View Full Version : Lady m charters / open boat tog

Lady M Charters
12-13-2016, 08:37 PM
(tues) Today we ran our open boat Tog trip and we started off at 17 fathoms for a ok pick of keepers and shorts. It slowed down after a hour or so, we made a move to another drop in the area and picked up just a few more keepers. The conditions now are rapidly falling apart for us and it was very diffucult to stay still on the piece. We did some anchor drills for a while and got disgutsed, so went to big bottom and it helped. The current finally turned and had a little wind and finally sat still, we started to build up the life which developed into a ok bite and before we knew it was getting very late. Tommy v was HH with 8 keepers and a few other limits as well with a bonus Cod Drew caught. We finished up just a few short of out six man limit.

(sun) Today was a charter for Tom and his buddies for some Tog action. It started off very slow with very little life. We made a move to the deep and started to pick away slowly at some nice keepers with some shorts as well. Overall a tough day with around twenty keepers for the day.

(sat) This A.M we ran an open boat Tog trip with our regulars and it was picky fishing for us. We made several drops from 50 to 75 ft and the results were pretty much the same, a few off of every drop. Frankie was HH with his limit and down from there.