View Full Version : Blackfish jig setup

12-16-2016, 08:02 PM
Any recommendations for a good setup for jigging blackfish?

12-16-2016, 09:32 PM
I used today a Penn Battle 2 - 2500 paired to a Shimano Trevala medium. Was fun to catch my first tog on a jig with.

12-17-2016, 10:23 PM
You need a really light tipped rod, so you can feel the jig on the bottom and even know that you are on the bottom. I've been using my light bucktail rod. It's a custom built Bushido blank rated for 1 1/4 oz lures. I can fish 1 to 2 oz tog jigs with it. I've used both my Stradic 2500 and 4000 on the rod and am much more comfortable with the 4000 with a power handle. This is my first year as a jigger and caught over 100 tog to 10 pounds during October and early November.

But that is over. I've had little success jigging since the season opened. All rigs at 80 pound test for me until it is over.

12-17-2016, 10:48 PM
If you want to learn how to jig tog, book a catch and release trip on Tagged Fish next October or early November when they are biting their heads of. Lots of fun and Captain Chad will set you up with what ever you need.

12-18-2016, 12:43 PM
I thought I had a decent blackfish jigging rod until I picked up my Buddy's 701L Black hole challenger .
With that rod I could feel everything that the 1.5 OZ jig bumped into.
Def adding one to my arsenal

12-22-2016, 02:23 PM
FINALLY got my hands on one of the new Penn Slammer 3 spinning reels in the 3500 size.
def will be my reel of choice for my jigging outfit

12-23-2016, 01:39 AM
How light of a rod can you really get away with?

Gerry Zagorski
12-23-2016, 09:50 AM
Light weight is they key not light ratings. My BlacK Hole Challeger S731M is rated for 20 - 25# line and 3/4 to 4 ounce weight but the rod only weighs 8 ounces.

I initially tried using one of my heavy fresh water set ups and even the smallest of blackfish were really tough to lift up out of the wreck. You need a nice long foregrip to give you leverage and lifting power.

Foul Hook
12-23-2016, 11:41 AM
I'm looking as well for a setup. I just don't know if I want to spend that kind of money. anyone got a recommendation for a cheaper setup?

12-23-2016, 09:33 PM
I could feel the bite and was able to lift the tog i got on my last trip. I only got one but i was fishing the jig for all of 3 mins. Rod i used was a Shimano Trevala medium. Light weight and good backbone.

Gerry Zagorski
12-24-2016, 09:46 AM
I've seen several people using the Trevala spinners. They come in all different line ratings so I would be using the lighter ones.

12-24-2016, 06:59 PM
Yeah ill give it another shot with that rod then make up my mind if i want get one just for jigging for tog.

12-24-2016, 08:00 PM
Heard Joe had his 13 on a 701L black hole.
like to hear how he felt the rod handled that fish. Thats the rod im really thinking about getting built just for jigging tog

Gerry Zagorski
12-27-2016, 06:34 PM
Heard Joe had his 13 on a 701L black hole.
like to hear how he felt the rod handled that fish. Thats the rod im really thinking about getting built just for jigging tog

I watched the whole thing Dan... Gave Joe a 20 minute time out for high sticking :) Man did he really did high stick that fish until he felt it was up and out of the reef and started swimming.

I got the one up from him based on his suggestion (s731m) so a bit heavier. He has both and said if he could only buy one, he'd buy the m.

Hard to tell if it was the right choice or not since I'm such a hack. I will say it is sensitive enough to feel a 1/2 or 3/4 ounce jig hit the bottom... I've also fished it with a 4 ounces and it still felt good.

12-28-2016, 02:37 AM
I'm looking as well for a setup. I just don't know if I want to spend that kind of money. anyone got a recommendation for a cheaper setup?

I'm sure there's other cheaper rods that can do the same...just look around, doubt you will get a answer here since these guys like $300 rods.lol

12-29-2016, 01:20 AM
What is theprice range you're looking to spend. I just grabbed a Penn battalion 815S76 to use for tog jigging and fluking, can fish a 1/2-3oz jig with sweet spot from 3/4-2oz. Cost $120 and can't wait to get the line wet. Definitely an upgrade to the st. Croix I was uusing.

Gerry Zagorski
12-29-2016, 01:58 PM
What is theprice range you're looking to spend. I just grabbed a Penn battalion 815S76 to use for tog jigging and fluking, can fish a 1/2-3oz jig with sweet spot from 3/4-2oz. Cost $120 and can't wait to get the line wet. Definitely an upgrade to the st. Croix I was uusing.

The specs sound ideal.... Only thing missing in MHO is a longer fore grip. It's important to get a good lift and keep constant pressure when you hook up to keep the fish from going back in the wreck and keep him on the hook. A longer fore grip helps since you can place your hand way out in front of the reel and get better leverage and keep a good bend in the pole throughout the fight.

It's the same reason offshore jigging rods come equipped with longer fore grips.

12-29-2016, 06:38 PM
What is theprice range you're looking to spend. I just grabbed a Penn battalion 815S76 to use for tog jigging and fluking, can fish a 1/2-3oz jig with sweet spot from 3/4-2oz. Cost $120 and can't wait to get the line wet. Definitely an upgrade to the st. Croix I was uusing.

Battalions are great rods, not so sure the 8/15 is going to have the backbone for big tog.
I fish the 12/20 and the 15/30 for fluke and they have alot of backbone, but your not going to turn a big tog with them easily.

Gerry I fish the M, black hole and its a nice rod, but after jigging with a 701L it just felt I could really feel the lighter jigs better, but was also wondering if it had the backbone for big tog also.

hearing Joey had to high stick a big one on it has me wondering now, but im still going to build one for light jigs fluking

12-29-2016, 11:10 PM
I'm using my st.croix legend elite 7'1" rated for line 12-20, 1/4-3/4oz weighing 5.5oz & an Abu Garcia revo rocket bait caster 37" retrieve 20lb drag weighing 6.75. This set up is superlight as you can see its under a pound. Got my PB at 8.2lbs, bunch of 5lbs and I feel everything with this setup, jig up to 2oz max. The rod has a good backbone and the reel I've put a powerhandle on it, the one thing I wish the rod has was a longer grip on top for better leverage. It's a fun set up for togging

12-30-2016, 01:14 AM
The specs sound ideal.... Only thing missing in MHO is a longer fore grip. It's important to get a good lift and keep constant pressure when you hook up to keep the fish from going back in the wreck and keep him on the hook. A longer fore grip helps since you can place your hand way out in front of the reel and get better leverage and keep a good bend in the pole throughout the fight.

It's the same reason offshore jigging rods come equipped with longer fore grips.

The foregrip may not be too long but the butt is long enough to tuck under the arm for the fight. And Dan I agree it may not be easy to turn a big tog but lets face it, its not easy to turn a big tog. Other rods are certainly more ideal, but I can lift my coffee table so we shall see what it can do. I wanted to be able to fish from light to heavy jigs so short of a custom or more perfect, its what ill try for now and will be able to use for plenty of other applications.

Also had I had the option to try out different/more sizes I may have chosen a different setup, but I was working off gift card money lol.

Gerry Zagorski
12-31-2016, 10:29 AM
The foregrip may not be too long but the butt is long enough to tuck under the arm for the fight. And Dan I agree it may not be easy to turn a big tog but lets face it, its not easy to turn a big tog. Other rods are certainly more ideal, but I can lift my coffee table so we shall see what it can do. I wanted to be able to fish from light to heavy jigs so short of a custom or more perfect, its what ill try for now and will be able to use for plenty of other applications.

Also had I had the option to try out different/more sizes I may have chosen a different setup, but I was working off gift card money lol.

Yes, like you said, the longer butt is a big plus too. If however you have to high stick after the hook set to keep the fish up, the longer fore grip the better.

Having said all this, Dustin caught his 21 pound blackfish on a St. Croix Mojo spinning rod with a short fore grip so we know it can be done :)

Gerry Zagorski
12-31-2016, 10:45 AM
I'm using my st.croix legend elite 7'1" rated for line 12-20, 1/4-3/4oz weighing 5.5oz & an Abu Garcia revo rocket bait caster 37" retrieve 20lb drag weighing 6.75. This set up is superlight as you can see its under a pound. Got my PB at 8.2lbs, bunch of 5lbs and I feel everything with this setup, jig up to 2oz max. The rod has a good backbone and the reel I've put a powerhandle on it, the one thing I wish the rod has was a longer grip on top for better leverage. It's a fun set up for togging

I have a Revo NACL and love it as well... It's pared with the 7'6" Loomis GL2 Heavy rated 1-6 ounces... I tried jigging with it and could not feel the jig on it, especially lighter ones so I use it exclusively for rig fishing.

Looks like your set up is a lot lighter then mine and as mentioned above, that makes all the difference in the world.. With a lighter set up you get much better sensitivity and feel. You can practically feel the fish breath on the jig and it makes a HUGE difference.

01-01-2017, 07:49 PM
I watched the whole thing Dan... Gave Joe a 20 minute time out for high sticking :) Man did he really did high stick that fish until he felt it was up and out of the reef and started swimming.

I got the one up from him based on his suggestion (s731m) so a bit heavier. He has both and said if he could only buy one, he'd buy the m.

Hard to tell if it was the right choice or not since I'm such a hack. I will say it is sensitive enough to feel a 1/2 or 3/4 ounce jig hit the bottom... I've also fished it with a 4 ounces and it still felt good.

Gerry where do you get the black hole rods?

01-01-2017, 07:51 PM
Gerry where do you get the black hole rods?


01-02-2017, 09:18 PM
Has anyone tried the silver bullet rod yet that is jigging worlds version

01-03-2017, 12:06 AM
Has anyone tried the silver bullet rod yet that is jigging worlds version

Heard nothing but great things about that rod

01-03-2017, 12:16 PM
Love my JW silver bullet 150!! But its up there with those darn $300 rods, haha. :D:p:D

http://i130.photobucket.com/albums/p279/mrac6969/Mobile%20Uploads/IMG_8049.jpg (http://s130.photobucket.com/user/mrac6969/media/Mobile%20Uploads/IMG_8049.jpg.html)

01-04-2017, 11:47 PM
going with the silver bullet 150 cant wait to use it
thanks guys

Gerry Zagorski
01-05-2017, 10:11 AM
Good choice and let us know how you like it.

01-05-2017, 02:53 PM
Good choice and let us know how you like it.

Will see you Saturday I can finaly put some faces on there names!

01-05-2017, 04:12 PM
going with the silver bullet 150 cant wait to use it
thanks guys

Did you go to the store? If so did they have any more Silver Bullet 150's left? Cant get em online unless im retarded and dont see it.

01-05-2017, 05:53 PM
Did you go to the store? If so did they have any more Silver Bullet 150's left? Cant get em online unless im retarded and dont see it.

Sorry got the last one he can make up custom in about a weeks time you can try mine if you want Saturday

01-05-2017, 05:54 PM
Did you go to the store? If so did they have any more Silver Bullet 150's left? Cant get em online unless im retarded and dont see it.

They did have a 150 conventional in stock