get a bus . Considering gas and tolls , how much more can a bus be ? Meet at a good spot , get there early , have our say , and get back . I would be glad to pay for the cause , plus extra if some guy"s are a bit short .

A little too short notice here but a good idea. If people are a bit short they should be able to find a ride with others traveling down from the same area.

12-27-2016, 11:09 AM
Menendez is a farce! Know him a long time and he could care less about fluke! Mc Greevy was the same. Mayor of Woodbridge when i asked him to get involved with the bunker devastation in Raritan Bay. He said no.We need a TOP LEVEL POLITICIAN on our side and a celebrity.At least NY has one while NJ has fat Christie! He obviously does not eat fluke!!!!!!

Read the attached article. It sounds like the Christie administration is on our side at least on paper in this case. Hopefully someone from his administration attends the meeting or maybe even someone from NJDEP who is also on record as opposing the proposed amendment.


12-29-2016, 02:54 PM
I will be in Galloway as I was in D.C. twice.... still shaking my head in disbelief that these misinformed lawmakers are making these laws with their flawed science. God help us because we will need it.


12-30-2016, 08:15 AM
I want my offshore sea bass season back. I want my Blueline tilefish limits higher. I want to see whiting again. The Bluefin limits are a joke !

12-30-2016, 08:07 PM
Why are the fisheries regulations set so that the bag limits are very liberal down south and tight here. This is copy and paste from South Carolina:
Flounders (Southern, Summer & Gulf)
15 per person per day not to exceed 30 per boat per day 14-inch TL • Bag limits apply to hook and line and gig.

So in SC you can gig 15 flounder a day with a minimum length of 14 inches.

Capt Sal
01-01-2017, 10:49 AM
Read the attached article. It sounds like the Christie administration is on our side at least on paper in this case. Hopefully someone from his administration attends the meeting or maybe even someone from NJDEP who is also on record as opposing the proposed amendment.


How about Christie showing up in person at the meeting! His political ambitions got in the way of standing up for his own state!

01-01-2017, 08:54 PM
If you really want to shake things up, go to these meetings and demand the full names of all the bureaucrats who dream up this BS and tell them that they will be reported to the Trump transition team. We will demand they be Fired and these worthless departments shut down. We will then present the new President with the fact that we are forced to harvest breeders and demand that a new limit of five between 15 and 18. Plus we need to stop bycatch mortality. This means getting the Trump sons involved - they are outdoorsman who know all about sustained hunting and fishing

Give this four years and watch what happens when common sense prevails.

The usual begging and moaning will not bring the major change we need

01-02-2017, 06:24 AM
Signed and donated. I also contacted Booker, Menedez + MacAther. Mortality rate on catch +release is already way to high. Time to start making rules based on science not myth.

Capt Sal
01-02-2017, 09:53 AM
Signed and donated. I also contacted Booker, Menedez + MacAther. Mortality rate on catch +release is already way to high. Time to start making rules based on science not myth.

I know you are trying to help but Booker and Menendez are useless.

01-02-2017, 12:14 PM
How about Christie showing up in person at the meeting! His political ambitions got in the way of standing up for his own state!

Capt. Sal I agree with you. Christie was in many people's minds a bright star when first elected whose ego unfortunately got the better of him. When Trump doesn't want anything to do with him you know his stock has fallen. I guess there's always a spokesman for weight watchers in his future or a spot on the Boomer and Cartun show.

01-02-2017, 05:19 PM
The Council and Board are developing a comprehensive amendment to revisit
important elements of the summer flounder fishery management plan (FMP). The
Fisheries Forum presented a summary as well as feedback and facilitated further
discussion of revised goals and objectives for the summer flounder fishery. Based
on the discussion, the Summer Flounder Amendment Fishery Management Action
Team (FMAT) will refine the draft revision to the goals and objectives for future
review by the Council and Board. FMAT did recommend splitting recreational
issues into separate actions due to ongoing changes to the recreational catch
estimate methodology, the Council and Board did not take action to separate these
issues at this time.

01-02-2017, 05:48 PM
What/where did that come.from?
It's interesting.

01-02-2017, 07:08 PM
Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission

The ASMFC was established in l942 by an act of Congress (Public Law 539 of the 77th Congress) granting its consent and approval for an interstate Compact. The purpose of the Compact was to allow the Atlantic seaboard states to work together as a single entity to recommend coastwide management measures to the individual member's states for those interjurisdictional species found primarily within the states territorial seas and internal marine and estuarine waters.

The Commission is composed of 45 members, three from each of the 15 member states ranging from Maine to Florida. From each state, one commissioner represents the State agency charged with the management of the marine fishery resources, the second commissioner is a member of the Legislature and the third Commissioner is a public member appointed by the Governor.

Interstate Fishery Management Plan (ISFMP) priorities are established by the ISFMP Policy board, made up of the state Commissioners or their delegates and one member each from the NMFS and the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Priorities are based upon status of the stock or stocks, importance and economic condition of the fishery and potential effectiveness of plan implementation.Technical committees, composed of Commission staff along with state and federal scientists, develop the plans under the oversight and direction of a species board (a subset of the Policy Committee from states with an interest in the species). This is often done with the cooperation and advice of a Citizen's Advisory Committee to assure good public participation in the plan development process.

Public hearings are usually held throughout the plan development process. After review and approval by the Policy Board, the proposed plan must be approved and adopted by the full Commission. Fishery management plans are also developed jointly between the ASMFC and one or more regional fishery management councils.

Plan implementation and the enforcement of any regulations or laws so promulgated are up to the individual member states. Although the ASMFC provided a forum for the cooperative development of fishery management plans, prior to 1994 there was no mandate to ensure that individual states implemented the regulatory measures of the plans. In December of 1993, in an effort to improve coastwide fisheries management, the "Atlantic Coastal Fisheries Cooperative Management Act of 1993" was passed. This Act mandates that states implement and enforce management measures to support approved ASMFC Fishery Management Plans. States failing to comply with the ASMFC plan are subject to a federally imposed moratorium on fishing for the species involved within the waters of the noncomplying state. This provision should ensure that all states will implement those measures necessary to meet the objectives of the respective plans.

Both the ASMFC and Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council continue to monitor the resource and the fishery following implementation of the initial plan. Monitoring is necessary to insure that management objectives and regulations remain effective and appropriate as fisheries and fishery stocks change over time and that the regulatory burdens imposed on the sport and commercial sectors are no greater than necessary as changes occur.